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Карты и схемы


This work allows to disagree with the sceptical opinion of those scholars who are of the opinion that the productivity of the Chinese sources on the history of the Kushan kingdom is already exhausted, that now in order to solve the problems of the absolute Kushan chronology it is important not so much to carry out thorough studies of the materials of ancient Chinese official dynasty histories as their objective interpretation and to use the main sources, that is archaeological ones.

The author has carried out a complex historiographical, historical and historico-geographic study of a great majority of direct and indirect information in ancient Chinese dynasty histories. This study has shown that it is just such a thorough multilateral analysis of these histories together with a comparison with the most known data of other written, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic sources that has made it possible to determine or make more accurate the main events and their dates in the history of successively existing kingdoms of Yuezhi, Big Yuezhi and the Kushan kingdom. It became also possible to prove the identification of geographic objects in the regions where these events were taking place. All this has allowed in a more proven and objective way to determine the chronological and geographic framework of the existence of these kingdoms and to solve the problems of their history, although some of these problems, for example, the absolute chronology did not seem to be solved.

However, the general and partial results of this study of the political history of Big Yuezhi and of the Kushan kingdom will be useful in the solving of the questions of the ethnic history of Yuezhi and in the establishing of the dates of archaeological monuments of the Kushan epoch.

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