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No. I will never be a submissive. My role is to command. Always. Life. Death. Peace. Feelings. But, alas, not my own. Alien. With my own, I fought a bloody, exhausting war. And so far, for so many years now, they've been wi

It's time.

Grabbing my blue leather clutch, I slowly headed for the door. Then the walk to the lift. A minute in the lift that felt like an eternity. And then, I appeared in the huge bright foyer, like an angel of the lord before si

But with each step that brought me closer to the distant table where Brandon sat, an unpleasant, creepy, uncomfortable feeling enveloped me more and more. Hate. Fear. Contempt. My blood is full of this poison. But I walked firmly, beautifully, slowly forward. I will stop at nothing. No one. Especially him.

I, and only I, rule the ball. And he's just a guest.

"Give him the flash drive and leave," it suddenly popped into my head. The voice of reason. Or fear. Or my insanity.

Brandon looks at me with a white-toothed smile. And it's so disarming. He doesn't often show up in public without his jacket. The jacket is him. He's the eternal stern, elegant jacket. But tonight, this Englishman is wearing white shirt. Classic. No tie. Dark blue trousers. Black shiny shoes. Dark hair laid back one to one. Wide, beautiful eyebrows. And icy, piercing blue eyes.

One of our mutual friends once referred to Grayson as "Mr. Elegant Pervert", of course, after Brandon had slept so openly with mortal women. Yeah. Always elegant. Attractive. Pervert. Like me.

– As always beautiful and deadly deceitful. – Those were his first words. Instead of a greeting. – But I'm surprised. I expected to see you with almost no clothes on.

I gri

His words pierced my mind. My pride.

Brandon, that sneak had just rubbed my nose in my 'shit'. My blatant style of dressing. My "blatantly cheap taste," as my sister Mariszka used to say. If she'd said that phrase, I wouldn't have cared. But it was his words. He thinks I'm trashy. Cheap.

I don't care. Him and his opinion.

– I know how to surprise. As you can see," I said ironically, taking a seat at the table across from Brandon. – But I'm no match for you, Mr. 'I never take my jacket off'."

He chuckled.

– 'You're gorgeous. – He gestured to the waiter, and he hurried to our table.

– You too," I smiled sweetly. – But let's get right to business.

– Take your time. I want to have di

I squinted my eyes.

Does Brandon want to have di

Why would he do that? For what purpose? What does he want from me?

These and a thousand other questions whirled through my mind.

– Why the sudden honour? – I let out a laugh, which, thankfully, sounded believable.

– I like to spend time with beautiful women. – Brandon smiled predatorily. – And you, Maria, are the most beautiful woman I've ever met.

I rolled my eyes theatrically. And my heart shuddered.

– So many compliments in just a few minutes. You're on fire today! – I said mockingly, and then turned to the waiter. – Crystal, please.

– Excellent choice, miss. A fine champagne for a fine lady," the waiter smiled. He's wearing a strict black uniform. Good.

– A bottle of Dalmore 50," Brandon said.

– Cheap," I smiled.

– Maybe," he smiled back.

Suddenly I was struck by the realisation of how relaxed and at ease I was being with him. As if it wasn't him, but someone else. A close friend. Everything I'd felt on the way to the restaurant was suddenly gone.

But a moment later, when my gaze met his, I was pierced by a sharp sense of hatred. I was unarmed in front of him. My soul howled with the desire to hurt him.

The waiter left.

– Speaking of beautiful women. Tell me, admirer of the mortal girl's body: how many have you tried? – As if casually, I threw my clutch on the round table, covered with snow-white, perfectly even, without a single crease tablecloth.

– I just fuck them. And then they're gone. – Brandon said it as if he were talking about something unimportant, completely mundane. – Why the sudden interest in my personal life, Maria?

– The whole world is talking about it. But you don't care, do you? – A mocking smile lit up my face.

– You know, there's only one person's opinion is authoritative for me. And that's me. – He smiled charmingly. – And I'm not the only one who finds mortals attractive, am I?

My lips stretched into a fake smile.

The waiter brought us our drinks, which, of course, we didn't even get a taste of.

– That's great," I squeezed out as the waiter left, but the direct stare of my companion's icy eyes made me glance down at my clutch. – So, about the case. – I took the clutch in my hands, unzipped it, pulled out a small red flash drive and held it out to Brandon, and he took it.

Brandon looked at me intently.

– Where was this picture taken and when? – He asked.

– Ten years ago. In Prague. The girl seemed picturesque, so I decided to take a snap of her. I didn't think you'd be so attracted to a photograph of a mortal," I told him in a sweet tone.

– I don't want that picture. I need something else.

I gri

"Something else." If he didn't want the photograph as a work of art, did that mean he bought it back just because I made it?

No. No way.

– Frankly, I have little interest in your motives, Brandon. But now that we're done, I'll leave you to it. – I rose from my chair, tossed my hair carelessly over my shoulder, and picked up my clutch.

– 'And it was because of your indifference that you called me with this question?

– Oh, you intrigue me terribly. But not today.

– I wouldn't be so sure.

– Or maybe you just like to question my indifference? – I said sweetly.

– Is this the only copy? – Brandon suddenly asked in a cold tone.

– Yes.

– Where's the picture you showed to Attick?

– He has it. As agreed. Bye, Brandon. You're a pleasure to do business with. – I winked playfully at him and walked slowly, beautifully and smoothly out of the restaurant.

It wasn't until I left the hotel that I allowed myself to squeeze my eyes shut. For a few seconds. Banish this conversation. This meeting.

He knows. About me. Knows my secret.

But he reacted with complete indifference. I can breathe a sigh of relief.

And yet. The fact that I was seen with mortals by two witnesses is disturbing. Two? Maybe more? Shit. We have to be careful.

Five minutes. Five minutes, but it was an eternity.

Get out! Get out of here!

"I need Adam," I thought.

But this time, if I do find him… I'll kill him. I'll kill his light form.

I needed to kill.

Kill. Something pure. A light.


But I didn't find him that night.

Back at the hotel, devastated, angry and nervous, I called the airport to buy tickets.

To escape. Out of this city where Brandon Avery Grayson reigns supreme.

But as I clutched my phone, sitting in the chair in my expensive suite, I realised. The truth had hit me: I had no one to fly to.

Misha is with Fredrik, and he won't be happy to see me.

My parents. No. They have their own lives.

Mariszka and Markus… Yes, ha ha ha! You bet!

Mscislav… I don't even know where he is or what he's doing.


I dialled my older brother's number. He answered after four seconds. I counted.

– I'm coming to see you. On tonight's flight. Where are you? Meet me at the airport.