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—We arrived! Get up!

—Oh my god.. Ok

—I want to sleep!

Timmy started to cry.

—Shh.. let Timmy have a nap, Alice said.


We got up and started fixing the bunker.

Alice found there seeds of wheat, tomatoes, potatoes and other.

Den found a warehouse with bathroom things, and Jack was fixing the walls and roof.

After, Timmy ran to me with an AKM an said:

—Look what a great toy I found!

—That's not a toy Timmy. That's a real rifle! Let me check it if it has ammo in.

The mag was half full.

—Oh my god! Timmy, are there other “toys”?

—Of course! It's like a warehouse of toys! Rifles, pistols, shotguns, grenades and..


—Yes! A box full of grenades!

—Oh my god, that's bad. Max!!

—Huh? What?

—Timmy found a warehouse full of weapons!

—That's great!

—No, because he saw a box full of grenades!

—And mines! Timmy said.


—Go, go, go! We need to neutralize them!

Timmy said where to go and we ran to the warehouse.


There were a lot of guns and melee, a huge box of ammo, a smaller box of mags, even smaller boxes with scopes and different modules and a big metal box with grenades and mines.

—Ok, while it's in a metal box, it's safe

—It's not! Timmy can open the box and it can explode!

—I know! We can just close this room!

—But how?

—I always have some technical equipment in my bag. There should be a code lock.

—That's great!

—Yes, but we need electricity for that.

—Do you have a generator?

—No. I use infinite energy.


—Oh, I mean I use solar radiation to transfer it to electricity.

—Um.. ok.

He started putting solar panels on our bunker.

—I don't think they will survive the explosion. Or they will just stop working.

—Don't worry, it's an apocalyptic variant. They are expensive, but very strong.


*1 day later..*

It was Sunday, 6:47 pm

—Ok, the explosion will be soon, we need to finish now!

—I know, the walls are finished, roof almost, Jack said

—I planted the seeds, Alice said

—I found some toys! said Timmy

—I finished the electricity! Max said

—I finished arranging the furniture. We can already sleep on the bed. Eat and discuss plans at the table, relax on the couch and... relieve yourself on the toilet, Den said

We all laughed.

—Ok, who wants to eat?






—Ok, we have cooked potatoes with chicken stew, beetroot soup, and Chupa Chups!

—I will eat potatoes and stew! Den said.

—Me too! said Jack.

—Can I have beetroot soup? I said

—I will have soup too, said Max.

—I will have Chupa Chups! said Timmy.

—After soup, Alice said.


After a lot of work and di

I woke up shaking. The whole bunker

was shaking. It was 0:03 am, Monday. Looks like it's an explosion. I didn't know if the bunker could stand it. All was just begi

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