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comparative, comparatively, compa­rable, incomparable, incomparably




exclusion, exclusive, exclusively




to dissatisfy, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, satisfac­torily, unsatisfactorily, unsatisfied




relation, relative, relatively




attractive, unattractive, attraction

to persist


persistent, persistently, persistence



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а (ап) 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 47, 48, 55, 61, 77, 80, 116

able 269, 271

about 384, 411

above 384, 413

absent 64

according to 451

account 229

accuse 329

across 384, 413

actor 22

actress 22

addenda 12

addendum 12

advice 14

advise 527

affect 232

afraid 64, 329

after prp. 328, 332, 414, 460

after cj. 168, 173, 456, 460, 545

after adv. 387, 414, 460

against 334, 415

ago 144, 387

a good deal 392

a good deal of 115

a good many 115

a great deal 70, 392, 401

a great deal of 115

a great many 115

agree 229, 527

aid 233

alive 64

all 29, 117, 479

allow 273, 294, 312

almost 392, 394

alone 64, 395

along 384, 415

a long time ago 390

a long way 385

a long way away 385

a long way off 385

a lot 392

a lot of 115, 476 already 166, 387, 389, 402 also 395

although 458, 552 always 387, 402 among 415 amongst 415 and 454, 476 angry 64 a

any 24, 27, 33, 35, 36, 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 107, 110, 112, 502

anybody 110, 111, 113, 394, 502 503

anyone 110, 111, 113,502, 503

anything 111, 113, 394, 502, 503

anywhere 385, 394, 502 apart from 333, 451 apology 331 apparently 397 appear 136, 319, 322 appoint 57 approach 207 approve 329

Argentina 60

Argentine (the) 60 arms 15, 477 around 384, 439 arrange 527 arrive 142, 229 art 331

as 106, 456, 458, 545, 547, 549, 552

as ... as 71, 458, 551

as ... as possible 72

as against 451

as a result of 452

as compared with 451

as early as 389 as far as 442, 451

as far back as 389

as for 452

as from 451

as if 239, 458, 549

ask 312, 497, 539

asleep 64

as long ago as 389

as long as 141, 456, 457, 545, 548

as regards 452

assist 233

as soon as 141, 168, 456, 545 as though 239, 458, 549 as to 452

astonishment 331

as well 395

as well as 455, 476

at 416, 430

at all (not) 393

at a stone’s throw 21 attend 232

at the time 546 attribute 494 avoid 335 awake 64 aware 64 away 384, 434


back 384 bad 68 badly 401 bases 12 basis 12 bathe 92 be 132, 136, 138, 208, 210,

243, 244, 283, 284, 470 because 456, 549 because of 452 become 132, 470 begin 206, 298, 336 before prp. 332, 391, 418,

442, 460

before cj. 141. 175, 456, 460, 545, 548

before adv. 387, 403, 418, 460

before long 391

before now 391

before then 391

behave 92

believe 136, 311, 316

below 384, 419

beside 419

besides 333, 399, 419

best 68, 401

better 68, 401

between 420

beyond 420

board 477

both 29, 120, 479

both... and 455

bright 383

brightly 383

busy 335

but 423, 455

but for 452, 559

by 17, 88, 210, 319, 333, 384, 391, 406, 420, 449

by far 71, 394, 402

by means of 452

by now 391

by then 391

by the time 546, 547


can 132, 210, 269, 295, 304, 305, 553

can’t afford 336 can’t help 335 capable 329 carrot 16 carrots 16, 477 cattle 477

Caucasus (the) 60 cent 79 certain 321 certainly 397 chance v. 319 chance n. 331 change 207, 225 cheap 383 cheaply 383 chief 11 chiefly 398 child 11 children 11 city 20 clever 304 clock 13, 478 clothes 15, 477 come 142 command 238, 240,312,527 comment 230 committee 477

communicate 494 concerning 409 Congo (the) 60 consider 311, 316 consist 136, 329 contain 136, 207, 225 contents 15, 477 continue 336

could 210, 242, 269, 270, 295, 304, 553, 560

count 314, 329 country 20 cousin 22 crew 477

Crimea (the) 60 crises 12 crisis 12


daily 382 data 12 datum 12 decidedly 397 declare 311

delay 335 deliver 494

demand 238, 240, 527 depend 230, 329 describe 494

desirable 237, 240, 523 desire 136, 309 disappointed 329 disappointment 331 dislike 336

dispose 230

do 132, 254, 500, 504 dollar 79

down 384, 422 dozen 12, 39 dress 92

drop 207 due to 452

during 423, 450


each 24, 33, 123, 478 each other 93

early 382, 387, 400 easily 394 economically 398

either 24, 122, 395, 405, 478 either... or 455, 477, 502 elect 57

else 388, 395, 399 elsewhere 384

engaged 329 enjoy 232, 335

enough 74, 302, 392, 404 envy 233

equally 398

errata 12

erratum 12

even 395

evening (the) 546

ever 166, 387, 394, 396,

402, 502

every 24, 33, 123

everybody 119, 124, 478

evervone 119, 124, 478

everything 119, 124, 478

everywhere 124

evidently 397

except 423, 424

except for 452

excited 393

expect 305, 311, 316

experience 331

explain 228, 494

export 13

exports 13


family 477

far 69, 70, 71, 385, 394, 401, 402

far away 385

far from 334, 385

far off 385

farther 69, 401

farthest 69, 401

fast 382, 394

father 59

fear 331

feel 92, 136, 295, 309, 377

feet 11

few 24, 115

a few 116

the few 117

finally 398

financially 398

find 311

finish 335

first 80, 300

firstly 398

follow 207, 232

following 49

fond 64, 329

foot 11

for 306, 330, 332, 334, 424, 450, 456, 549

for a long time 182, 186, 389

for ever 391

for fear that 457, 553

forget 136

for old acquaintance’s sake


for order’s sake 21

for the purpose of 333, 452

fortunately 398 friend 22

from 386, 426, 437, 440

from afar 386

from among 426 from behind 426 from elsewhere 386 from everywhere 386 from here 386

from inside 386

from nowhere 386

from outside 386

from somewhere 386

from there 386

from under 426

from where 386

fruit 15

fruits 15

further 69, 401

furthest 69, 401


gate 13, 478

geese 11

get 132, 470

get used 329

give 227

give up 335

glad 64, 304

go 142

go — am (is, are) going (to) 152, 291

go — am (is, are) gone 166 good 68

goods 15, 477

go on 335

goose 11

government 477 grant 227

grow 132, 133, 207, 470


habit 331

had better 295

Hague (the) 60 hair 14, 478 handkerchief 11 happen 319 happily 398 happy 304 hard 383 hardly 383, 393

hardly .. .when 177, 456, 498, 545

hate 136, 309, 336

have 36, 132, 133, 136, 210, 248, 278, 282, 283, 294, 379, 403

have got 250, 282

lie 86

hear 136, 295, 309, 316, 377, 379

help 207, 233, 295