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“We did it,” she says, rolling on top of me. “You did it, Kanuz.”

She crawls up my chest, her leaf dress riding up to her waist as she wriggles. Her eyes search mine for a long moment, and then her mouth is on mine, her addictive taste pervading my senses.

“Gen,” I groan, my hands sliding up her thighs, her waist.

“Don’t tear my leaves!” she squeals, then carefully unties the vine belt, tugging her zitsu dress overhead. It flops to the forest floor, and she scooches it away with her toe, her muscles flexing along her thighs. I pull my pants off, too, much faster than before, thank the goddess, and they join her leafy creation.

“I will strive to not damage your new garment,” I tell her with a laugh, my hands squeezing her ample ass. “But when we return to my city, I will buy you clothes simply so I can tear them from you.”

She arches one eyebrow, pursing her lips. “That sounds wasteful.”

“I do not fucking care,” I growl, then tug her head back to mine, claiming her mouth for myself. She returns the kiss with fervor, reaching behind her to circle her hand around my hard shaft. I groan as she pumps her fist up and down, all coherent thoughts leaving my head at the pleasure of her touch.

“You are so fucking soft,” I tell her, half-sitting up, snagging her pink nipple into my mouth.

She makes a small sound of surprise and pleasure, her hand stilling on my cock before she continues stroking it up and down. My xof begins vibrating, and I growl with the force of my need. Gen’s pupils are blown, dark and wide with lust, and her scent tantalizes me.

“Need you,” I grit out.

“Then take it,” she says, her eyes flashing with challenge.

“Fuck,” I manage, my hands going to her waist, lifting her off where she straddles my chest and flipping her to her stomach, forcing her to her hands and knees.

She gives a soft moan. Her cunt drips with her need, and I press my hand gently in between her shoulders, forcing her ass higher in the air.

“Look at you, splayed open for me.” I nudge her knees wider apart, and she looks back at me, her eyes wild and glassy. “Glowing and wet, the way I want you to be, always.”

Bending down, I lap at her entrance, savoring her taste, her warmth.

“Kanuz,” she says, her legs shaking.

“Tell me,” I command, and when she reaches back to touch me, I circle her wrist with my fingers, pressing it firmly behind her back. I lick her again, and she cries out.

Still, I wait. Precum drips from the tip of my cock, and I ache with the need to fill her.

“I want you, my prince,” she says, her voice low and needy.

I lick her again, rewarding her. She shudders, and I keep one hand on her wrist at her back, the other on her hips, keeping her still. She undulates against my mouth, her movements frantic.

I let out a harsh laugh, then give into my own need, slamming into her. I release her wrist, and she immediately braces herself against the ground, pushing herself harder against me.

“So demanding. So perfect,” I tell her. Slowly, I run one talon down the delicate line of her spine, and she shivers in response. I pull out, savoring the way she clenches around me.

When I slam back into her, she lets out a low cry. My teeth clench together, and my xof vibrates so hard the round curve of her ass shakes with it. The sight undoes what little control I have left, and I pick up the pace, matching her frenzied rhythm.

“Kanuz,” she breathes, and I have never heard such a perfect sound as my name on her lips while my cock slides in and out of my wife. “I love you.”

“My flower, my Gen,” I groan, my cock throbbing as I spill my seed deep inside her. “I love you, too.”

I snake an arm around her waist, pulling her up so that her back is flush with my chest. My cock pulses inside her, and I lick my fingers, then push my hand between her spread legs, working the small nub of her pleasure as I rock back and forth.

Her head falls back against my chest, her eyes closed in pleasure. I stroke her, watching the quick succession of expressions that flit across her face, raising my other hand to palm her breast.

“Kanuz,” she moans, and then she’s clenching around my cock, rippling and pulsing as her wetness soaks my thighs.

“I love you,” I tell her again, kissing against the delicate plane of her collar, the dip below her neck. “Now, my love, I think we are ready to continue to Edrobaz.”

“It’s going to take us a year, at this rate.”

“If it is a year spent like this, I am not sure I can complain.” I kiss her neck, sweaty from the pleasure I wrung from her, salty and sweet just like the woman herself.

She slides off my cock, turning to press her body against mine. Her arms wrap around my neck, her chest heaving as we hold each other. “Then I guess it’s a good thing we have a lifetime together.”

Warmth spreads through me at her words, and I kiss the top of her golden head, squeezing her to me. She lets out a tiny squeal, making me chuckle.

“Come, wife. Put your zitsu leaf back on. We are starting our journey home.”

She stands slowly, stretching with a smile on her face, and I marvel at her, at the glow on her skin, the sated, happy look on her face.

My wife.





Hiking around in the Suevan jungle without boots sucks. Even with poor Kanuz carrying me most of the way, it’s less than fun. Not to mention, my new glow attracts every bloodthirsty insect for miles. I scratch at a bump on my shoulder, hungry and tired.

That’s when we hear them.

The unmistakable sound of the hellish T-Rexes, screaming to each other. Under my bare feet, the ground shakes.

“I did not just survive my very own temple of doom to be eaten by a dinosaur,” I say through gritted teeth.

Kanuz says nothing, simply grabs me where I stand, throwing me over one shoulder and taking off at a sprint. How he still has the energy, I do not know.

“The Crigomar will not eat you while I live, my flower.”

Considering they’re chasing both of us, it’s not very reassuring, but I stay quiet and do my best sack of potatoes impression. Mmm. Potatoes. What I wouldn’t give for a giant baked potato slathered in butter and cheese. Or fries. Salty, greasy cheese fries with bacon and sour cream and little slivers of green onions.

The terrifying cacophony from the giant reptiles gets closer, and real fear grips me. I don’t think our odds of a giant swamp snake appearing to save us are very high, considering we’re on dry land.

As my worry grows, my glow intensifies. I stare down at my hands, a

My heart skips a beat. The noise of the giant dinosaurs dies, and it’s like the entire jungle breathes.

The tree cover ends suddenly, giving way to a roiling pool of water. A waterfall crashes into the expanse of blue. White froth bubbles and foams, the white noise nearly canceling out the sound of the raging beasts on our tail.

I swallow. After surviving the tentacle monster in the temple, I’m never looking at a lake the same way ever again.

And with the sound of the waterfall, there’s no way we’ll hear the Crigomar until they’re right on us.

“Fuck,” Kanuz says, and I can just barely hear the word. He sets me down, and a

Nope, all I have is my dress made of leaves and newly glowing skin.

I look like Peter Pan’s fairy sidekick, if Peter Pan were a scaled lizard man who likes to fuck.

Kanuz pushes me behind him, and I sigh in a