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“My spikes?” I say, confusion overriding my many questions.

“You are angry and mean, and I find it most charming.”

“Oh,” I say. That’s a new one.

“The treasure of this temple is not like most,” Kanuz says, his eyes alight with sudden zeal. It’s infectious, and a little thrill of excitement goes through me. “This treasure could reunite Sueva under my rule.”

“What is it?” I ask, interested despite myself. If the way to treasure is just as dangerous as a jungle full of angry Suevans and dinosaurs, then maybe I should take my chances on it. Why not?

It’s not like I have anything left to lose, anyway. Go big or go home.

Or, you know, never go home. Whatever.

I snort.

“It is the symbol of the many-faced-goddess herself. A symbol that will reunite all of Sueva. No one would contest my rule if I had it in my possession.” A muscle ticks in his forehead.

“What is it? Gems? A crown? A scepter? Some kind of technology?”

He shakes his head, a crazed look in his eye. “That is the best part, my cu


“That doesn’t make any sense.” He gapes at me, his head tilted to the side. “The mysterious nature of the symbol is the important part.”

I can’t help but roll my eyes. “You’re literally making no sense.”

“You dare tell a prince of Sueva such a thing?”

“Yeah, absolutely, you big idiot,” I say, a

“What you fail to see, my angry flower, is that the symbol will be instantly recognizable. What the symbol is, however, is a mystery, so that only the worthy may find it.” He takes my fisted hand from where it presses against his chest. His hands are so big his talons curl all the way around mine. Slowly, fire blazing in his eyes, he brings my hand to his lips, and when he kisses the top slowly, sensuously, desire rushes through me. “I like when you are like this. I like when you are testy and challenging and that you do not care about my title.”

“I only just found out about your title, so don’t get any ideas,” I grump at him, my irritability headed off by his surprising kiss. I yank my hand away, much too late to have any real meaning.

“You can pretend all you want, my mean little flower, but I can scent how you really feel.”

“I honestly don’t know how to feel about that,” I tell him, amused by his tenacity in spite of myself.

“You like it,” he tells me, his lips curling back in a wide smile. “And you will agree to find this treasure with me, because I can tell you like the idea, and while we hunt for this treasure, you will slowly succumb to my lust for you. When we leave this temple with the blessing of the many faced-goddess, you will be swelling with my child and all of Sueva will bow at your feet.”

“That’s a whole lot of talk, Prince,” I say, scowling at him. “You know what they say about people who make assumptions.”

“I’m a prince, as you so rightly remembered. I don’t make assumptions. I make the rules.” His grin is so cocky and self-satisfied that I can’t help laughing again. “I like that sound, my princess, my flower.”

“Gen,” I say, rolling my eyes again.

“I ca

I step backward, trying to gather my scattered wits about me. This alien is irrepressible. He might be more stubborn and cocky than me, and that’s saying something.

“I like this game,” he says suddenly, licking his lips.

“I’m not playing a game,” I say.

“You are. You act like you do not want me, but your body tells the truth. It will be very fun when I finally have my way with you, Princess.”

“Don’t call me princess. Just call me Gen.” A tiny thrill goes through me, though. This alien would hand me safety. A crown. His attention, which I find more and more that I don’t mind.

A family.

“See?” he says, eyeing me with amusement. “Your little fights are such fun.”

“Well, you better catch me some fish or show me how to, because your little flower is fucking hungry.”

“I never thought I’d want a female who was so bossy and stubborn. But I find that I quite like this. My cock has never been so hard. My xof already sings for you.”

I stare at him, my translator giving me nothing for that word. “I can’t with you.”

“You can and you will,” he says cheerily. “And you will blow my dam.”

With that, he pulls his leather-like pants down, and my jaw drops.

He’s hard and huge. Huge, hard, and… weird. Not bad weird, just… not-human weird. His dick is covered in smooth, scale-like bumps, and like the rest of him, is a shade of green. A small nub sits above his dick, and as I stare, it vibrates, just slightly.

My insides clench on nothing. I can’t look away.

“You like it already,” he crows, pleased at my reaction.

“It looks like a sex toy,” I say, finally tearing my gaze away. “That looks…” I bite off my observation. Because as much fun as his downtown cityscape seems, it wouldn’t be just an amusement park.


It would mean babies.

Alien babies.

His cock would already be a lot to take in. I’m not sure about the whole package it comes with.

Still, I have an IUD. Maybe I could take him for a whirl without any alien spawn. What would our baby even look like? I squeeze my eyes shut, banishing the thought.

I thought I gave up that dream, the idea of a family. It’s too much now to even consider it. Too painful. I know all too well how much hope can hurt. It’s easier to ask why not instead of why. It’s easier to push people away. To be prickly and keep everyone at arm’s length.

Kanuz walks into the depths of the clear pool, sparkling with the firelight. He sinks deeper and deeper into the water, his tail lashing behind him and propelling him forward.

He has a tail. A tail!

I can’t really be thinking about having sex with him, can I?

Why not?





Gen occupies nearly all my thoughts. I ca

Cool water sluices around me, and I surge through it, aiming deep, where I know the fish keep to the dark recesses. Sure enough, the white scales flash in the darkness, but I strike before it can swim away, my talons spearing it. I give a mighty kick and launch myself towards the surface.

Gen will be pleased. I am pleased. These fish are a delicacy, the white flesh tender and delicious. From the looks of it, there are plenty to feast on while we search for the many-faced goddess’ treasure.

Air bursts around me as I reach the surface, and I draw in a great lungful, the fish squirming fruitlessly against my hold on it.

“That was fast,” Gen says, and there’s a note of appreciation in her voice.

Pride fills me. “I am a good provider and protector.”

“And so humble,” she says, but a hint of a smile offsets the biting sarcasm in her voice.

“A prince has no need to be humble. I was raised to rule, not raised to meekly follow. I was raised for command.” I stride from the pool, water streaming down my naked body, and I notice as Gen’s gaze dips to where my cock stands proudly between my legs. “Look your fill,” I purr, “soon I will be the one filling you.”