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Butterflies explode in my stomach, and I’m lightheaded.

“Kanuz,” I say, and he lowers his hand. “I hate asking you for help. Well, I actually hate asking anyone for help, which is a big personality flaw, to be honest.” Get control of yourself, Gen. I snort, making myself continue. “I need something to eat and drink. I’m weak.”

He makes a soothing noise, patting my cheek again, and the sexual tension disappears in the span of a heartbeat, gone so fast I’m nearly sure I’ve imagined it.

Did I want there to be tension between us?

Am I considering kissing him?

Nah. Definitely not.

Probably not.

He tugs at my hand, and I obediently follow, which is unlike me enough that I know I need some water and food ASAP. The ground is slippery underfoot, and even with my Federation issue boots, I have a hard time navigating the moss-covered stones.

“What is this place?” I ask, craning my neck to look around. Kanuz draws me tight against him, his arm around my shoulders as we go deeper into the ruin. Despite the twisted roots plunging deep into the foundation, the places where the roof’s been fractured, stones tossed to the floor, there’s an austere quality about.

Something awe-inspiring, something different. There are no windows, but huge metal sconces are set into the stone, and carvings adorn nearly every wall, so worn and weathered they’re impossible to make out. A huge dais rests at the far end of the place, and our footsteps echo against the slick stone.

There’s a solemn quietude about the place.

It reminds me of… a church.

“Is this a temple?” I ask, and Kanuz’s hand squeezes my shoulder.

“Yesssss,” he hisses, and I jerk my head towards him, shocked.

“Is my translator working? Did I just understand you?” God, I want someone to talk to, not just talk at. I am sick of our little guessing game. I want to talk to this massive alien warlord.

I want Kanuz to be my friend. I could really fucking use one. A friend.

My cheeks heat, and desire ripples through me as I give a sidelong glance to his packed-on muscles and compelling face. Okay, maybe I want more than friendship.

Fucking doesn’t seem to be a bad way to pass the time until we’re rescued or the roaring dinosaurs give up.

I scrub a hand down my face.

I must be losing what’s left of my mind.

I can’t seriously be thinking about banging the big dude.

My gaze slides to the bulge in the front of his pants, and I suck in a breath. Okay, so maybe I am seriously thinking about it. Sure, he saved me. Sure, he’s been a pretty great companion on this hellacious planet. Sure, he’s got rock-hard abs and from the looks of it, he’s packing heat in his downtown area. Sure, his face is like, really nice to look at, for a green lizard alien.

That doesn’t make it a good idea.

I’m on a diplomatic mission, for crying out loud. I can’t go around fucking the aliens because they’re hot and nice and I’m bored. What would the Federation say? Surely I’d be breaking about fifty military laws.

Not like that’s stopped me in the past.

I kick at a rock in my path. It clatters across the floor until it makes an odd plinking sound, then a splash.

Kanuz turns his head to look at me, talking away in his growly language. The heat from his body warms mine, and now that I’ve had a moment to recover from the adrenaline rush of nearly being a dino-snack, I’m all too aware of it.

The dull light glimmers off the surface of the floor next to the raised platform. Vines snake in and out of the walls, and I peer at them nervously, hoping like hell that they’re just that: vines, and not anymore fucking giant snakes. My stomach squirms at the thought of that massive thing, and my feet falter.

Kanuz peers down at me.

“There aren’t any more snakes in here, right?”

He purses his lips, shrugging one shoulder.

“That doesn’t make me feel better,” I tell him. “I’m not in the mood to deal with any more prehistoric snakes. I mean, I will if I have to, but I’d really rather not.”

He laughs at that, his grin lighting up his whole face, and I can’t help but grin back. For a scaly green dude, he’s got a nice smile. That or I’m losing my mind. Either or.

Maybe both!

I sigh, and he keeps smiling at me, then mutters something my translator interprets as BE NOT AFRAID! Which, while dramatically biblical, seems to be an improvement over what it’s spat out at me so far.

When he flexes his arm though, his muscles bulging, I snort, sure he’s joking, until he narrows his eyes at me, something like hesitation on his alien face.

“No, no, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” I say quickly. Great, I’m being an asshole again. “Your muscles are very big.”

He flexes again, muttering something that my translator interprets as ‘not soft’ I have to bite my cheeks to keep the inane laugh inside. Instead, I reach a hand out, squeezing all that thickly muscled bicep.

My eyebrows shoot up in appreciation. I’m no slacker when it comes to gym time, but this guy puts me and any other gym bro to shame. He’s jacked.

“Wow,” I say, finally awkwardly withdrawing my hand. “That is really something.” I pat his arm, chancing a glance up at him.

He murmurs something to me, his eyes locked on mine.

I hear it then: the unmistakable trickle of water. When I turn toward the sound, I realize the glimmering wasn’t the floor after all, but a long, narrow pool spa

“Fuck,” I say, cringing back. It’s not just an opening, but a huge snake’s mouth, the stone jaw unhinged wide to allow the water to pour out. “That’s really off-putting, to be perfectly honest.” Especially after seeing how big the snakes get on Sueva.

Less than ideal for someone who isn’t a big fan of all things scaled.

Kanuz’s hand closes around mine though, and I realize I’m going to have to make a slight correction to that assumption.

I might be a fan of one scaled thing, after all.





Gen makes me laugh. It is so good to see some lightness back in her step, her eyes glimmering as she discovers the oddities of the swamp temple.

It makes me feel marginally better for nearly getting us both eaten by the Crigomar.

The giant snake attack bought us barely enough time to get inside the temple, and I send up a quick prayer of thanks to the goddess for the timing of the massive beast’s arrival. I never thought I believed the stories about this place, about a temple guardian, but a gargantuan snake might make a full believer of me yet.

Perhaps we have curried the goddess’ favor.

Or perhaps my superstitions run deeper under my scales than I would like.

Still, I have found the fresh water of the temple, and the fountain and drainage system, no matter how antiquated, appear to be working. The Crigomar have been deterred from pursuit. We have a crumbling roof over our heads, and for that, I am thankful.

And for Gen’s smiles, I am more than thankful—I am fully blessed.

“Is it safe to drink?” she asks, squatting near the rippling surface.

“Yes,” I say in Suevan, then sigh once more. “Here.” I crouch next to her, cupping my hand and bringing some of the crystal-clear water to my mouth and drinking. “These old temples had advanced filtration systems for the worshippers that lived here, monks, priestesses and the like—understand?”

She watches me carefully as I drink, and I keep talking to her in a soothing voice, knowing she doesn’t understand a thing, but trying to calm her all the same.