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– Then beg A

– What if Henry should die? Anything could happen! Would he die without divorcing then Catherine will remain Queen-mother of the heir to the throne! This woman is soft, but she will not forget those who have hurt her and trampled on her name! No, my little bird, I can't risk it! We will wait," Sir Norton insisted stubbornly.

– Wait? But, Father, I'm already seventeen! I don't want to enter the palace as an old woman! – Alienor snarled resentfully.

– My dear, you know that I am always on your side, but this time I insist on my own: we will wait for a convenient moment, – said Lord Norton in a serious tone, and his daughter did not argue, but only sighed sadly.


When Brigid knocked timidly on the door of the room where her father usually worked and was allowed to enter, she slipped in silently, and her gaze immediately met that of a young, richly dressed man she did not know.

– Father! – The girl made a deep curtsy to Sir Guise, and then did not forget to greet the guest as well. – Sir!

– Truly, sir, there is no girl more beautiful than your daughter in England or in the whole world! – The stranger smiled broadly at Sir Guise, but kept his admiring gaze on his daughter. At the girl's appearance the young handsome man's sky-blue eyes lit up like torches with the coming of darkness.

– Brigid had inherited her beauty from Elizabeth Woodville, her ancestress. As you must know, sir, there are still legends goes about that legendary Queen's beauty," Sir Guise said contentedly. He stood at the window, with a large map in his hand, and, in the daylight, scrutinised it. Then, distracted from his study, he laid the map on the table, came to his daughter, and took her hand in his.

– I beg your pardon, father, did you call for me? – The girl asked quietly, not understanding why her father would send for her while he was receiving visitors. And who was this blond handsome man? She seemed to have seen him before, but where and when? His face seemed so familiar, and his blue eyes so dear! But she could not remember, nor did she wish to.

– Have you given your father notice of your return, sir? – Sir Guise asked his guest, as if he had not heard Brigid's voice.

– Not yet, sir. My heart demanded an answer, and the first thing I did was to rush to you," he said, not taking his eyes off Miss Guise's beauty, and that intense, passionate gaze made the girl blush and her mind fill with hundreds of questions that she did not dare to ask aloud.

– Oh, even so? – Mr. Guise laughed cordially, but Brigid, who knew her father, immediately recognised the falsity in his laugh. – But, sir, before embarking on such an important and responsible path, you need your parents' permission!

– My father would be delighted, as would my mother," the stranger smiled warmly, not even thinking of taking his eyes off Brigid Guise, the Flaming Rose.

– Father, I apologise… I don't understand what's happening," the girl turned to the smiling Sir Guise in a whisper.

– 'My good, naive daughter! – Sir Guise affectionately touched the girl on the shoulder. – Don't you recognise our guest?

– You seem familiar to me, sir, but I do not remember…" Brigid began, turning her gaze to the guest.

– It is five years since we last saw each other, my dear miss, and you must have forgotten me. But I have not forgotten you. For years, your beautiful face has stood before my eyes, and my ears have been filled with your marvellous singing," interrupted the stranger, and gave her a deep bow. – I am still the same Philip, the older brother of your best friend Alienor.

Brigid's eyes widened in surprise: of course it was him! How could she not recognise those white curls and sky-blue eyes? Philip! He and Alienor looked so much alike, as if God had given them the same appearance for two!

"What a man he has become! No longer that clumsy young man teaching me archery, but a manly and handsome man! He's back! How glad Lady and Sir Norton will be at his return! And Alienor? She has waited for him so long, cherished and reread his letters with such tenderness!" – A happy smile lit up the girl's face, and Philip Norton almost gasped at her beauty.

– Alienor will be so glad… So happy! – Brigid exclaimed, pressing her palms to her breast.

– And are you pleased, Miss Guise? – Philip asked in an ingratiating tone.

– Of course, sir, I'm very glad you're back, too," she answered timidly.

– Well, that's fine! Why delay when two hearts are drawn to each other with such inevitable force? – Brigid's father said in a cheerful ma

Chapter 6

Brigid glanced at her father, but he looked down at her and smiled broadly, which made the girl realise that she was being married off. Being given away without asking her. She knew it would happen someday, that it was the fate of every daughter, but now that the moment had finally arrived, the girl's soul shrieked with indignation.

– Father… But how can I leave you and my mother? – Brigid whispered with pain in her heart.

But it was not the pain of future separation from her parents: her heart sobbed at the realisation that it was not William Tury who would be her husband, but Philip Norton! She had warm feelings for him, of course, but only as the brother of her best friend… She knew nothing about him! She had seen him so seldom, only a few times in her life, for he had spent all his childhood with his knight uncle, and then had disappeared for five years in Europe, fighting for Henry and the interests of England. And though she saw William as seldom as she had once seen Philip, William seemed to her the nearest and most familiar creature in the world after her dear Alienor.

– It is time for you to marry a worthy man, my daughter, and Sir Norton is such a man. He will make you happy and give you many healthy and beautiful children. – Sir Guise touched his daughter's shoulder again, as if to encourage her, but she knew that her father was telling her to shut up and silently accept his will.

And the girl was so used to obeying that she smiled falsely, nodded her head in agreement, and, as a woman should, lowered her gaze to the floor.

– Are you not pleased, my lady? – Philip frowned slightly. He had expected a completely different reaction: he had always thought that this beautiful woman had tender feelings for him and only waited for his return. The fright and rejection that involuntarily appeared on Miss Guise's face saddened him.

Hearing Philip's voice, Brigid blushed, not knowing what to reply so as not to offend or demean his dignity.

"No, sir, I am not glad! My heart is weeping, and if you have any pity and sympathy for me, you will tell my father that you do not wish to marry me after all! Please give me freedom and time! What if William changes his mind and wants to make me his wife?" – The girl thought in despair, but said otherwise aloud:

– I am flattered, sir… I did not expect… You have come… We are all very glad…" Her voice sounded softly, with a gasp, for she was struggling with her excitement, but the ma

For it is so easy for a man to see the right signs when he wishes to possess the heart, soul, and body of the woman he loves!

– Let me speak to my father. But first, please, let me feel the tenderness of your palm, my dear bride," Philip asked quietly, and held out to the girl his large palm, which was hardened from many battles and exercises with a sword.