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“Should I make us some breakfast?” she heard Mark’s voice.

She wiped the tear, turned to Mark, and smiled. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

When she said that- just for a split of a second – she saw a man, standing behind Mark. It was the man from her dreams. She suddenly remembered that she had seen him again last night in her dream. She shut her eyes and opened them again. The man was gone.

“Are you ok?” Mark said.

“Yeah, just a …I’m hungry. Let’s eat already!”

They started to make breakfast together and the image of the man started to slowly fade from her memory. She could still remember what he was wearing though – a black kimono.

Chapter 2

Super Lizzy

The place they arrived with their new driver, Tom – a young man who picked them up not too far away from the cottage – looked like a regular bakery. There were some patrons31 inside, enjoying freshly baked pastries and hot beverages. Lizzy tried to remember what day it was and why there were so many people out of office so shamelessly32 enjoying this nice weather and this cozy place. She couldn’t. It didn’t really matter.

Any day you are alive is a good day.

They entered the place and approached the counter. Tom ordered three espressos to go, without asking Lizzy and Mark whether they wanted anything. Then he showed them to the table in the corner, next to a female customer who was reading a book. They sat down and waited for the order without exchanging as much as a few phrases. Tom was taciturn33 all the way to the bakery and didn’t seem like he was going to turn into a chatterbox34 any time soon. So, Lizzy and Mark were just sitting and waiting for whatever was going to happen.

“Tom,” the barista from behind the counter a

Tom stood up, took the order, and proceeded to the exit, without returning to the table. Lizzy and Mark watched him with surprise. When they were about to stand up and follow him, a lady who was sitting at a table next to them turned and smiled.

“Hi Lizzy, Mark,” she said. “It’s good to finally meet you. I’m Irene.”

Irene was a white lady, about the same age as Yana. She had an intelligent face and looked like a university professor in her brown horn-rimmed glasses, a beige jacket over a white blouse. She was the second leader of The Committee.

“Tom is leaving and I’m afraid you’ll have to spend a bit of time with me now,” Irene said. “Would you actually like something to drink?”

Lizzy ordered a macchiato and a scone, which she had been craving for some time. Mark got himself a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant, which for some unfathomable35 reason he had never had.

“How on earth have you never tried it?” Lizzy couldn’t give it a rest on the way back to the table.

“I don’t know,” Mark said, sitting down. “Let’s see if I missed anything.”

Irene was patiently waiting for them to enjoy their beverages and food with a smile on her face. Mark realized that he did miss a lot and a

“Well, let’s talk shop36,” Irene said when the beverages and food were gone. “We’ll have to take a few samples of your blood and do a few tests. There’s this new technology that we’re still working on, but getting closer each day, that will allow us to eradicate any threat that viruses from the Two Moons may pose37.”

“The Two Moons?” Lizzy asked.

“That’s what we call the other world,” Irene said.

“Have you been there?”

“A few times.”

“How do you explain the very existence of it?” Lizzy asked.

“Without getting too deep into the parallel universe theories and trying to explain unresolvable metaphysical issues, I can only shrug and say there it is, and I have no clue why it’s there. Your father, though, spent quite a bit of time researching the phenomenon. I believe he shared some of it with you. I can tell you one thing though. I don’t have a copy there.” She ended with a smile.

“You’re unique then,” Mark smiled.

“I suppose I am, but we aren’t going to talk about my uniqueness today. You, Lizzy, have Ro subtype, which makes your blood very special because it can treat some blood-related disorders, but its ability to disintegrate viruses makes it unique. It’s something that we still don’t know much about, but we are working very hard to understand it. We believe it’s some sort of a mutation and we’re pla

“So, I’m a mutant,” Lizzy said and looked at Mark. “How does it feel to live with one?”

“I’m a copy and you’re a mutant. Birds of a feather flock together38, right?” he said with a smile.

“Different types of birds, but yeah, we are flocking together, aren’t we?” Lizzy covered Mark’s hand with hers.

Irene looked at her watch. “I’m afraid we should be going now. My associates are waiting for us. They are ready to start.”


Tom – who was waiting for them in the car – took them all to another location that was conveniently hidden in the depths of the park on the outskirts of the city. It took them one hour to get there during which Irene was chatting with Lizzy and Mark about everything but the purpose of their trip.

“We’re here,” Irene said when their car stopped in front of huge green gates.

“The gates are big enough for the Jurassic Park,” Lizzy said.

“The person who used to own the place was, shall we say, a bit concerned with his security. He gave this place to us, and it’s been our research center for some time now.”

When the gates slowly opened, Tom drove inside, nodding to two guards in civilian clothes who nodded back. Lizzy notices that the guards were armed with automatic rifles.

The inside looked more like a recreational39 space with a country house – which it probably was – with three smaller buildings. The main building – a big hunting lodge 40– could have been designed for a royal family and its entourage. The first floor was built with big soft beige stones and the second floor sported large brown pine logs. The attic of the building was under a steep tiled roof with a big, red-bricked chimney41 that suggested a fireplace. The three other buildings – perhaps, guest houses and space for staff- were designed to complement the main building. The whole ensemble provided a sense of comfort and a feeling of rustic nobility 42with its earthy tones.  The area was covered with evenly trimmed grass and stone trails that co

Tom pulled over in front of the main entrance of the house and helped Irene get out of the car. Not that she needed any assistance, but it was a gesture of respect.

“It’s spacious,” Mark said when he got out of the car, right after Lizzy.

“We’re happy with it,” Irene said and showed them into the house.

As they were getting closer to the house, the massive wooden entrance door opened and a young spectacled man in his 40s with a beard and in a white doctor’s coat came out to greet them.


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