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Max said good-bye and hung up the phone. Some of the fatigue and worry left him, and he felt a little more relaxed. He stretched out on the bed.


Glancing over at the doorway, Max spotted Isabel standing there looking positively elegant. "I haven't seen much of you the last couple of days," he said.

"Work," Isabel said, maybe a little too quickly. "Dad's been keeping me buried in lots and lots of work. There are still people wanting to sue somebody over the appearance of ghosts in Roswell."

There was still no explanation for the ghosts, although some local psychologists were of the opinion that the ghosts had been a mass hysteria. Other people were certain that the military's mistakes hadn't been limited to munitions but to nerve gas agents that had been kept in underground bunkers that had been destroyed… but not before infecting the local populace. There wasn't any proof of that, and the Mesaliko weren't letting anyone on the tribal lands to go prowling around.

"So who was on the phone?" Isabel asked.

"Liz. We're having a small get-together tonight at the Crashdown. Has she called you?"


"She probably will."

"I'll have to take a rain check."

Max looked at her, making a show of noticing her outfit.

"Oh. This." Isabel smoothed the lines of her miniskirt. "Just wanted to be comfortable."

"Where are you going that you need to be so… comfortable?"


"Office hours are over," Max said.

"I've got to go to the library."


"I just wanted to check on you," Isabel said. "Make sure you were doing okay."

"I am," Max said.

Isabel nodded, but didn't look convinced.

"Part of me," Max said, "wants to say that's not true, that I'm in denial about how I really feel." He paused. "I just don't want to be alone, Isabel, and I don't want to think about my son being out there somewhere, possibly in danger."

"I don't think Tess would hurt him, Max," Isabel said. She entered his room and sat on the bed next to him. "And as far as being alone, you're not. I'm here. And on some days you've got Michael. And our parents. And a lot of other people."

"I know. I just feel alone."

Isabel put her hand on his arm.

Max sat quietly, feeling better.

"You'll be seeing Liz tonight," Isabel said. "That's a start."

"A cheeseburger with friends. Not very promising."

"Not having a cheeseburger with friends is even less promising."

"True." Max exercised restraint within himself. He'd go; he'd have fun. And he would not expect too much. That was the secret. He looked at Isabel. "I thought you had to go to the library."

"I do. I will. It'll be okay. We have a… " Isabel stopped. "We have a very understanding library. That's one of the things that I've always liked best about the library."

About the author

Mel Odom lives in Moore, Oklahoma, with his wife and five children. He has written several Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch books, and the nov-elizations of Tomb Raider and Snow Day. He coaches basketball, baseball, and football and loves watching his kids play sports. When not at a game or writing, he's known to hang out on the Internet until way after the cows come home. He can be reached at [email protected] /* */.


From the television series developed by Jason Katims

SIMON PULSE New York London Toronto Sydney Singapore

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