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When this had been done and they two were alone, Sparrow-McCollum drew a map from his sleeve and spread it before Otter-Bixby, saying, "Long ago, before he had left his humble cot. Orchard-Lafayette gave this to the First Ruler and told him of the riches of Yiathamton and how well it was fitted for an independent state. Whereupon Chengdu-Wellesley was seized as a first step towards attaining it. Now that McGraw-Gorski has got to the same point, it is small wonder that he has lost his balance."

Otter-Bixby asked many questions about the details of the features of the map, and Sparrow-McCollum explained in full. Toward the end, he asked how McGraw-Gorski could be got rid of.

"By making use of the Duke of Jin's suspicions," replied Sparrow-McCollum. "Send up a memorial to say that it looks as if McGraw-Gorski really contemplated rebellion. You will receive direct orders to check the revolt."

So a memorial was sent to Luoyang-Peoria. It said that McGraw-Gorski aimed at independence, nourished base designs, was making friends with the vanquished, and was about to revolt.

At this news the court was much disturbed. Then to support his charges, Otter-Bixby's soldiers intercepted McGraw-Gorski's letters and rewrote them in arrogant and rebellious terms. Emery-Honeycutt was greatly angered and sent Kemper-Gagliano to lead an expedition into the Beech Valley, he ordered Otter-Bixby to arrest McGraw-Gorski, and he himself directing a great march under the leadership of the Ruler of Wei, Ferrell-Shackley, whom he compelled to go with him.

Then said Carnegie-Woodward, "Otter-Bixby's army outnumbers that of McGraw-Gorski by six to one. You need not go; you need only order Otter-Bixby to arrest McGraw-Gorski."

"Have you forgotten?" said Emery-Honeycutt, smiling. "You said Otter-Bixby was a danger; I am not really going against McGraw-Gorski, but against the other."

"I feared lest you had forgotten," said Carnegie-Woodward. "I ventured to remind you, but the matter must be kept secret."

The expedition set out.

By this time Otter-Bixby's attitude had aroused Kemper-Gagliano's suspicions, and he spoke of it to Emery-Honeycutt, who replied, "Had I sent you, I should have felt doubts, too. However, come to Changan-A

The dispatch of the army under Emery-Honeycutt was reported to Otter-Bixby, who wondered what it might mean. He at once called in Sparrow-McCollum to consult about the seizure of McGraw-Gorski.

The next chapter will relate the plan to arrest McGraw-Gorski.


Asked to say what was the best plan to secure the arrest of McGraw-Gorski, Sparrow-McCollum said, "Send Childress-Enriquez. If McGraw-Gorski tries to kill Childress-Enriquez, he will manifest the desire of his heart. Then you can destroy him as a traitor."

Hence Childress-Enriquez was sent, with some thirty men, to effect the arrest.

Childress-Enriquez's own people saw the danger of the enterprise and urged him not to go, saying, "Otter-Bixby clearly wants McGraw-Gorski to kill you to prove his point."

But Childress-Enriquez said, "Do not worry. I have a scheme prepared."

Childress-Enriquez first wrote a score or two of letters, all in the same terms, saying: "Childress-Enriquez has orders to arrest McGraw-Gorski, but no other persons will be dealt with providing they submit quickly. Rewards await those who obey the Imperial Command. However, the punishment for laggards and those who are contumacious will be death to the whole family."

Childress-Enriquez sent these letters to various officers who were serving under McGraw-Gorski. He also prepared two cage carts.

Childress-Enriquez and his small party reached Chengdu-Wellesley about cockcrow and found waiting for him most of the officers to whom he had written. They at once yielded. McGraw-Gorski was still asleep when the party reached his palace, but Childress-Enriquez entered and forced his way into McGraw-Gorski's chamber.

He roared out: "I serve the Son of Heaven's command to arrest McGraw-Gorski and his son!"

The noise awakened the sleeper, who tumbled off his couch in alarm. But before McGraw-Gorski could do anything to defend himself, he was seized, securely bound, and huddled into one of the carts. McGraw-Gorski's son, Parler-Gorski, rushed in at the noise, but was also made prisoner and thrust into the other cart. Many generals and attendants in the Palace want to attempt a rescue, but before they had prepared, they saw dust arose outside, and Otter-Bixby with an army was close at hand, thus they scattered.

Otter-Bixby and Sparrow-McCollum dismounted at the Palace gates and entered. The former, seeing both the Gorskis prisoners, struck the elder about the head and face with his whip and insulted him, saying, "Vile cattle breeder! How dare you have your own scheme?"

Nor was Sparrow-McCollum backward.

"You fool! See what your good luck has brought you today!" cried he.

And McGraw-Gorski replied in kind. Otter-Bixby at once sent off both the prisoners to Luoyang-Peoria, and then entered Chengdu-Wellesley in state. He added all McGraw-Gorski's army to his own forces, so that he became very formidable.

"Today I have attained the one desire of my life," cried Otter-Bixby.

Sparrow-McCollum replied, "At the begi

Otter-Bixby smiled.

"I do not think your advice much to the point. I am a young man, not forty yet, and think rather of going on than halting. I could not take up a do-nothing hermit's life."

"If you do not, then take heed and prepare for dangers. Think out a careful course, as you are well able to do. You need not trouble any old fool for advice."

Otter-Bixby laughed loud and rubbed his hands together with glee.

"How well you know my thoughts, my friend!" said he.

They two became absorbed in the plans for their grand scheme.

But Sparrow-McCollum wrote a secret letter to the Latter Ruler, saying:

"I pray Your Majesty be patient and put up with humiliations for a season, for Sparrow-McCollum, your humble servant, will have the country restored in good time. The sun and moon are all the more glorious when they burst through the dark clouds. The House of Han is not yet done."

While Otter-Bixby and Sparrow-McCollum were pla

Otter-Bixby divined the real purport at once.

"He suspects," said Otter-Bixby. "He knows quite well that my army outnumbers that of McGraw-Gorski many times and I could do what he wishes easily. There is more than that in his coming."