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I found a big sink, with paint brushes soaking in it, well to the rear of the workshop. I splashed water on both my faces, then drank from my cupped hands. Carefully poured water into the tiny fu

“Are you alright? “ Bolivar asked.

“Tired and miserable-but still free.”

“Try and stay that way for a little while longer. I have found out that there are night watchmen on the island. They are the only ones who overnight on the island. The rest of the staff commute by ferry. I’ll be on the first ferry trip of the day. “

“I hope you know what you are doing.”

“I do. I am an officer in the Health and Security Police and you are one of our agents. ”

“I am? I’ve never heard of the organization.”

“Neither has anyone else. James created it and planted it in the government memory banks. There are so many kinds of police on Fetorr that one more won’t be noticed. How do we get together?”

“If they see me they’ll grab me!”

“Not if you are with me. “ .

I thought for a moment. “Come in the front entrance with the others,” I told him. “Then turn left, through a large room and down the hall. You’ll come to an escalator-but don’t take it. Phone me and I’ll join you.”

“Agreed! Over and out. “

I put the face back on-ignoring its whimpered plea for chicken soup-and went back to the display that was under construction. I couldn’t possibly hide there as I had hidden myself the night before, not for any length of time. I put the clothes and breathing apparatus on the dummy and restored it to its original position. Then went out the door I had originally entered by and back along the hall behind the dioramas. To the far end where I wouldn’t be seen-unless another deliberate search was taking place. I sat down with my back to the wall and even managed to doze off again.

I was awake the moment the phone vibrated.

“Where are you?”

“By the escalator you mentioned. “

“Stay there-I’m on my way.”

A feeling of great relief passed over me. I didn’t know what Bolivar had in mind, but I knew that he would get me out of this particular mess. I opened the door to the hall and there he was in a very smart and official uniform.

Standing next to him were the two guards who had tried to grab me. And a clutch of business types in white lab coats. I started to draw back, but Bolivar stepped forward and put his arm around my shoulder.

“You did a magnificent job, Inspector Kidogo. The department is proud of you.” He thrust his right hand out and I shook it. And palmed something metallic that was in his hand.

“Now tell me inspector-do you recognize anyone here?”

“I certainly do. These two men here.”

Instead of seizing me the two guards trembled with fear.

“Is it true that they threatened you with violence and tried to force you into certain undesirable actions?” I nodded agreement. “Good. One last thing then. What is it that they wanted you to do?”

“They wanted me-against my will-to work with radioactive material!”

“That’s it!” Bolivar shouted and stabbed an accusatory finger at the group of men behind the guards. Who now looked as terrified as the guards. “Show these men your identification, inspector.”

I reached into my pocket and produced the palmed badge. A very official-looking one in gold with blue lettering that spelled out Health and Security Police. They stared at it as though it were a poisonous snake and trembled with fear. Bolivar punched a number into his phone; there was only dumb silence among the electrical employees as he spoke.

“Yes, general, we have the evidence. The security on the island was easily penetrated, just as you feared. Inspector Kidogo easily eluded the so-called guards here. He actually entered the nuclear enclosure and photographed everything. And there is more than that, sir. The rumor that we heard, about the scientists here using forced labor for nuclear cleanup is true. They won’t be able to hide that spill any longer. We have the evidence! Yes, sir, thank you, sir. They are all under arrest? Of course. They have no place to run to.” He hung up and glared a very impressive glare.

“The Security Police choppers on their way. If you attempt to leave this building you will be shot at once. Nowclear out your desks because none of you will ever be coming back here! ”

They turned and staggered off, their careers in ruins and only prison awaiting them. It was very nice to see. When the last trembling back had disappeared, Bolivar and I went out the front door and walked towards the waiting ferry.

“Congratulations,” I said. “That was very neatly done.”

“You can thank James. It was his idea-and he fed it all into the computerized files. The psychology was perfect because they knew that they were all guilty of breaking a number of laws. Now, while they are waiting for the ax to fall we will make our getaway. And I think that I will phone the authorities as soon as we are clear, to report this lot. They are criminals and deserve what they will get. I’m afraid that the only copter here is the one I came in, so they will have a long wait. We’ll take the copter and be clear of this place as soon as possible.”

“We can’t.” I dropped into a chair in the empty cabin as the ferry got under way. “I still have to pull off the demolition job for Chaise. And that will be impossible now with everyone in this place stirred up and waiting for the police.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll do the job before we leave.”

I gaped, openmouthed, shook my head in disbelief. Said, “What, what?”

“Just a matter of putting two and two together. You told me that Chaise had given you the explosive. Which, I assume, you have left in a safe spot.”

“Bar. On shore.”

“Good. As I flew in I had that explosive in my mind. As I dropped down for a landing I saw how easy it would be to do.”

“Easy? Excuse me if you think that I am acting like a moron this morning. That is only because I feel like one. What did you see when you were landing this morning?”

He gri

There was the answer in the sky.

The great cables that carried the electricity from the island!

“The only vessel that uses this cha

“And it will hit the water with an immense sizzling that will be heard all the way to the stock exchange. All the lights will go out and all the maglev trains will be stopped in their tracks. I’m glad that we are flying!”

Once ashore we headed directly to the bar. We enjoyed a beer and a bearburger before I retrieved my bag. And a cup of chicken soup as well, for my face, so it wouldn’t fall off from fatigue. Bolivar was driving a rental runabout from the copter field. There was little traffic on the road out of town. We waited until there was none before we took the service road that led to the electricity tower. We parked halfway there behind a jumble of large rocks, then went the rest of the way on foot.

I looked up at the great steel mass of the tower and shook my head. “I am forced to admit that I know nothing at all about demolition.”

Bolivar gently took the explosive from my hands. “I never heard you say that before. I grew up believing that you could do anything.”

“Well, I am forced to admit, almost anything.”

“Demolition is the first thing I learned when I started lunar exploration. This baby is going to make some mark when it comes down.”

A fence topped with razor wire ringed the base of the tower. Now this was something I did know about. I unlocked the gate while Bolivar measured the steel structure with his eyes.