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March 19, 9531 BC

Today I decided to teach Acheron how to read from some of the scrolls I kept in my room. We'd barely begun when I noticed something very different about him.

The balls in his tongue were gone.

"You took them out," I breathed, unable to believe what I was seeing.

His expression was a cross between sheepishness and pride. "I made myself trust you. You say that I'm safe here and that no one is going to take me away again. I want to believe that. So I took them out and am going to trust in the gods that they'll keep me with you."

I cupped his face in my hands, delighted even more that he didn't stiffen, and pulled him into my arms so that I could hug him close. "You're safe here, little brother. I swear it."

For the first time, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.

Never had anything touched me more.

I heard someone clearing their throat. Pulling back, I found Petra in the doorway with wine and cheese. "I thought the two of you would like a snack."

I nodded before I pulled away. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."

She inclined her head to me before she placed the tray on a small side table.

Acheron watched until after she'd left us alone before he spoke. "Do you ever think about getting married, Ryssa?"

I hesitated before I poured our cups. "I do sometimes and I wonder why Father hasn't procured me a husband. Most princesses are married long before they reach my age. But Father says he can't find anyone he deems worthy." I smiled. "Truthfully, I'm not in any great hurry. I've seen too many of my friends married to ogres, so if Father wishes to take more time to find me a gentle husband, I can certainly wait. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking of Petra and her husband. Have you ever noticed the way they laugh whenever they're together? And when they're apart, there's a sadness to them. It's as if they can't bear to be parted even for a few minutes."

I nodded. "They share a great love of one another. It's a pity not all married couples are like that."

"Are our parents like that?"

I glanced away as my memories brought images of the way my parents had been before Styxx and Acheron's births. In those days, they'd loved each other passionately. Seldom had they parted and my father had doted on my mother with a love that appeared unending.

Then their sons had been born. Since that fateful day, my father couldn't stand to be near my mother. He blamed her for Acheron.

"You whored yourself to a god. Don't deny it. There's no other way he could have come from your womb."

The more my mother protested her i

Instead of drawing my father closer, her confession had alienated him even more and now he avoided all contact with her.

"No, Acheron," I said quietly before taking a cup to him. "They seldom even see one another unless it's for a state function. Father keeps company with Styxx and his senators while Mother spends a great deal of time lost in her cups." And I hated that. At one time my mother had been wonderful. Now she was a bitter drunkard.

He looked stricken as if he understood why. "Do you think that a woman could ever love me?"

"Of course. Why would you doubt it?"

He swallowed before he answered in a tone so low I barely heard it. "How could anyone ever love me? Idikos says that I only bring shame to all decent people. I'm a fatherless bastard and a worthless whore. Surely no decent woman would ever have something like me."

"That is absolutely not true," I said vehemently. "You are worth this entire world and I assure you that you will find a woman out there, besides me, who sees just how wonderful you really are."

He swallowed hard. "If I'm ever so fortunate, I swear she'll never doubt my affection for her."

"You will be that fortunate."

He smiled at me, but it was hollow and the doubt in his eyes was enough to bring tears to mine.

Clearing my throat, I sought to distract him. "Now let's learn your letters, shall we?"

He returned to the scrolls and for hours I watched as he applied himself with a fervor I'd never seen. And every time he spoke without those balls on his tongue, my heart soared. This was a great victory, and one day soon I would win this war and his past would be put to rest.

May 9, 9531 BC

I was alone in my room when Maia pushed open the door.

"Is Acheron ill?"

I put down my quill to frown at her. "I haven't seen him today. Why do you ask?"

She scratched her nose and looked completely perplexed. "I went to get him so that we could bake today, but he didn't appear well. He said his head was hurting and he was rather sharp with me. Acheron is never sharp with me. Then when I took him some wine for his head, his room was empty. Should I be worried?"

"No, akribos," I said, feigning a smile I didn't feel. "You run to the kitchen and I'll check on him."

"Thank you, Princess." She returned my smile before she skipped out of the room.

Worried about him myself, I opened the doors that led into the courtyard. Acheron had been spending a lot of time out there with the grass and flowers. But he wasn't there now.

My next stop was the orchards. Again, he wasn't to be found.

After a quick search of the house, I was truly becoming concerned. He never strayed very far on his own. And it was truly rare for him to avoid Maia.

Unreasoning panic set in as I headed out of the house to search the grounds again.

Where could he be?

If he were Styxx, I'd most likely find him cavorting with a maid in the privacy of his room. But I knew Acheron would never do such a thing.

Then it dawned on me.

The sea…

He hadn't gone there since the wintertime, but I could think of no other place that hadn't been searched. It was the only place he could be. Whispering a quick prayer to the gods that I was right, I made my way down to the beach, toward the rocks where he used to sit.

He wasn't there either.

But as I climbed up, I caught sight of him lying on his back on the sand with the waves rushing over him. My breath caught. He didn't appear to be moving at all.

Soaking wet, he lay in the surf with his eyes closed.

Terrified of the sight, I scrambled down and rushed to his side. Even before I reached him, I could see the pallor of his beautiful face.

"Acheron!" I shouted with fearful tears in my eyes. I was terrified he was dead.

To my instant relief, he opened his eyes to meet my gaze. Still he didn't move.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sank to my knees beside him. My gown was completely wet and ruined now, but I didn't care. My vanity didn't matter at all. Only my brother did.

He clenched his eyes shut before he spoke in a tone so quiet I could barely hear it over the surf. "The pain isn't so bad if I lie here."

"What pain?"

He reached out to take my hand. His own trembled to such an extent that it returned my fear to me tenfold. "The voices in my head. They're always excruciating on this day, every year."

"I don't understand."

"They keep saying that it's the a

Clutching his hand, I wiped his wet hair from his brow and realized that he hadn't shaved. A full day's growth of beard stubbled his chin and cheeks-something he never allowed. Acheron was always impeccably groomed and dressed. "Today isn't the a