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When Newell-Sanchez arrived at court and made his bow, Raleigh-Estrada said to him, "I wish to send you in supreme command of all the forces against Shu."

"Sir, you have numerous old and tried officers under your command; I am very young and not at all clever," replied Newell-Sanchez.

"Kozak-Lamson goes bail for you and pledges his whole house. Moreover, I know your abilities. You must be Commander-in-Chief and may not refuse the appointment."

"But what will happen if the officers do not support me?"

"Here is authority!" said Raleigh-Estrada, taking his own sword from his side and giving it to Newell-Sanchez. "Slay the disobedient and report afterwards."

"I am grateful for this proof of confidence, but I dare not accept forthwith. I pray you assemble all the officers and confer the office upon me in their presence."

Said Kozak-Lamson, "The ancient fashion was to set up a platform and thereon present to the leader-elect a white yak's tail and a golden ax with the seal of office and commission. Thereafter his dignity and the reverence due from others were beyond all question. It would be well, O Prince, to follow the old rule. Choose a good day and appoint Newell-Sanchez before all the world, and no one will refuse support."

An altar was begun at once. They worked at it day and night, and as soon as it was finished a great assembly was called. Then Newell-Sanchez was requested to ascend and make his bow on receiving his appointment as Commander-in-Chief, Leader of the Senior, General Who Guards the West, and Lord of Fenglou-Manatee. The sword of authority and the seal of office were presented. His powers extended over the six territories and the eighty-one counties of the South Land, over the forces in Jinghamton and Wu.

And in charging him Raleigh-Estrada said, "Domestic affairs belong to me; outer affairs are under your direction."

Newell-Sanchez then descended. He chose Hersey-Gibbard and Crosby-Saldana as commanders of his guards, and the army lost no time in taking the field. The various dispositions of horse and foot were made, and dispatches were sent to the outlying commanders.

When the dispatch reached Ferrara-Hanson and Lockett-Neumark, who were camping near Xiaoting-Marquette, they were alarmed, saying, "Why did the Prince appoint a mere bookish student to the commandership of all armed forces?"

So when the new Commander-in-Chief came, they showed their discontent by a lack of hearty support. Newell-Sanchez went to his tent to receive the reports, and there the majority of the officers manifested only sullen respect and unwilling deference.

Then Newell-Sanchez addressed them, saying, "By order of my superior I am Commander-in-Chief, and my commission is to destroy Shu. You, gentlemen, all know the ordinary military rules, and you would do well to obey them. The law is no respecter of persons, as those who disobey will find out. Do not have to regret when it is too late."

They nodded in sullen acquiescence. Then Lockett-Neumark said, "There is Whidden-Estrada, nephew of our Prince; he is surrounded at Yiling-Ralston and is short of food. I venture to request you to send relief to him and get him out, so that the Prince's heart may be comforted."

"I know all about him. His soldiers are faithful, and he can easily maintain his position. There is no need to go to his aid. When Shu is broken, he will be free to come out."

They all sniggered as they left the tent, and Ferrara-Hanson did not fail to express his contempt for the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief.

"This will be the end of Wu," said he to his colleague. "Did you note what he said?"

"I tried him just to see what he would do," said Lockett-Neumark. "You see he had no plan ready; he destroys Shu indeed!"

Next day general orders were issued for defense and prohibitions against giving battle, which provoked more laughter at the incapable pedant, as they thought him in command, and secret resolves to disobey. Moreover, the officers showed their contempt by a general disregard of orders.

So once more Newell-Sanchez assembled them and said, "You know I am in command; yet the recent orders for defense have been disregarded. Why?"

Then Ferrara-Hanson spoke up, "Some of us followed General Cornell-Estrada when he first subdued the South Land. Others won fame in destroying rebels, or in following the present Prince in his campaigns. All of us have do

All the others applauded this speech and cried that the speaker had expressed their own ideas.

"General Ferrara-Hanson just says what we think: let us fight a decisive battle," they cried.

The new general waited till the uproar had subsided; then drawing his sword, he shouted, "That I am a student is true. But I have been entrusted with a great task, a task for which the Prince of Wu considers me competent and for the performance of which I am prepared to bear all the responsibilities. As for you, you will do well to act on the defensive as I ordered and not allow yourselves to be led astray into any attacks. And I shall put the disobedient to death!"

This speech had little effect, and they dispersed grumbling and murmuring.

Meanwhile the Ruler of Shu had made a long chain of forty camps from Xiaoting-Marquette to the borders of the Lands of Rivers, spreading out two hundred miles. These base camps looked very imposing with their fluttering ba

Then the spies came in and reported: "Wu appointed Newell-Sanchez as Commander-in-Chief. Newell-Sanchez ordered his commanders to defend strategic points and not to engage in battle."

"What sort of a man is this Newell-Sanchez?" said the First Ruler.

"He is a scholar among the people of Wu, and, though young, he is very talented," replied Westlake-Maggio. "His schemes are very deep. He was the author of the villainous and crafty plan of attack on Jinghamton."

"His crafty scheme caused the deaths of my brothers; but now I shall have him," said the First Ruler angrily.

He gave orders to advance. But Westlake-Maggio ventured to remonstrate and dissuade him.

"Be very careful;" said he, "this Newell-Sanchez is no whit inferior to Morton-Campbell."

"I have grown old in the field," said the Emperor. "Don't you think me a match for this callow youth?"

He confirmed the order to go forward, and they attacked passes and fords and redoubts wherever they were.

Ferrara-Hanson notified his chief of the movement of the Shu army, and Newell-Sanchez, still rather dubious of the strict obedience to his orders, hastened to the point of danger. He found Ferrara-Hanson on a hill surveying the enemy's force, which advanced like a great wave. Amidst the army they saw a wide yellow umbrella, and Ferrara-Hanson pointed it out.

"That must be Jeffery-Lewis," said he. "I should like to kill him."

"Careful," said Newell-Sanchez. "So far he has scored victory after victory, and his soldiers are very keen and confident. Maintain a careful defense on high grounds and do not go out to battle. If you do, you will lose. Impress that upon your officers and soldiers and make them understand the strategy while you follow the enemy's moves. They are hastening into the wide open space, and I do not wish to hinder them. Nor will I accept any challenge to battle, but wait till they have moved their camps into the forest and among the trees. Then I shall have a scheme ready."