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“That’s…that’s why Holland called the Revenants an abomination, isn’t it?” I glanced at Ash. “Because they keep coming back.”

Keella nodded. “Sotoria has died multiple times and was brought back in one form or another. Then her soul was reincarnated. That ceased when we placed her with the embers. She was supposed to be reborn. That did not occur.”

It struck me then. “Could the Fates have been why I wasn’t reborn as Sotoria and instead became a…a vessel for her?”

“I ca

I shook my head. “So, they could do something similar again?”

“Or not.” Keella tilted her head. “They could do something far more…concerning. There’s no way to know, but it would be foolish of us not to consider the risk.”

I studied her. “You sound afraid of the Arae.”

“The oldest of us are wise enough to be wary of them.” She smiled. “We may be Primals, but we are not the ultimate power.”

“At this moment, I couldn’t care less about pissing off the Fates. That wasn’t what I was asking,” Ash stated, impatience filling his tone. “Will removing Sotoria’s soul harm Sera in any way?”

Keella’s gaze flicked up to Ash. “No.”

That was a relief. “How is it done?”

“Have you been able to sense the dual souls?”

He shook his head. “I’ve only ever been able to feel the imprint of Sera’s soul.”

“Interesting.” Keella’s brows furrowed and then smoothed out. “Since I have handled this soul before, I will be able to, but I need your help, Nyktos. I need you to keep your hands on Sera and concentrate on her soul.”

“Is there a chance you will do something to Sera’s soul?” Ash demanded.

A trickle of unease ran down my spine as Ehthawn lifted his head from where it rested. Nektas stepped forward, his arms crossing.

Keella smiled. “Not if you do as I request. You will…basically be anchoring yourself to her soul. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Ash said, and I was glad he did because I didn’t. “Let’s do this then.”

Attes stepped forward, lifting the saddlebag. Reaching inside, he pulled out the diamond and extended his hand, his fingers opening.

The Star rested on his palm, its edges jagged and irregular. There was no milky light filling the diamond now, but every part reflected whatever light found its way to it, casting shimmering rainbow hues over my legs and across the floor.

Keella carefully took The Star. Her silver eyes met mine. “Attes said you were able to feel Sotoria’s presence? Is that true now?”

Wetting my lips, I closed my eyes and concentrated. There was no hum in my chest, but there was an awareness—that presence near my heart. It was so faint, and I wondered if my being so close to death affected her. I nodded, opening my eyes. “I can feel her.”

“Good.” Keella was looking at Ash as Attes took a step back. “Ready?”

Ash pressed his palm between my breasts. “Ready,” he said gruffly.

A moment later, Keella placed her hand just below Ash’s, her pinky finger overlapping his. My lips twitched as I fought a ridiculous giggle.

Ash’s head tilted down. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Just that it’s not often I have two Primal hands on my breasts.”

Nektas snorted as a dimple appeared in Attes’s right cheek. I could feel Ash shaking his head behind me.

Keella’s smile tipped up. “Try to concentrate on Sotoria’s soul.”

I nodded obediently and could’ve sworn I saw Attes’s other dimple wink to life.

The white aura behind Keella’s pupils pulsed. Tendrils of eather seeped out, swirling across her irises and into her skin. Her eyes closed as the wisps spread over her smoky-reddish-brown cheeks and moved down her throat until her entire being was awash in essence.

Ash lowered his head, pressing his cheek against mine as I concentrated on Sotoria’s presence. A heartbeat passed, and then a faint coolness seeped into my torso. I wasn’t sure if it was Ash’s touch or more—him anchoring himself to my soul.

“Do you have Seraphena’s soul?” Keella asked.

“I do,” Ash confirmed, his voice rough.

I almost asked what it felt like, what it looked like, but it probably wouldn’t be wise to break anyone’s concentration.

Including mine.

“I feel her,” Keella a

“It is okay,” Ash translated quietly for me. “You are safe.”

Vena ta mayah,” she urged. I knew that one. Come to me. Tendrils of eather crackled around her. “Illa vol la sutum.”

“She will…she will be safe,” Ash repeated.

That didn’t make sense, except…Keella had told her to come to her and then said she would be safe. She wasn’t talking about Sotoria. She was talking about me.

Oh, gods. Was Sotoria somehow resisting because she was worried about me?

Illa vol ori,” Keella told her. “Illa vol…” Whatever else Keella said was lost to the sudden buzzing in my ears.

Ash inhaled sharply, and my body jerked as I felt Sotoria respond. It was like she was disentangling herself from me and suddenly moving closer to the surface. That was the only way I could describe it.

“Hold on to Seraphena,” Keella instructed.

“Always,” Ash responded. “Always.”

My heart stuttered and then sped up as I looked down, barely able to see past the aura coming off Keella. Still, I felt the sudden warmth pulsing over the skin of my chest under their hands.

A soft, silvery-white light suddenly radiated from my chest. My eyes widened as Keella replaced her hand with the one that held The Star. The hard edges pressed into my skin—

I heard Sotoria then.

Heard her speaking just as her soul left me and poured into the diamond.

Keella rocked back, the essence dimming around her as she looked down at The Star. An intense, bright white light floated inside the stone.

“It is done?” Attes asked, his voice thick.

“It is.” The Primal goddess rose, turning to Attes. “We will keep her safe.”

“Until…” I cleared my throat. “Until when?”

“Until it’s best to allow her to be reborn,” she said as Attes took the diamond. He handled it with reverence, gently placing it inside the satchel. “Once we can be sure that Kolis will not be able to find her before she is ready.”

Before she is ready.

A sour taste gathered in my mouth as I placed my hand on my chest. Ash asked me if I was okay, and I nodded. I didn’t feel different, yet I did. The presence I hadn’t been aware of for most of my life was gone, but Sotoria’s parting words lingered.

We will meet again.


We shadowstepped back to the Bonelands, leaving Keella and Attes in the Thyia Plains.

As I stared out past the ships at sea, I wished I could’ve seen more of the Court. It was beautiful.

Keella had embraced me before we left. Attes hadn’t. Likely because Ash would’ve made good on his threat to rip out the Primal’s tongue. Instead, he’d placed his hand over his heart and bowed.

I’d reminded him of his promise to me as Ash said goodbye to Keella: that he would support Ash.

“I have not forgotten, Seraphena,” he’d answered. “He will have my support.”

“Sera,” I’d corrected him.

Attes had smiled then, but his dimples didn’t appear, and his eyes looked sad. I hoped he and Ash could work things out and become more than comrades. I hoped they’d be friends like those Ash spoke with now.

We will meet again.

I hadn’t hallucinated the sound of Sotoria’s voice, but what had she meant? Once we both passed on? That would be soon, very soon for me. But her?

My stomach shifted again as I thought about her in that diamond for who knew how long, only to be reborn, grow up, and be placed right back in the hands of Kolis and his obsession. It wasn’t right. I should’ve spoken up.