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But he doesn’t. Instead, his talon-less finger slips inside me, and I go still against him, savoring the sensation.

“So fucking ready for me.” He pulls his finger out, then tosses me on the bed, which I sink into, staring up at him as he licks my wetness from his hand.

He watches me with an avid gaze. We stay like that, waiting to see what the other will do. His chest rises and falls quickly, and I drink in the sight of him, his thickly muscled chest, the masculine set of his jaw, the full lips.

And then slowly, I spread my naked legs wide, daring him to touch me again. He’s on me in seconds, his mouth pressed against my pussy, his blunt fingers sliding inside me as he teases all around my clit.

I grind against his face, already near senseless with pleasure, and my orgasm comes so quickly it takes me by complete surprise.

Kanuz stands and rips his pants off. “I fucking love that. I love you, Gen. I love the noises you make when I make you come. I love how fierce you are, how soft for me you become. I will never have enough of you.”

“Kanuz,” I say, holding my arms out to him. He pulls me to the edge of the bed, thrusting inside me quickly, filling me up so hard and fast that I have no time to adjust to his size, no time to get ready for the overwhelming pressure and vibrations of his xof as it continues to stimulate my clit.

His hands bracket my hips, and he slams into me, a feral look on his face, his eyes locked on mine. He bends down, sucking my nipple into his mouth, and I arch into him.

“Yes,” I moan, “more.”

“More,” he growls, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin there, his hand slipping down the curve of my ass. I tense, but he makes a soothing noise, and then his fingers pressing against the tight pucker there, and as his xof vibrates, his mouth working my nipple, his cock deep inside me... It’s too much.

It’s enough.

I shatter, coming so hard that the world seems to fracture around me.

“That’s right, my flower, come for me,” he urges, releasing my breast and claiming my mouth with his, devouring my moans and incoherent sounds. “Come again. I know you can.”

I don’t think I can, but he slows his thrusts, laying me back on the bed and trailing small kisses over my face and neck, before flipping so I’m on top of him.

“I like this,” he growls, holding me upright as I writhe, blissed out yet building towards more. He fondles my breasts, his xof vibrating so hard that it’s all I can do not to fall into a limp orgasmed out puddle on top of him.

Instead, I lean forward and ride him, rising to his challenge.

“Now it’s your turn,” I whisper, closing my eyes as I lose myself to the rhythm of our bodies.

“Gen,” he moans, and I finally slump over, worn out, as he continues to thrust, his cock jerking as he comes deep inside me.

We stay like that for a long while, until our breath evens out, until I can form coherent thoughts again.

“I love you.” I kiss him slowly, and he returns it sweetly, cradling my head in his hands.

“I love you, too. Now you must get some sleep,” he says, tugging me off him and placing me on the bed. He gets up gracefully, walking away.

“Where are you going?” I ask, sitting up abruptly.

“To get a cloth to clean you off with,” he says, a confused look on his face. “Where else would I be going?”

“Oh. I don’t know.” I bite my lip, Niki and Bex’s words of warning crashing through my head.

“You are lying,” he says, irritation plain in his tone.

“Fine.” I lie back, and he returns a moment later, wiping off the evidence of our sexcapades with a cool, wet cloth and gentle hands.

“Are you going to tell me what you were thinking when you made this face?” He scrunches up his face, puckering his lips, looking for all the world like he’s just bitten into a lemon.

I burst out laughing. “I did not look like that.”

“Well, you were also glowing,” he says seriously, “but I ca

I whack him with one of the little pillows littered on the bed.

He waits, one eyebrow raised.

“Fine,” I repeat, blowing out a breath. “The girls were telling me you have some kind of a reputation. They were worried about me.”

“And do you care that your husband has a past?” His features are arranged in careful neutrality. “I already told you as much.”

“Do you care that your wife has one?” I retort.

He takes my hand in his, pressing a kiss across my knuckles. “I only care that our future is together, my flower.”

I crawl onto him, hugging him to me as he runs his fingers across my bare skin.

“I am proud of you for joining the Trials,” he said. “No matter what happens.”

“No matter what happens?” I ask, jerking my head up to look at him. “What, you think I survived the temple but can’t survive a little Warlord Trial?” My chin juts out aggressively, the effect somewhat ruined by the fact he’s jiggling my ass with his hands.

“Oh, I know for a fact you can and will. I just like it when you get mad, Indiana Jones.”

I blink at him, then burst out laughing again, nestling under his chin. When I fall asleep in his arms, I’m smiling.





My gaze swings around the training yard, assessing the four females’ stances. Draz assists Ni-kee, correcting the way she holds her sword. They are not used to using anything but knives and guns, but in the Trials, they’ll need to be proficient with a sword, too.

Alvez and Dergoz are helping the other two females, who make up for what they lack in the finesse and skill of Ni-kee and Gen with pure youthful energy and what looks to be unfettered rage.

I’m not sure who the female they call Abby’s wed to, but I plan to send a prayer up to the mother goddess on his behalf anyway.

Gen’s skin sparkles with sweat and her ever-present glow, her brow furrowed in concentration.

“Adjust your weight,” I tell her, and she complies, sinking more evenly into her stance. “Good, my flower.”

She swipes her sword at me, and I barely block it in time.

We’ve only been at this for a week now, the trials looming in just seven days time, but already she’s shown much improvement.

“Son of bitch,” Abby cries out, throwing her sword down.

“Control your temper,” Ni-kee yells at her. “You represent all of Earth here, am I understood?”

Abby nods her head, then blows out a huge breath, picking up her sword once more.

“Is it time for a snack break?” Bex’s happy little voice echoes through the arena.

Dergoz, her husband, immediately swings his attention to where she stands at the edge of the training field, a platter full of treats in her hand. She’s dressed in bright colors, looking pretty as a spring day, but Dergoz grunts in irritation, then storms out the other side, ignoring her completely. A Brute indeed.

Bex’s face falls.

“Why is he such an asshole? It’s not like anyone tricked him into marrying her.” Gen says, sliding her energy sword into the scabbard at her back with a refined flick of the wrist she picked up so quickly it made my cock stand up straight.

“He will not talk about her.” I shrug. “I do not know.”

“Well, if anyone wants a snack,” Bex says, her voice faltering. Gen nudges me with her elbow.

“Of course, we want snacks, Bex,” she calls out, pulling me beside her.

Abby continues to practice her stances, but the rest of us file over to where the platter of treats rests on a small bench where Bex stands, wringing her hands together.

“This was really nice of you,” Gen tells her.

“Do you think—” She bites her lip, then smiles brightly at all of us. “Never mind. Enjoy it, you guys definitely deserve it. I'll just go back and help Michelle with her research.”