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But Veses was right. Our love did make both of us capable of violence.


She stopped at the door but didn’t look back.

“I just want you to know that…I am sorry for what was done to you in the Council Hall.”

Her back stiffened.

“But that doesn’t change that I will do everything in my power to see you burn before I die.”

Weary, I found myself without much of an appetite when the Chosen served supper, but I forced myself to eat what I could, knowing I needed to keep up my strength.

Because I had a feeling I should keep from taxing my body further.

I wouldn’t think about that, though. I already had enough on my mind after Veses’ visit.

As I readied myself for bed, I hoped I dreamt of Ash again. Holding that desire at the forefront of my mind, I walked from behind the privacy screen, my tired gaze moving from the darkened chamber beyond to—

Wait. The chandelier had been on when I went behind the canvas screen. Hadn’t it? I started to turn.

Kolis lay in the center of the bed, an arm thrust back, supporting his head. He had his long body stretched out, his ankles crossed. He looked as comfortable as a bug snug in a rug.

Choking on a scream of surprise, I jerked back a step as my hand flew to my chest.

“I startled you,” Kolis said with a smile.

My heart pounded. “You’re so observant.”

That practiced smile faltered but quickly returned. “It is one of my many skills.”

I didn’t care about any of his skills. “What are you doing in here?”

One eyebrow rose. “You’re asking what I’m doing in here, within the sanctuary I had built?” His head tipped to the side. “Surely, you’re not asking that.”

Keep your temper in check, I reminded myself as I folded an arm over my still-unsettled stomach. Especially with Veses’ newfound purpose in life. “I just wasn’t expecting you.” I glanced at the screen. How long had he been in here? While I’d made use of the privy? Undressed. Gods, I had to add that to the ever-growing list of things I could not think about. “I didn’t even hear you.”

“Being quiet is another talent,” he teased.

The hand at my side tightened. “It’s an impressive one.”

He practically beamed.

I forced my tone to be light. “I’m very tired, Kolis.”

“That’s perfect.” He reached over with a hand, patting the space beside him. “As am I. I know no deals have been struck, but I so enjoyed the last time we slept together.”

“I’m relieved to hear that,” I murmured, thinking it was ironic that he took such joy in something that haunted me. Or maybe it was more disturbing than ironic. “Speaking of deals—”

“My nephew is being prepared for release,” he interrupted. “It will happen very soon.” Golden eather swirled across his bare chest. “That is unless a reason arises for that not to happen—or more of a reason than what you have already given me.”

Visions of Veses’ gloating face danced in my head.

His eyes locked with mine. “Join me. I would be so…disappointed if you didn’t want to.”

I stiffened. What he didn’t say came across loud and clear. If I displeased him, it would become another reason to delay Ash’s release. My fingers curled against the material of the robe as I resisted shouting that he should go find Veses, who’d be more than glad to share a bed with him.

“You hesitate,” he stated flatly. “Do you not wish to be in my company?”

“It’s…it’s not that.” I hated him. Gods, I hated him. “I’m just nervous.”

He raised a brow. “About what, so’lis?”

“About what you expect from me. We have yet to get to know each other—”

“I only wish to sleep beside you, as we did last time.” The eather slowed in his eyes. “The virtue you cared little for when it came to my nephew and whomever else is safe with me.”

The implication of his words stung my cheeks.

And he knew it.

Saw it.

Because that tainted smile returned. “Unlike them, I am a gentleman.”

A laugh crawled up my throat. A very unwise one, but I didn’t get a chance to let it free.

“But do not think it doesn’t anger me that you were not as faithful as I, spreading those lovely thighs for whoever caught your eye,” he said. “It does. But I have chosen to forgive such missteps. You have no memory of who you were or what you meant to me.”


There was a whole lot of what the fuck? in what he’d just said, but my mind skipped over the chauvinistic insults and latched on to one thing he’d said. “What do you mean you’ve been…faithful?”

“There has been no one since you.”

My mouth opened, but I had a hard time finding the right word, let alone processing what he’d just said.

Kolis chuckled. “The disbelief in your expression is endearing. I didn’t say I was a virgin, only that I have been with no other since I met you.”

If Kolis hadn’t been with anyone since he’d met Sotoria, which was a really long time ago, far more than just two hundred years, he might as well be a virgin.

Honestly, my shock had nothing to do with the virginity bit. Ash had been one when we met. Granted, the length of life he’d lived so far was not even a drop in the bucket compared to Kolis.

What stu

Was that what Veses had meant when she’d said she would rather see Kolis alone than with Sotoria? Because she knew that he’d truly been faithful?




He and Veses were meant for each other.

“You should be honored to know this,” Kolis remarked, a hard edge creeping into his voice. “I would’ve been honored if I had learned you had remained chaste.”

Blinking, I snapped out of my stupor with a rush of anger. Ash’s response to my lack of chaste behavior couldn’t be any more different than Kolis’s.

“Have my words insulted you?” he asked. “I have only spoken the truth.”

“No, they have not.” And that was true. His words meant very little to me beyond the sting of initial disbelief and the anger his chauvinistic opinions generated.

Not saying another word, I went to the bed and lay down, my back to him.

A couple of moments of silence passed. “Do you normally sleep this way?” he asked. “On your side?”


“On that side?”

I could sleep on either side, but I did favor my right. That was how I’d slept with Ash. With Kolis? I didn’t want to look at him, and I wanted my dominant hand free, just in case. I didn’t have to be concerned about that with Ash, not even before I realized I didn’t need to worry.

The bed shifted behind me, and I closed my eyes, bracing myself.

Kolis’s arm came around me. Another moment passed, and then his chest touched my back. His legs curled against mine, and I lay there, no longer focused on finding Ash in my dreams again. Instead, I fantasized about all the many, varied, and bloody ways I would hurt both Veses and Kolis before I died.

The problem was, those fantasies were difficult to make clear. It was unlikely I would accomplish both things before then because I…

I was on borrowed time that was quickly ru


I stood in front of the vanity, staring at the pinkish-red streaking the clusters of foam.

My gums were bleeding.

Hand shaking, I reached for the cup and rinsed my mouth, then used the rest of the water to wash away the evidence of what Phanos had warned would happen. Whatever the ceeren had done for me was wearing off.

Either it was bound to happen, or there were other reasons. The injury sustained when I tried to escape? How long I’d slept afterwards? Using the embers? Kolis feeding on me? Regardless, I was once more barreling toward my Ascension.