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I hurried home. But suddenly a thought flashed through my mind, causing me to stop abruptly and turn around.

– Cedric! – I shouted, hoping he would hear me.

– Yes?" came his voice, and five seconds later his dark cloaked figure appeared. He came towards me.

– I'd like to ask-" I started, feeling extremely awkward.

– Ask," he interrupted me.

– How did you manage to catch up with me so quickly?

– You know that men walk faster than women, don't you? – Cedric answered the question with a question.

– Yes, but…" I blushed deeply: his explanation was so clear and natural that I immediately felt angry at my curiosity.

– I followed you almost immediately. At first I thought there was someone waiting for you nearby, some friend or boyfriend.

– That's very nice of you. But how did you realise there was no-one waiting for me?

– I thought it would be a good idea to make sure you were safe.

My face was burning with shame.

– It was a stupid and tactless question on my part. I'm sorry I kept you! – I blurted out.

– I'm in no hurry," Cedric said.

– Well… Good night. I'm sure I will this time," I smiled embarrassedly.

– Good night. – Cedric walked in the opposite direction, and I continued on my way home, chuckling to myself and thinking about what Cedric had said that evening.

It wasn't until later that I realised the meaning of what he had said: "I never see girls off out of a sense of duty." What did that mean? Deep down I felt vainly proud that I had, against my will, forced Cedric Morgan to take a certain liking to me.

No, I should reflect soberly, not rejoice in a passing spark!

Cedric probably said that phrase to spare me the agony of conscience.

Silly me, and I was happy about something else!

I got home safely and without adventure, took off my coat and boots, and lay down on the couch, feeling tired and sleepy. But my mind refused to rest, and all the rest of the evening I thought of my unexpected meeting with Cedric on the bridge.

"Great! I have a seminar tomorrow, but my head is filled with some silly things! And these nonsense things make me uncomfortable, bring restless visions and foolish hopes. Hopes? Hopes of what? Abandon all hopes, Viper! See reality, not dreams!" – I fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the morning, horrified to realise that I'd already missed my first class at university.

I jumped up from the sofa, ran to the bathroom, washed my face, then had a quick snack of sandwiches without even drinking the traditional morning coffee. After brushing my teeth, I quickly packed my bag and ran into the hallway to put on my coat, brushing my tangled hair as I went. Since I didn't have time to change clothes, I went in the one I'd slept in all night.

It was the first time in all three years of school that I was late for class.

Fortunately, I didn't see even a glimpse of Cedric Morgan that day.

Julia, who hadn't had time to ask me about my "dealings" with Cedric, gave me a real interrogation. I told her honestly that Cedric had called me a coward and what he thought of me, but I concealed the fact that he had apologised twice and promised not to take his anger out on me again. I kept it to myself, not because I was proud, but so that Julia wouldn't be misled, because she was very hard on rejection, as she considered herself an expert on relationships with guys.

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