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695. Pfuhl E., Henry S. The Deviance Process. Third Edition. NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1993. (ч. I: 43).

696. Podgor E. White Collar Crime in a Nutshell. St. Paul (Mi

697. Podgorecki A. Patologia zycia spolecznego. Warszawa, 1969. (ч. II: 239, ч. III: 233).

698. Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Be-richtsjahr 2001. Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, 2002. (ч. III: 24 , 40, 41, 43).

699. Pontell H. (Ed.) Social Deviance. Readings in Theory and Research. Third Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1999. (ч. II: 2, 47, 127, ч. III: 321).

700. Qui

701. Qui

702. Rechtsmedizinisches Kolloquium der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1995. (ч. IV.: 90).

703. Reid S. Crime and Criminology. Fifth Edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1988. (ч. III: 71).

704. Report 89: Trends in alcohol and drug use in Sweden. Stockholm, 1989. (ч. III: 188, 190).

705. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice /Japan /, 1997. (ч. III: 50).

706. Restorative Justice: The Old Civilization in the New Russia. Moscow, 2001. (4. IV.: 76).

707. Retterstol N. Suicide: A European Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 1993. (ч. III: 220, 229).

708. Ross E. Social Control. NY, 1901. (ч. IV.: 7).

709. Rotwax H. Guilty. The Collapse of Criminal Justice. NY: Random House, 1996. (ч. IV.: 29)

710. Sack F. Neue Perspectiven in der Kriminologie. In: Sack F., Konig R. (Hrsg.) Kriminalsoziologie. Wisbaden, 1968. (ч. II.: 98).

711. Sagarin E. Positive Deviance: An Oxymoron // Deviant Behavior, 1985. N 6. (ч. III: 328).

712. Santino U., La Fiura G. Behind Drugs: Survival economies, criminal enterprises, military operations, development projects. Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1993. (ч. III: 154).

713. Schmalleger F. Criminology Today. An Integrative Introduction. Third Edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002. (ч. III: 3).

714. Schmidt A., Jongman A. (Eds.) Political Terrorism. Amsterdam, 1988. (ч. III: 82).

715. Schneidman E. Definition of Suicide. Jason Aronson Inc., 1994. (ч. III: 212, 214, 216, 217, 218).

716. Schoncheck J. On Criminalization: An Essay in the Philosophy of the Criminal Law. Kluver Academic Publishers, 1994. (ч. III: 181).

717. Schur E. Crimes Without Victims. Englewood Cliffs, 1965. (4. II: 96, 4. III: 12).

718. Schur E. Labeling Deviant Behavior: Its sociological Implications. Harper and Row, Publishers, 1971. (4. II: 97).

719. Scott J. Comparative Political Corruption. Englewood Cliffs, 1972. (ч. III: 121).

720. Sheley J. (Ed.) Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook. Third Edition. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, 2000. (ч. II: 29, ч. III: 21, 29).

721. Siegel L. Criminology. Fourth Edition. West Publishing Co., 1992. (ч. III: 74).

722. Simmel J. Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliation. Glencoe (III.): Free Press, 1956. (ч. II: 105).

723. Simmel G. Philosophie des Geldes. Berlin, 1958. (ч. III: 298).

724. Skogan W., Hartnett S. Community Policing, Chicago Style. Oxford University Press, 1997. (ч. II: 80, ч. IV.: 65, 87).

725. Smith W. Forced Exit. The Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder. Times Books. Random House, 1997. (ч. III: 243).

726. Statistics on Alcohol, Drugs and Crime in the Baltic Sea Region. Helsinki: NAD Publication, 2000. (ч. III: 193).

727. Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System. Home Office, 2000. (ч. III: 46).

728. Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System Home Office, 2000. (ч. III: 47).

729. Steinert H. The Idea of Prevention and the Critique of Instrumental Reason. In: Albrecht G., Ludwig-Mayerhofer W. (Eds.) Version and Informal Social Control. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co., 1995. (ч. IV.: 83).

730. Strafrechtspflege in Deutschland: Fakten und Zahlen. Bo

731. Summary of the White Paper on Crime. 1996. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice /Japan /, 1997. (ч. III: 50, ч. IV: 57).

732. Sumner W. Folkways. Boston, 1906. (ч. IV: 5).

733. Sumner C. The Sociology of Deviance. An Obituary. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994. (ч. I: 13, 18, ч. II: 2).

734. Sutherland E. White-Collar Crime. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983 (первая публикация 1949 г.). (ч. II: 72).

735. Sutherland E. The Professional Thief: By a professional thief. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937. (ч. II: 73).

736. Sutherland E., Cressey D. Principles of Criminology. NY, Philadelphia, 1960. (ч. II: 74).

737. Swaaningen van R. Critical Criminology. Visions from Europe. SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997. (ч. II: 118).

738. Sykes G., Matza D. Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of Delinquency // American Sociological Review, 1957. No 22. (ч. II: 100).

739. Taylor I. Crime, Capitalism and Community: Three essays in socialist criminology. Toronto: Butterworths, 1983. (ч. II: 122).

740. Taylor I. (Ed.) The Social Effects of Free Market Policies. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. (ч. II: 121).

741. Taylor I., Evans K., Fraser P. A Tale of Two Cities: A Study in Manchester and Sheffield. Routledge, 1996. (ч. II: 56).

742. Taylor I, Walton P., Young J. The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance. L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973. (ч. II: 119).

743. Ta

744. The Mafia Manager: A Guide to the Corporate Machiavelly. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996. (ч. III: 77).

745. The 2000 British Crime Survey // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. London, 2000. 18/00. (ч. III: 25, 45).

746. The Prevention Pioneers: History of the Hein Roethof Prize 1987-1996. Information and PR Office Prevention, 1997. (ч. IV.: 84)

747. Thrasher F. The Gang: A Study of 1,313 Gangs in Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1927. (ч. II: 79).

748. Terrorismus // Das neue taschen Lexikon. Bertelsma

749. Tierney J. Criminology: Theory and Context. Prentice Hall, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996. (ч. III: 21).

750. Tittle Ch. Control Balance: Toward a General Theory of Deviance. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. (ч. II: 152).

751. Tomasic R., Freeley M. (Eds.) Neighborhood Justice: Assessment of an Emerging Idea. NY and L.: Longman Inc., 1982. (ч. IV: 89).

752. Traub S., Little С (Eds.) Theories of Deviance. Fourth Edition. Itasca (III.) F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1994. (ч. II: 2, 47).

753. Treml V. Soviet and Russian Statistics on Alcohol Consumption and Abuse. In: Bobadilla J., Costello Ch., Mitchell F. (Eds.) Premature Death in the new independent States. Washington, 1997. (ч. III: 208).

754. Turk A. Criminality and Legal Order. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1969.(ч. II: 112).

755. Turk A. Political Criminality. In: Williams III F., McShane M. Ibid. (ч. II: 116, 117).

756. Void G., Bernard Т., Snipes J. Theoretical Criminology. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press, Inc., 1998. (ч. II: 91, 151).

757. Wacquant L. Deadly Symbiosis. When Ghetto and Prison meet and mesh // Punishment and Society. Vol. 3, N 1, 2001. (ч. II: 142).

758. Walmsley R. World Prison Population List // Home Office. Finding 166. 2002. (ч. IV.: 59).