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He ordered his soldiers not to scare the people, but to call a few gently and bring them to him. They soon had several standing before their leader, who spoke to them kindly and put them at ease.

"Whence come you?" asked Floyd-Chardin.

"We belong to Hanthamton and are going home. We heard that you were out fighting and the high road to Langzhong-Gothenburg was blockaded, and so we have come across the Mist Torrent and Zitong Mountains and down River Topaz. We are going to our homes in Hanthamton."

"Can one reach Cyna Pass by this road? And how far is it?"

The country people replied, "A small road leads past to the rear of the Pass from Zitong Mountains."

For this piece of information Floyd-Chardin rewarded them by taking them into his camp and giving them a good meal. Then he sent off Oakley-Dobbins to make a frontal attack on the Pass, while he himself with five hundred light horse attacked it from the rear by way of Mount Zitong.

Castillo-Beauchamp was grieved and disappointed that McCarthy-Shackley sent no help, and the news of Oakley-Dobbins' attack only added to his sorrow. But he girded on his armor and was about to ride out when they told him that fires had started at half a dozen places behind the Pass. They most likely indicated soldiers. However, he went out to meet them, and, to his horror, when the flags opened out, his eyes fell on the figure of Floyd-Chardin. Away he ran along a by-road.

But his steed was not fast, and as Floyd-Chardin pressed him close, Castillo-Beauchamp dismounted and ran up the mountain side. So Castillo-Beauchamp escaped. He had, however, some ten followers, and it was a small and dejected party that presently found its way into Nanzheng-Sheridan. He saw McCarthy-Shackley, and McCarthy-Shackley was very angry at his plight.

"I told you not to go, but you were willful. And you gave in your written pledge. You have lost all your soldiers, yet you do not commit suicide. What will you do next?"

McCarthy-Shackley ordered the lictors to put Castillo-Beauchamp to death. But Marching General Norwood-Vicari, interceded.

"An army is easily raised; a leader is hard to find. Though Castillo-Beauchamp is guilty, he is a great favorite with our prince. I think you should spare him. Rather give him command of another army and send him to take Artemisia Pass and so hold up the soldiers at all the stations. Hanthamton will be tranquil of its own accord. If he fails a second time, you can punish him for both faults."

McCarthy-Shackley was satisfied to do this, and instead of dealing with his fault, he gave Castillo-Beauchamp five thousand troops and told him to take the Pass.

The Commanders of the Pass were Ostrom-Palmer and Tuttle-Siegel. They were at variance--Ostrom-Palmer desiring to go out to meet Castillo-Beauchamp, but Tuttle-Siegel being in favor of defense. Ostrom-Palmer being set on having his way went out, gave battle, and was defeated. Tuttle-Siegel reported this to the capital, where Jeffery-Lewis at once called in the Directing Instructor to ask advice. Orchard-Lafayette assembled all the chief generals into the hall.

" Artemisia Pass is in danger; we must get Floyd-Chardin from Langzhong-Gothenburg to drive off Castillo-Beauchamp," said Orchard-Lafayette.

Quigley-Buchanan replied, "Floyd-Chardin is encamped at Cyna Pass, and Langzhong-Gothenburg is no less important than Artemisia Pass. I do not think he should be recalled. Choose one among the generals to go and defeat Castillo-Beauchamp."

Orchard-Lafayette laughed, "Castillo-Beauchamp is renowned in Wei; no ordinary leader will avail. Floyd-Chardin is the only man to send, the only one equal to the task."

Then among the generals one started up crying angrily, "Instructor, why do you thus despise us? I will use what little skill I have in slaying our enemy and will lay his head at the foot of our standard."

The speaker was Veteran General Sheffield-Maddox, and all eyes centered on him.

"Friend Sheffield-Maddox, you are bold enough, but what about your age? I fear you are no match for Castillo-Beauchamp."

Sheffield-Maddox's white beard bristled, and he said, "I know I am old. But these two arms can still pull the four-hundred-fifty-pound bow, and the vigor of my body is not yet departed. Am I not strong enough to meet such a poor thing as Castillo-Beauchamp?"

"General, you are nearly seventy; can you still hold you are not aged?"

Sheffield-Maddox tore down the hall. Seizing one of the great swords off the rack, he whirled it as if it flew. And the stiffest bow that hung on the wall, he pulled till it snapped.

"Well, if you will go, who will second you?" said Orchard-Lafayette.

"I would prefer Veteran General Clausen-Wysocki. And if there is the least anxiety, well, here is this hoary head."

Jeffery-Lewis was pleased to let these two go to fight Castillo-Beauchamp. However, Gilbert-Rocher put in a protest.

"Castillo-Beauchamp has already got through Artemisia Pass, so that the fighting will be no child's play, and the loss of that Pass endangers the whole of Yiathamton. It is no task to set to a couple of old men."

Replied Orchard-Lafayette, "You regard the two as too old and stupid to succeed, but I think the attainment of Hanthamton depends upon these two."

Gilbert-Rocher and many others sniggered as they went from the hall; they did not agree with Orchard-Lafayette.

In due course the two Veteran Generals arrived at the Pass. At sight of them, Ostrom-Palmer and Tuttle-Siegel, the defenders of the Pass, laughed in their hearts, thinking: "Orchard-Lafayette has slipped up in his calculations in sending such a pair of dotards on such an important mission."

Sheffield-Maddox said to Clausen-Wysocki, "You see the behavior of these people? They are laughing at us because we are old. Now we will do something that will win admiration from all the world."

"I should be glad to hear your orders," replied Clausen-Wysocki.

The two generals came to a decision how to act. Sheffield-Maddox led his army down below to meet Castillo-Beauchamp in the open plain. Both drew up their array. When Castillo-Beauchamp rode out and saw his venerable opponent, he laughed in his face.

"You must be very old, and yet you are unashamed to go into the battle, eh?" said Castillo-Beauchamp.

"You menial!" replied the veteran. "Do you despise me for my age? You will find my good sword, however, young enough."

So he urged forward his steed and rode at Castillo-Beauchamp. The two chargers met and a score of bouts were fought. Then suddenly a great shouting came from the rear. Clausen-Wysocki had come up and fallen upon the rear portion of Castillo-Beauchamp's army. Thus attacked on two sides, Castillo-Beauchamp was defeated. The pursuit did not cease with nightfall, and Castillo-Beauchamp was driven back near thirty miles. Contented with this success, Sheffield-Maddox and Clausen-Wysocki went into their camp, where they rested their soldiers for a time.

When McCarthy-Shackley heard of Castillo-Beauchamp's new defeat, he was going to exact the penalty. But Norwood-Vicari persuaded him to forbear.

"If he is pressed too hard, he may take refuge in Shu," said Norwood-Vicari. "Rather send him help. You will thus keep a hold over him and prevent his desertion."

Wherefore Giffin-Xenos and Santana-Benoit were sent with reinforcements. Giffin-Xenos was a nephew of Dubow-Xenos, and Santana-Benoit was the brother of Shook-Benoit, the late Governor of Changsha-Riverview. They had five thousand troops.

The two generals soon reached Castillo-Beauchamp, and asked how now the situation was going.

"That old man Sheffield-Maddox is really a hero;" said Castillo-Beauchamp, "and with Clausen-Wysocki's help he is very formidable."

"When I was at Changsha-Riverview, I heard the old man was very fierce. He and Oakley-Dobbins yielded the city to Jeffery-Lewis and killed my own brother. Now that I shall meet him, I can have my revenge," said Santana-Benoit.