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“A piece of paper worth a lot of cash to whoever has their hands on it.”

“Generally speaking, yes.”

“And I’ll bet that you know where there is a bunch of these bonds and you want me to grab them for you?”

“Speaking crudely-again, yes.”

“Good. But before we talk about that I want you to tell me about Angelina.”

“She is fine and sends you her love.” Chaise was perfectly repellent when he smirked.

“Don’t patronize me, you kidnapping crook. I want hard evidence, not generalities.” I looked around, then saw in the rubbish on the floor the printouts he had brought, with the headlines about the armored-car theft. I seized them, dusted off the top sheet and handed it to him.

“Take this. And bring me back a video of you handing it. to my wife. Let her read the news, then hold it up to the camera. Then I want her to say something that will positively identify her. Tell her that. She will think of something.”

He chewed his lip in thought, then shook his head. “That will be difficult and time-consuming. Impossible.”

“Make it possible. Because I am not pla

He thought deeply about this, then realized that I meant what I said. I had no intention of continuing to aid him without some reassurances. “All right. I will do it. But in return you must study a certain building in great detail. Become so familiar with it that you can find your way around, it in the dark.”

Why not? I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“All right. What do you have?”

He took a palmtop computer from his case and put it on the table between us. “I have a mole, a very deep mole, who was planted in this particular building some years ago. He has been taking photographs of this building all of that time.” He typed in a command and a holopic of an immense white structure appeared before us. Mighty pillars supported a great plinth. Stairs led up the entrance behind the pillars and, as the point of view moved forwards, I could read the words incised in the marble above.


“Let me guess,” I said. “Somewhere in this monetary mausoleum is a room or rooms stuffed with bearer bonds.”

“Correct,” he said.

“Front entrance, “ the computer said in a deep masculine voice.

“You will tour this building while “I am away,” he said.

“You can walk through it with the virtual reality program, study it closely. Open and close doors, remember everything.

By the time I return I expect you to be completely familiar with it. When you have done that-why, then I will tell you what you have to do.”

I considered this briefly-then nodded. “Do it. I’m not going anyplace.”

He started to stand. I stopped him. “Will Igor be in on this next job?”

“I imagine so. Yes, he will probably be needed.”

“Then put the frighteners on him. He hit me-so I hit him back. Very hard. Can you convince him that if he touches me again, that I will kill him?”

“Igor!” his master shouted. Our loutish companion looked up from the gogglebox. Stood and shambled over.

“I believe that you and Jim here have had a difference of opinion.”

“Don’t like him.”

“Neither do I. But we must work together. You will look after him and guard him well. Because if anything happens to him-the same thing will happen to you. And if you try to escape I will surely find you. Remember the last time?”

Igor was looking very unhappy. Clutching at his trousers, looking around the room, finally speaking in a low voice.


“Good. Than I shall not have to do that kind of thing a second time.” He turned to me before he left. “You are safe. I’ll give you one day. When I return you will be an authority on this building.”

“I will-as long as you bring the video I asked for. And another thing. I want a key to the front door. I can’t eat the swill this creature does.”

He made a quick decision. Dropped the key on the table and left. I turned to the computer.

I was interested in the building-why shouldn’t I be? considering the assets that should be stored there. When I had visited most of the structure and could find my way around easily, I started looking into some of the more interesting vaults. Banknotes, freshly minted coins, stores of specie and bullion. It was so restful.

After a couple of hours I knew everything that I would need to know to satisfy my employer. I yawned and stretched. It was time for a beer. Or breakfast. Or both. And more than time to talk to the twins.

Igor looked up when I started for the door. Cringed and looked quickly back at the screen. I almost felt sorry for him. Thin screams and moans came from the set and I kept my eyes averted when I passed, not caring to examine his viewing taste too closely.

I entered the precincts of the mechomart and probed a little deeper into its bowels, until I found an upmarket restaurant that actually had a human headwaiter. Or a well-disguised robot.

“Good day, sire. Luncheon is about to be served. Today’s special is steak. Genetically restored, genuine Jurassic Brontosaurus steak. Very lean, grilled to your choice. The normal order is one kilo, but for the really hungry we can serve any size portion. Ten, twenty, thirty kilos-“ I raised my hand, almost losing my appetite at the thought.

But the robot kitchen was good, the robot service fast, the drinks tasty and cold. Well-refreshed I left and went to the telephone dispenser I had used before. But this time I bought the cheapest model, then found a quiet spot in an alleyway to make my call. But only after I had put the eavesdropping bugs on the ground and walked away from them.

“Dad! Good to hear from you. We spotted Chaise leaving the warehouse, but lost track of him on the payway. ”

“Going north?”

“You got it. “

“I thought he might.” I explained about my need to see recent evidence of Angelina’s safety, as well as the preparation for the new crime. “I thought he might go to Sunkist-by-the-Sea. He is sure to have a residence there. When he said it would take some time to make the video I was pretty sure he did not have her here in the city.”

“So what to we do? “

“Just what you are doing now. Hold fast and keep an eye on Chaise whenever you can without alerting him to the surveillance.”

“We’ll do better than that. I will, me, Believer, will keep an eye on this superswine. That frees James with his computer know-how to do a little snooping around in the public records of Sunkist-by-the-Sea. See if we can’t track down his property holdings. “

“Brilliant. I’ll phone back tomorrow when I know more about the next job in my new crime career.” I dropped the phone into a rubbish bin and retrieved all the little eavesdroppers. Put them back into my pocket.

I .was cheered by the sorely needed help the boys were supplying. Depressed by thoughts of Angelina still in jeopardy. Refreshed by my meal and the animal proteins now coursing through my bloodstream. Downcast at the thought of returning to the warehouse and Igor’s imbecilic presence. Reluctant to go indoors on this warm and su

There was a newspaper vending machine by the entrance. Normally a rarity in our technology-driven galaxy. I tried to imagine someone too poor to have a computer with newsservice printouts and I could not. Yet they must exist here on Fetorr for I popped in a coin and held the irrefutable evidence in my hands.

Flipped through it as I sipped my beer. More hysteria about my one-man crime wave, along with a completely fictionalized biography of the Stainless Steel Rat. They held me responsible for every major crime of the past forty years. In the i