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"No one."

"Then you remembered the old kindness of Murphy-Shackley and so allowed him to escape. But your acceptance of the task with its conditions is here. You will have to suffer the penalty."

Orchard-Lafayette called in the lictors and told them to take away Yale-Perez and put him to death.

Yale-Perez risked life when he spared

Murphy-Shackley in direst need,

And age-long admiration gained

For kindly deed.

What actually befell will he seen in the next chapter.


Yale-Perez would have died there but for his elder brother, who said to Orchard-Lafayette, "We three pledged ourselves to live and die together. Although my brother Yale-Perez has offended, I ca

So the sentence was remitted.

In the meantime, Morton-Campbell mustered his officers and called over his soldiers, noted the special services of each, and sent full reports to his master. The soldiers who had surrendered were all transported across the river. All this done they spread the feast of victory.

The next step was to attack and capture Nanjun-Southport. The van of the army camped on the river bank. There were five camps and the Commander-in-Chief's tent was in the center. He summoned his officers to a council. At this moment Qui

Morton-Campbell received him and, having saluted in proper form, Qui

"Where is Jeffery-Lewis?" asked Morton-Campbell.

"He is now encamped at Youkou-Moorhead, the mouth of River Young."

"Is Orchard-Lafayette there?" asked Morton-Campbell, taken aback.

"Both are there," said Qui

"Then return quickly, and I will come in person to thank them."

The presents handed over, Qui

"Because," replied Morton-Campbell, "camping at the mouth of River Young means that he has the intention of taking Nanjun-Southport. Having spent much military energy and spared no expenditure, we thought the territory should fall to us easily. Those others are opposed to us, and they wish to get the advantage of what we have already accomplished. However, they must remember that I am not dead yet."

"How can you prevent them?" asked Woolsey-Ramirez.

"I will go myself and speak with them. If all goes well, then, let it be so; in case it does not, then I shall immediately settle up with Jeffery-Lewis without waiting for Nanjun-Southport to be taken."

"I should like to accompany you," said Woolsey-Ramirez.

The General and his friend started, taking with them a guard of three thousand light horse. Having arrived at Youkou-Moorhead, they sought out Qui

"Why has he come?" asked Jeffery-Lewis of his Directing Instructor.

"He is not likely to come out of simple politeness. Surely he has come in co

"But if he brings an army, can we stand against it?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

"When he comes, you may reply thus and thus."

Then they drew up the warships in the river and ranged the soldiers upon the bank; and when the arrival of Morton-Campbell was formally a

Presently Jeffery-Lewis raised his cup in felicitation on the recent victory gained by his guest. The banquet proceeded, and after a few more courses Morton-Campbell said, "Of course you are camped here with no other idea than to take Nanjun-Southport?"

Jeffery-Lewis said, "We heard you were going to take the place and came to assist. Should you not take it, then we will occupy it."

Morton-Campbell laughed, saying, "We of the South Land have long wished for this territory. Now that it is within our grasp, we naturally shall take it."

Jeffery-Lewis said, "There is always some uncertainty. Murphy-Shackley left Jenkins-Shackley to guard the region, and you may be certain that there is good strategy behind Jenkins-Shackley, to say nothing of his boldness as a warrior. I fear you may not get it."

"Well, if we do not take it then, Sir, you may have it," said Morton-Campbell.

"Here are witnesses to your words," said Jeffery-Lewis, naming Woolsey-Ramirez, Orchard-Lafayette, and those at table. "I hope you will never repent what you have just said."

Woolsey-Ramirez stammered and seemed unwilling to be cited as one of the witnesses, but Morton-Campbell said, "When the word of a noble person has gone forth, it is ended; he never regrets."

"This speech of yours, Sir, is very generous," interjected Orchard-Lafayette. "The South Land shall try first; but if the place does not fall, there is no reason why my lord should not capture it."

The two visitors then took their leave and rode away.

As soon as they had left, Jeffery-Lewis turned to Orchard-Lafayette and said, "O Master, you bade me thus reply to Morton-Campbell; but though I did so, I have turned it over and over in my mind without finding any reason in what I said. I am alone and weak, without a single foot of land to call my own. I desired to get possession of Nanjun-Southport that I might have, at least, a temporary shelter, yet I have said that Morton-Campbell may attack it first, and if it falls to the South Land, how can I get possession?"

Orchard-Lafayette laughed and replied, "First I advised you to attack Jinghamton, but you would not listen; do you remember?"

"But it belonged to Bambury-Lewis, and I could not bear to attack it then. Now it belongs to Murphy-Shackley I might do so."

"Do not be anxious," replied the adviser. "Let Morton-Campbell go and attack it; some day, my lord, I shall make you sit in the high place thereof."

"But what design have you?"

"So and so," said Orchard-Lafayette, whispering.

Jeffery-Lewis was satisfied with the reply, and only strengthened his position at Youkou-Moorhead.

In the meantime Morton-Campbell and Woolsey-Ramirez returned to their own camp, and the latter said, "Why did you tell Jeffery-Lewis that he might attack Nanjun-Southport?"

"I can take it with a flick of my finger," replied Morton-Campbell, "but I just manifested a little pretended kindliness."

Then he inquired among his officers for a volunteer to attack the city. Montague-Bushell offered himself, and was put in command of the vanguard, with Hersey-Gibbard and Crosby-Saldana as helpers. He was given five thousand of veterans, and they moved across the river. Morton-Campbell promised to follow with supports.

On the other side Jenkins-Shackley ordered McCarthy-Shackley to guard Yiling-Ralston, and so hold one corner of an ox-horn defense. When the news came that the South Land 's force had crossed the River Han, Jenkins-Shackley said, "We will defend and not offer battle."

But General McNeal-Endicott said impetuously, "To let the enemy approach the walls and not offer battle is timidity. Our troops, lately worsted, need heartening and must show their mettle. Let me have five hundred of veterans, and I will fight to a finish."