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– My dear, William is a handsome healthy man! Many ladies are in love with him, but he chose you! It's such an honour! He is the son of a nobleman, and such a chance is given only once in a lifetime! – Sir Norton said in a judicious tone.

– Say what you will! I will not marry him! And tomorrow I'll say it to his face! Myself! – Alienor said in a low, confident voice, still embracing her friend.

– You don't have to… You don't have to sacrifice your marriage for me! – Brigid whispered in her ear. – I will accept it… He is a fine young man and will bring you happiness!

– It's not me he should bring happiness, but you! – Alienor whispered stubbornly.

– My daughter, I've decided everything! I have already given William's father my consent! – frowned the master of the castle.

– You gave it without asking me, father, which means that this consent is worthless! – Alienor threw. She pulled away from her friend, put her warm palms on her cheeks and smiled: – He will marry you… Only you! I swear on my life!

– Don't say that… William doesn't want me! That's what my father said: we are too poor to find me a rich bridegroom, and William's family is famous for its wealth," Brigid shook her head stubbornly. – And even if my heart cries out in pain, I only wish him happiness…

– What nonsense! – Alienor wrinkled her nose, and then a

– But why not? – Her mother's hands wringing, her mother moaned. – 'My daughter, you are making a mistake! Just think what will be said of us! What they will say of you! "You've missed your happiness!"

– My happiness awaits me in the future, Mother. Who knows, perhaps I may become the Queen's lady in waiting! – Alienor turned to her parents, and there was such determination written on the girl's face that they despaired. – Father, all you have to do is whisper a few words to His Majesty and ask him to accept me into Catherine's entourage.

– If such things were so easy, my dear, all the royal palaces of England would be full of young beautiful ladies-in-waiting," Sir Norton said grimly. His daughter's obstinacy disappointed him, but he was more familiar with Alienor's character than anyone else, and he knew that she, not he, would have her way. At times like this, he regretted that he had failed to instil fear and respect in his daughter, instead spoiling her and deferring to her in every way. So should he blame Alienor for her selfishness and disobedience? No, he should be thanking himself: it was he, the gardener, who had raised this blue-eyed lily and given her too much freedom.

– Come, my dear… Our daughter has made the wrong decision, but we ca

– Of course you can't, Father. I am not your servant to make my decisions for me," Alienor said coolly. – Good night, father, good night, mother.

That night Brigid stayed the night in her friend's chambers, and hugging each other tightly, the girls talked quietly by the light of a lonely candle.

– Do you really want to be Her Majesty's lady in waiting? – Brigid asked.

– Why not? – Alienor smiled. – To shine in the royal palace! Every girl's dream! And then my father will find me a husband with a title and a rich estate. But he must be as handsome as Miss Boleyn's brother, or I'll never share his bed!

– Yes, he is handsome… But his wife seems terribly jealous of him," said Brigid, remembering how Jane Parker had watched her husband all evening with a jealous gaze as if he were her property.

Alienor smiled dreamily.

– Someday I will be the wife of a great man… Not only rich and noble, but famous throughout Europe! So that even those wretched Frenchmen and Spaniards would say, "Oh, what a lucky woman this Miss Norton is! She's managed to win the heart of such a man!"

– I think your father will find one for you, and he'll see you and he won't be able to resist. He'll take you to the wedding! – giggled Brigid. – Will you… Will you speak to William? Will you tell him that I will be the most faithful, most obedient wife in the world? That I will bear him many children and make him happy? – she added quietly.

– I will do it tomorrow, before he goes to seek solace among the Queen's ladies in waiting," Alienor promised. – But let's go to bed. We have to get up very early in the morning: what if the king comes down for breakfast? We must shine like the brightest stars in the night sky.

The girl blew out the candle, and the friends quickly muttered prayers and fell asleep almost immediately.

Even before dawn, when the masters of the castle and their guests were peacefully asleep, the servants were up and about, dusting the floors, scrubbing the stairs, preparing all sorts of dishes for the breakfast of the noble lords, and doing it as quietly as mice.

Sir Norton was one of the first to wake up, and, like a host, quickly washed his face, combed his hair, ordered himself dressed in a blue velvet suit, and went downstairs to see to the preparations for the arrival of his guests. Sir Norton was a demanding host, but this time he was simply unbearable, and a few dropped grains he discovered on the thick carpet of the dining hall made him so angry that Sir Norton promised that as soon as the king and his retinue left the castle, he would give "careless and lazy" servants two strokes of the rod each. The frightened servants, cooks and cooks redoubled their efforts, and by the time His Majesties the King and Queen of England, dressed in their marvellous attire, entered the hall, the castle glistened with cleanliness, and all the great rooms and halls were filled with the sweet fragrance of wild flowers freshly picked in the meadows.

Henry the Eighth, accompanied by A

As Their Majesties passed by, Brigid and Alienor slowly rose from their floor-deep curtsies and fixed curious glances on the rulers of England. But while Alienor glided an appraising glance at Henry, her friend looked sympathetically at Catherine's tired, pale face, under whose beautiful eyes black circles were clearly visible, a sure sign that she had not slept a wink during the night. But the woman was smiling and friendly, and it made Brigid love her even more than she already did. As did many in this castle, including the servants. Everyone could see the disdain with which the king treated his lawful consort, the Queen, and the trepidation with which he held the palm of his favourite's hand in his palm. A

Their Majesties approached the high table above the others, and the King had to reluctantly let go of A