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582. Bondeson U. (Eds.) Crime and Justice in Scandinavia. Copenhagen: Forlaget Thomson A/S, 2005 (ч. I: 111).

583. Bonger W. Criminality and Economic Conditions. Little, Brown, Boston, 1916(ч. II:36).

584. Braithwaite J. Crime, Shame, and Reintegration. Cambridge University Press, 1989 (ч. II: 127).

585. Brown S., Esbensen F-A., Geis G. Criminolgy: Explaining Crime and its Context. Third Edition. Anderson Publishing Co., 1998 (ч. I: 55, 90).

586. Bryant С (Editor-in-Chief.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior. Vol. IV Self-Destructive Behavior and Disvalued Identity. Bru

587. Caffrey S., Mundy С (Eds.) The Sociology of Crime and Deviance. Greenwich University Press, 1995 (ч. I: 65).

588. Cassesse A. Terrorism, Politics and Law. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989(ч. III: 201).

589. Celebrating Prevention: European Crime Prevention Award 1997. Information and PR Office Prevention, 1997 (ч. IV 108).

590. Champion D. J. Corrections in the United States. A Contemporary Perspective. Fourth Edition. NJ.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 (ч. IV: 51).

591. Christie N. Limits to Pain. Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1981 (ч. I: 4).

592. Christie N. A Suitable Amount of Crime. NY – L.: Routledge, 2004 (ч. I: 4, 32, 69, 70).

593. Clay W. To Kill or Not to Kill: Thoughts on Capital Punishment. San Bernardino (Calif), 1990 (ч. IV 56).

594. Clear Т., Terry К. Correction Beyond Prison Walls // Sheley J. Criminology (ч. IV: 47).

595. Cloward R., Ohlin L. Delinquency and Opportunity. NY: Free Press, 1960 (ч. II: 58).

596. Cohen A. K. Delinquent Boys. The Culture of the Gang. NY: Free Press, 1955 (ч. II: 57, ч. IV: 11).

597. Cohen S. Folk Devils and Moral Panics. St. Albans: Paladin, 1973 (ч. I: 1).

598. Cohen S. Human Rights and Crimes of the State: the Cultural of Denial // Criminological Perspectives. A Reader. SAGE, 1996 (ч. IV: 11).

599. Coleman J. The Criminal Elite: The Sociology of White Collar Crime. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1985 (ч. III: 163, 164).

600. Combating Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: An Overview of Statistics, Legislation, and National Initiatives. Warsaw, 2005 (ч. III: 50).

601. Community Policing in Chicago, Year Seven: An interim Report. Chicago: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. November 2000(ч. IV: 110).

602. Complex White Collar Crime. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 1993 (ч. III: 164).

603. Consedine J. Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime. Ploughshares Publication, 1995 (ч. IV: 52).

604. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social and Restorative Justice: Special Issue on The Phenomenon of Restorative Justice. 1998. Vol. 1. № 1 (ч. IV: 52).

605. Correctional Institutions in Japan. Correctional Bureau Ministry of Justice, 1985(ч. IV: 51).

606. Coser L. The Functions of Social Conflict. L.: Free Press of Glencoe, 1956 (ч. II: 78).

607. Crime in United States 2000. Uniform Crime Reports. Washington, D. C.: US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2001 (ч. I: 124).

608. Criminological Perspectives. A Reader. SAGE, 1996 (ч. IV: 11).

609. Das neue Taschen Lexikon. Bertelsma

610. Davis N., Anderson B. Social Control: The Production of Deviance in the Modern State. Irvington Publishers Inc., 1983 (ч. IV: 15).

611. De Keseredy W., Schwartz M. Contemporary Criminology. Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996 (ч. I: 55, 65, 90, ч. III: 137).

612. Donziger S. The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission. Harper Collins Publ., Inc., 1996 (ч. III: 246,264, ч. IV: 54, 112).

613. Einstadter W., Henry S. Criminological Theory: An Analyses of Its Underlying Assumption. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995 (ч. II: 90).

614. Electronic Monitoring: The Trials and their Results. L., Home Office, 1990 (ч. IV: 47).

615. Elliot D., Hamburg В., WIIIiams K. (Eds.) Violence in American Schools. Cambridge University Press, 1998 (ч. III: 42).

616. Ewald U. (Ed.) Social Transformation and Crime in Metropolises of Former Eastern Bloc Countries. Bo

617. Falck S., von Hofer H., Storgaard A. (Eds.) Nordic Criminal Statistics 1950–2000. Stockholm, 2003 (ч. I: 121, 122).

618. Fattah E. Towards a Critical Victimology. MacmIIIan Press, 1992(ч. I: 21).

619. Fay K. Prescribed Addiction // Bloor M., Wood E Op. cit. (ч. III: 240).

620. Ferrell J., Sanders С Cultural Criminology. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995 (ч. I: 13).

621. Finer C, Nellis M. (Eds.) Crime and Social Exclusion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998 (ч. I: 174).

622. Fijnaut C, Paoli L. (Eds.) Organised Crime in Europe: Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in European Union and Beyond. Springer, 2004. Vol. I–IV (ч. III: 138).

623. Fishbein D. Biobehavioral Perspectives in Criminology. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, 2001 (ч. II: 18).

624. From Russia with sex // New York. August, 10. 1998 (ч. III: 89).

625. Forst B. (Ed.) The Socio-Economics of Crime and Justice. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1993 (ч. I: 12,150).

626. Garland D. The Culture of High Crime Societies. Some Preconditions of Recent «Law and Order» Policies // The British Journal of Criminology. 2000. Vol. 40. № 3 (ч. II: 118, 119).

627. Garland D. The Culture of Control. Oxford University Press, 2001(ч. П: 118).

628. Gerstenfeld Ph. Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls and Controversies. SAGE Publications, 2004 (ч. III: 50).

629. Gerstenfeld Ph., Grant D. (Eds.) Crime of Hate: Selected Readings. SAGE Publications, 2004 (ч. III: 50).

630. Gilinskiy Y. Economic Crime in Contemporary Russia // European Financial Service Law, 1998. Vol. 5. № 3–4 (ч. III: 168).

631. Gilinskiy Y. Police and the Community in Russia // Police Practice and Research. An International Journal. 2005. Vol. 6. № 4 (ч. I: 54, 98).

632. Gilinskiy Y, Ivanov L. Victimology in the USSR: Theoretical Approach and Empirical Research // Kaiser G, Kury H., Albrecht H-J. (Eds.) Victims and Criminal Justice. Freiburg in Br.: the Max Planck Institute, 1991(ч. I: 23).

633. Gilinskiy Y, Kostjukovsky Y. From Thievish Artel to Criminal Corporation: The History of Organised Crime in Russia // C. Fijnaut, L Paoli (Eds.) Organised Crime in Europe: Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in European Union and Beyond. Springer, 2004. Vol. 4 (ч. III: 138).

634. Goffman E. Asylums. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1961 (ч. IV 19).

635. Goldstein A., Segall M. (Eds.) Agression in Global Perspective. Pergamon Press, 1983 (ч. III: 8).

636. Gondolf E. Psychiatry Response to Family Violence. D. С Toronto, 1991(ч. I: 25).

637. Government of Japan. Summary of the White Paper on Crime. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice, 1996 (ч. III: 281).

638. Griffiths M. Against the Odds: An Overview of Gambling Addiction // Bloor M., Wood E (Eds.) Addictions and Problem Drug Use: Issues in Behavior, Policy and Practice. L: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998 (ч. III: 239).

639. Grover Ch. Inequality and Crime // Peelo M., SoothIII K. (Eds.) Questing Crime and Criminology. WIIIan Publishing, 2005 (ч. II: 165).

640. Gurvich I., Rusakova M., Pyshkina Т., Yakovleva A. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in St. Petersburg and Northwest Russia. Save the Children. Stockholm, 2002 (ч. III: 95, 96).

641. Hagan J. Modern Criminology: Crime, Criminal Behavior and its Control. NY: McGraw-HIII, 1985 (ч. I: 80, 87).

642. Hagan J. Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior. Nelson-Hall, 1986 (ч. I: 10, ч. III: 123, 136).

643. Hagan J. Structural Criminology. New Jersey: Rutgers, The State University, 1989 (ч. I: 12, 150).