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And when her lips find mine again, possessive, searching, I nearly fucking lose my mind.





I’m just so glad I didn’t get squished to death. I’m surfing the wave of adrenaline, hanging ten like a badass, and all I meant to do was hug Kanuz.

And then the next thing I know, I’m kissing the daylights out of him.

It feels really fucking great, too, like the whole damn death trap temple disappears from around us, leaving only the feeling of his hands on my back, his gentle mouth against mine.

It’s not enough. I want more.

I open my mouth, and he groans, his textured tongue rasping against my teeth. A taloned hand slides into my hair, tugging my head back as the kiss deepens. It’s not just a kiss anymore.

It’s a claiming.

It sears across my body, and desire shoots through me as Kanuz proves that all his practice did, in fact, make perfect.

My alien prince is a great kisser.

My alien prince? I pull up short, some sense finally driving itself into my skull.

Better sense than a sharp spike, I guess.

My breath’s coming in hard pants, like I’ve just run a mile. Kanuz stares down at me, his diamond pupils so dilated his eyes are nearly full black.

“Where do you think you are going?” he asks, the question husky and rough. His mouth slams into mine, his hand possessive and tight on the back of my neck. I love it.

I wriggle closer to him, giving in to the need to touch him, the need to feel the hard, reassuring muscle packed tight on him. He groans his approval, the sound blazing through me. More. Faster.

His tongue flicks against mine, rough and bumped and completely alien. I run my hands up the jacked curves of his biceps, and he tugs my head closer still, his other hand making gentle circles on the small of my back.

Shivers run down my spine, dampness pooling between my legs.

Something thick wraps around my ankle, and I break off the kiss in alarm only to realize it’s his tail.

“Okay,” I say, pulling away. “Good job.” My voice is unsteady and breathy and not at all like me.

“Why do you run from me, Gen?” Kanuz grates out, his body taut.

I want to rub my hands all over him. His skin—hide?—is tough, but smoother than it looks, and all that muscle? Yum.

But I don’t. I stare up at him, wild-eyed and breathless, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

“Is this some human courtship game? To make me want you until I am mad with needing to feel you deep inside?”

Oh god, not the dirty talk again.

“I just, Kanuz, I know you think we’re married—”

“We are married, wife.”

“Okay, but here’s the thing, I don’t know if I can be what you want me to be.” The statement spills out of me, and I blink, surprised by my own honesty.

Surprised by what I’m even freaking saying.

Because my rejection isn’t because of him. It’s not. The dang jolly green alien giant wormed his way into my brain. I want him.

He blinks slowly, his third eyelid retracting.

“Kanuz, I’m not a princess. I’m not a Suevan. This is all moving really fast. While I’d like to take a ride on the Prince Kanuz train, I know you’re just going to be upset when we’re back with the rest of your people.” If we get back. “I’m not ready for kids. Younglings. Babies. Like, not at all. In fact, I have an IUD—”

“I do not know this word.” He steps closer, his hands on my hips as he pulls me to him again. Ooh, I like that. Concern wrinkles his brow. “Are you ill? Did you leave a lover behind on Earth? Now that I know you did not come willingly…” Kanuz breaks off, staring at me with wide, open eyes.

“No, I have a—” I pause, casting around for the right word. “I have a thing inside me. It stops me from getting pregnant. It keeps your swimmers from meeting up with my eggs.” Eggs. “Oh god, you don’t expect me to lay an egg, do you?”

“I do not even know how to answer that question. Are you asking about how Suevan’s reproduce? We do not lay eggs.” He huffs a laugh, affection curling his lips into a small smile. “Our females gave birth, like yours. That is why we are a compatible species. Does that mean you are thinking about expelling this device? For me?” His fingers clench on my hips, and I nearly moan at the contact, at the clear desire in his touch.

“I can’t expel it. And no.” I shake my head. “No lover, not any that mattered. And no? I’m not thinking about expelling it?” But I say it like a question, and it’s clear from the look on his face that he thinks he’s persuaded me. I’m confused, because suddenly, I am imagining it. I am. And it freaks me right the fuck out. “Kanuz, seriously. I just… This timing is bad. Listen.” I take a step back from the alien looking like Christmas came early.

I swallow hard. Now is not the time to think about anything coming, Christmas or not.

“Tell me, my golden flower,” he murmurs, watching me carefully.

“I gave up all hope of a family after the Roth came to Earth. This is… This is a huge adjustment. I realize that the Federation is likely not going to accept us back with open arms.” A pang goes through my chest. “But… I don’t think I can just undo years worth of changing what I wanted after the Roth invasion.”

His grin deepens, and he closes the distance between us with two powerful steps. “Then I see no problem at all.”

“But you want babies. That’s like… the whole point of me being here. Of all of us being here.” I close my eyes, concern for the rest of the crew resurfacing. God, I bet they’re spitting bullets. “Right?” I open my eyes.

His hand cups my face, and his smile’s gone, replaced by an intent focus that has my toes curling in my boots.

“You do not want children.”

“Not right now,” I agree. I never in a million years thought I’d be having this conversation, let alone having it with my alien prince husband.

“You ca

“Correct.” I frown at him, confused at his delight.

“Then I see no problem with me thrusting deep inside you, my flower.” His thumb strokes across my cheekbone.

It takes me a minute to process what he’s said. “Wait—”

“I am tired of waiting,” he growls, tilting my head back once more. I close my eyes, preparing for the feel of his mouth against mine.

When it doesn’t come, I gaze up at him, confused.

“But I will wait as long as you need to be ready, Gen. In the meantime, let us proceed to the next delightful chamber the goddess has in store for us.”

I can’t help but smile at his obvious sarcasm, even though I’m still weak-kneed and wanting.

I suck in a deep breath, and Kanuz trails his hand down my bare arm, only to close it around my hand, like he needs to be touching me at all times.

It’s really sweet, and tiny butterflies take flight in my stomach. Who knew a massive, taloned, scary ass alien would be a bigger, sexier softie than any man I dated on Earth?

Not me!

The warm fuzzies don’t last long, however. As soon as we walk through the door, it slams behind us, so hard it sends grit and dust cascading down in a thick cloud. Nothing like a shower of sharp rock to cut off any sexy ideas.

I throw my arm over my head on instinct. It’s not necessary, though, seeing as how Kanuz tackles me, diving to the floor with me in his arms as though he expects the ceiling to cave in at any moment. He traps me under his big body, and I curl up around myself. Just in case he’s not overreacting, and the ceiling is about to bury us alive.

A full body shudder shakes me.

It’s one thing to face a platoon of angry Roth aliens with my weapons spitting hellfire, but it’s another to think about the possibility of being buried alive.