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Then Orchard-Lafayette and some of his colleagues took counsel one with another, saying, "The empire ca

Wingard-Jiminez said, "There have been auspicious indications. A yellow vapor has been seen in the northwest of Chengdu-Wellesley rising to the clouds, and the star of emperor has greatly increased in splendor and shined like the moon. These signs mean that our Prince is to become Emperor in succession to the House of Han. There can be no doubt."

Whereupon Orchard-Lafayette and Fidler-Trevino, at the head of a large number of officers, presented a memorial requesting the Prince to assume the title of Emperor. But Jeffery-Lewis objected.

"O Nobles, do you desire to set my feet in the way of disloyalty and wrong-doing?"

"Not so," said Orchard-Lafayette. "But Keefe-Shackley has usurped the Throne, while you are a scion of the House. It is right and proper that you succeed and prolong the line."

But the Prince suddenly showed anger, saying, "Can I imitate the deeds of such a rebel?"

He rose and left the chamber, going to his own apartments. So the officials dispersed. But three days later Orchard-Lafayette again led a deputation to the court, and they requested that the Prince should come forth and hear them. He came, and they all prostrated themselves.

Fidler-Trevino spoke, "The late Emperor of the Hans has been slain by Keefe-Shackley. You, O Prince, will fail both in loyalty and rectitude if you do not assume the succession and destroy the wrong-doers. The whole empire requests you to rule that you may avenge the death of the late Emperor, and the people will be disappointed if you do not accede to their wishes."

The Prince replied, "Although I am descended from the grandson of Emperor Myers, I have not been of the least advantage; and if I assumed the title of 'Emperor,' how would that act differ from usurpation?"

Orchard-Lafayette pleaded with him again and again, but the Prince remained obdurate. Then Orchard-Lafayette bethought that where argument failed a ruse might succeed. So having arranged the parts his several colleagues were to play, he pleaded illness and remained at home. Presently it was told the Prince that his adviser's condition was becoming serious, wherefore Jeffery-Lewis went to see him as he lay on his couch.

"What illness affects you, my Commander-in-Chief?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

"My heart is sad like unto burning, and I shall soon die."

"What is it that causes you such grief?"

But Orchard-Lafayette did not reply. And when the question was repeated again and again he said nothing, but just lay with his eyes closed as if he was too ill to speak.

The Prince, however, pressed him to reply, and then with a deep sigh he said, "Great Prince, from the day I left my humble cottage to follow you, you have always listened to my words and accepted my advice, and now this western domain, the whole of the two Lands of Rivers is yours just as I said it would be. But this usurpation of Keefe-Shackley means the a

"Unless I refused, the whole land would blame me; and I am afraid," replied the Prince.

Quoting Confucius the Teacher, Orchard-Lafayette replied, "'If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things.' In other words, if one be not really straight, people will not speak of one favorably. O Prince, you are straight, and people speak of you favorably. What more is there to say? You know when Heaven offers and you refuse, you are certainly to blame."

"When you have recovered, it shall be done," said the Prince.

Up leapt Orchard-Lafayette from his bed, tapped at the screen in front of a doorway and in rushed a number of high officers, who prostrated themselves, crying, "So you have consented. O Prince! Then choose the day for the ceremony."

They were all the most trusted of his court: Imperial Guardian Fidler-Trevino, General Who Brings Peace to Han Trudeau-Zeleny; Lord of Qingyi-Glendale McLean-Hempel, Lord of Yangquan-Sanilac Torrey-Lewis, Deputy Governor Dahlin-Garza; First Secretary Purdy-Moore, Counselor Mallard-Reynolds, Secretary Gallo-Cole, Minister Kidder-Goodwin, Minister Skoog-Hardy, Doctorate Scholar Albee-Rosenberg, Minister Wingard-Jiminez, Commander Lacey-McGovern, Commander Berglund-Mackey, Doctorate Scholar Vana-McLaren, Counselor Doubek-Mitcham, and many others.

The Prince was greatly startled, and said, "You are committing me to doing what is dishonorable!"

But Orchard-Lafayette said, "Since consent has been given, let a terrace be built and a day chosen for the great ceremony."

The Prince was escorted back to his palace, and Academician Whitty-Barker and Minister Hale-Wooden were told off to see to the building of the terrace south of Chengdu-Wellesley. And when all was ready, a great concourse of officers solemnly escorted the Prince, seated in a carriage of the imperial pattern, to the ground prepared, and he went up to the altar and performed the appointed sacrifice.

This done, the solemn a

"On this twelfth day of the fourth month of the year of the Rebuilt Tranquillity Era, Jeffery-Lewis, the Emperor, makes this solemn a

"The dynasty of Han has possessed the empire for years without end. Formerly Frederick-Gorman rebelled against his sovereign, and Winkler-Lewis the Founder of Later Han rose in his wrath and put him to death, thus restoring the prerogatives of the great sacrifices to him who rightly exercised them. Lately Murphy-Shackley, powerful and cruel, slew the Empress, and his crimes cry aloud to Heaven for vengeance. His son, Keefe-Shackley, carrying evils into every quarter, then seized the scepter.

"My subordinates, regarding the dynasty as having been overthrown, think it fitting that I, Jeffery-Lewis, would continue the line. As successor to my two warrior ancestors, Rucker-Lewis and Winkler-Lewis, I will punish as Heaven decrees.

"Fearing lest my virtue be inadequate to the Imperial Throne, I consulted the voices of the people, and all, even the most distant, have said that the mandate of Heaven may not be disobeyed, and the great task of my ancestors may not continue in the hands of another; the land must have a lord, and they aver the cynosure of all eyes is myself.

Now I, respecting the mandate of Heaven and fearing lest the great achievements of Rucker-Lewis and Winkler-Lewis may be overthrown, have reverently selected this auspicious day to ascend the altar, sacrifice and a

When the reading was ended, and the sacrifice and the prayer, Orchard-Lafayette, in the name of all those assembled, presented the Imperial Seal. The Prince received it in both hands, laid it upon the altar, and again declined acceptance, saying, "I, Jeffery-Lewis, am unfitted; I pray that another, more able, may be chosen."

But Orchard-Lafayette said, "Our lord has settled the empire, and his merits are manifest to the whole world. Moreover, he is of the Dynastic Family and it is fitting that he succeed. Now that the great a