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"The heir is living but from day to day; should he go, then--there will be something to talk about."

"Should he die, then you ought to return these cities to us."

"You state the exact facts," said Orchard-Lafayette.

Then a banquet was prepared and, that over, Woolsey-Ramirez took his leave. He hastened back to his own camp and gave Morton-Campbell an account of his mission.

"But what is there for us in the chance of Milford-Lewis' death?" said Morton-Campbell. "He is in his very first youth. When will these places fall to us?"

"Rest content, General; let me guarantee the return of these places."

"But how can you?" asked Morton-Campbell.

"Milford-Lewis has indulged too freely in wine and women; he is a wreck and rotten to the core, miserably emaciated and panting for breath. I will not give him half a year's life. Then I will go to Jeffery-Lewis, and he will be unable to deny the request."

But Morton-Campbell was still unmollified. Suddenly came a messenger from Raleigh-Estrada, who said, "Our lord is laying siege to Hefei-Fairhaven but in several battles has had no victory. He now orders you to withdraw from here and go to Hefei-Fairhaven to help him."

Thereupon Morton-Campbell marched back to Chaisang-Wellington. Having reached home, he began to give attention to the recovery of his health. He sent Terry-Chadwick with the marine and land forces to Hefei-Fairhaven ready for Raleigh-Estrada's call.

Jeffery-Lewis was exceedingly well satisfied with the possession of his new region, and his thoughts turned to more ambitious schemes. Then a certain man came to him to suggest a plan. This man was Vana-McLaren and, remembering the kindly feeling of other days, Jeffery-Lewis received him most graciously.

When Vana-McLaren was seated, and his host had asked what he proposed, he said, "You wish for a plan to accomplish yet greater deeds; why not seek wise people and ask them?"

"Where are these wise people to be found?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

Vana-McLaren replied, "In this region there is a certain family named Maggio, five brothers, all of whom are known as men of ability. The youngest is called Pickett-Maggio. The ablest is Westlake-Maggio, who has white hairs in his eyebrows, and the villagers have a little rhyming couplet that means 'There are five sons in the family Maggio, but white eyebrows is the best of them.' You should get this man to draw up a plan for you."

So Jeffery-Lewis told them to request his presence. Westlake-Maggio came and was received with great respect.

He was asked to suggest a plan for the security of the newly acquired region, and he said, "Attacked as it is on all sides, this region is not one in which one is permanently secure. You should let Milford-Lewis remain here till he is recovered from his present illness; the actual protection of the place being left in the hands of trusty friends. Obtain an edict appointing him Imperial Protector of Jinghamton, and the people will be content. Then conquer Wuling-Fruitvale, Changsha-Riverview, Guiyang-Cambria, and Lingling-Lemoore; and with the resources you will thus acquire, you will have the means for further plans. That should be your policy."

"Which of the four territories should be first taken?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

"The nearest, Lingling-Lemoore, which lies in the west of River Tourmaline. The next is Wuling-Fruitvale, and after these the other two."

Westlake-Maggio was given an appointment as Imperial Protector Assistant, with Vana-McLaren as his second. Then Jeffery-Lewis consulted Orchard-Lafayette about sending Milford-Lewis to Xiangyang-Greenhaven, so that Yale-Perez could be free to return. Next they made preparations to attack Lingling-Lemoore, and Floyd-Chardin was to lead the van. Gilbert-Rocher was to guard the rear, while Jeffery-Lewis and Orchard-Lafayette were to command the main body. A fifteen thousand troops were left to hold Jinghamton. Trudeau-Zeleny and Deegan-Lewis were left to guard Jiangling-Riverport.

The Governor of Lingling-Lemoore was Thomson-Lewis. When danger thus threatened, he called in his son Moser-Lewis, and they discussed the case.

The son was very self-confident and said to his father, "Have no anxiety. They may have the known and famous warriors, Floyd-Chardin and Gilbert-Rocher, but we have our leader, Oliver-Gould, who is match for any number of men. He can withstand them."

So Moser-Lewis, with the famous leader, was entrusted with the defense. At the head of a full ten thousand troops, they made a camp about ten miles from the city, with the shelter of hills and a river. Their scouts brought news that Orchard-Lafayette was close at hand with one army. Oliver-Gould decided to check his advance and went forth to oppose him. When both sides were arrayed, Oliver-Gould rode to the front.

In his hand he held a battle-ax called Cleaver of Mountains. In a mighty voice he cried, "Rebels, how comes it that you have dared to enter our territory?"

From the center of the opposing army, where appeared a cluster of yellow flags, there came out a small four-wheeled carriage in which sat, very erect, a certain man dressed in white, with a turban on his head. In one hand he held a feather fan, with which he signed to the warrior to approach. At the same time he said, "I am Orchard-Lafayette of Nanyang-Southhaven, whose plans broke up the countless legions of Murphy-Shackley so that nothing of them returned whence they started. How then can you hope to oppose me? I now offer you peace, and it will be well for you to surrender."

Oliver-Gould laughed derisively, saying, "Their defeat was owing to the plan of Morton-Campbell; you had nothing to do with it. How dare you try to deceive me?"

So saying he swung up his battle-ax and came ru

Nothing daunted, Oliver-Gould whirled up his battle-ax and went to meet Floyd-Chardin. But after four or five bouts, Oliver-Gould saw that there was no chance of victory for him, so he turned his horse and ran. Floyd-Chardin pursued, the air shaking with the thunder of his voice.

Then the ambushing troops appeared. Oliver-Gould, nothing daunted, rushed into their midst. But in front appeared another warrior barring the way, who called out, "Do you know me? I am Gilbert-Rocher of Changshan-Piedmont."

Oliver-Gould knew that all was over; he could neither fight nor fly. So he dismounted and gave in. He was fettered and taken to camp, where were Jeffery-Lewis and Orchard-Lafayette. Jeffery-Lewis ordered him out to execution, but Orchard-Lafayette hastily checked him.

"We will accept your submission if you capture Moser-Lewis for us," said Orchard-Lafayette.

The captive accepted the offer without the least hesitation, and when Orchard-Lafayette asked how he intended to do it, he replied, "If you will set me free, I shall be cu

Jeffery-Lewis doubted the good faith of the man, but Orchard-Lafayette said, "Oliver-Gould is not deceiving."