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– Leave the worry, my son. Perhaps they don't have the ability to write long letters. Do not forget that their journey is long and thorny, and the poison still poisons your body and mind. – Mother rose from her wooden, velvet-covered chair and approached me. We stared into each other's eyes in silence for a while, but then she continued. – That's not what you're worried about, is it? I can see the pain and jealousy and doubt in your eyes. Ever since Sylvia left with the court physician, it's as if you've withdrawn into yourself.

– You are right as always, Mother," I said quietly. It was useless to resist: she always knows what's in my heart. – He is young, clever, handsome, well-bred… Why did she choose him for the journey? She could have said "No" and asked for any other warrior to be her companion… They don't even know each other. How can you trust your life to a man you don't know?

– He is a healer, my son. Who else can you trust with your life but him? Leave your doubts. – Mother gently touched her palm to my cheek and stroked it with her thumb. – Sylvia is your lawful wife, both on earth and in heaven and under the earth. You shouldn't think she betrayed you for someone else. That's not nice.

– You're right, but I can't help it. – Carefully removing and kissing her palm and, I stepped back to the opposite wall and covered my face with my hands. – All these days I have been trying to make sense of myself. Tell me: is it possible to love and hate at the same time? – I asked with a bitter laugh, taking my hands off my face and looking at my mother.

– What do you mean? I don't understand. – My mother's face was troubled.

– I don't understand anything either! – I laughed, but it was a nervous laugh. – Whenever Sylvia is near me, my heart skips a beat. I'm irresistibly attracted to her. But as soon as she escapes my gaze, I begin to wonder how sincere my feelings for her and her feelings for me are, how I hate demons… I miss her, I worry, but at the same time I realize that we are too different and alien to each other, that there should be anything but love between us.

– My dear, I have no answer to your question. – Mother shook her head negatively and headed toward the door. – I can only assume that you ca

– In that case, what should I do?

– Just go on living. It doesn't matter what's going on between you, as long as you're happy together. Isn't it? – Mother opened the door, but suddenly slammed it shut again and looked at me. Her beautiful eyebrows were furrowed. – On your wedding day… You took her by force, didn't you? – The question sounded very quiet, but I heard it.

– Yes. It was intact. I didn't know and I shouldn't have acted like a beast. But the wine and anger took away my mind. It's my fault, and I'm not going to look for false reasons to clear my name of this disgrace," I admitted, bowing my head in shame.

– Don't ever do that to your wife again, under any circumstances. She forgave you once, though she shouldn't have… If you do it again, she'll turn into the one you hate so much, my son… A demoness. – Mother closed the door behind her, and I was alone with my thoughts.

Why would she bring that up? Why did she suddenly decide to bring it up? Had she been concerned about the incident for a long time and now that we were talking about Sylvia, she wanted to give me a motherly instruction? There was nothing wrong with that, but I would prefer to put that low act behind me.

At the moment, I was burdened with other thoughts: right now, my wife was sourcing the ingredients for an antidote to save my life at the risk of her own, and I dared to doubt her sincerity. How low I have fallen. After what I did to her and her people, another woman would have just let me die. What keeps Sylvia close to a man like me? Or does it? Could it be that she is already far from Kaldwind and melting in the arms of a handsome healer?

"Just don't think about it, Derek. Think of the good things. Worry makes your hair fall out and your bones break" – A familiar lazy voice suddenly sounded in my mind, making me smile. Well, the big cat was right: why suffer and kill myself with jealousy when I don't know anything yet?

My body felt incredibly tired, and I hurried to the bed. My legs were groggy as if I were drunk, the floor floated beneath my feet, and the surrounding objects lost their shape. It was the effect of the poison, and I was familiar with this strange condition, and more than once. Fortunately, I managed to get to the bed, and falling on the featherbed, I fell into darkness.

I woke up to what seemed to me to be someone standing over my bed, watching me intently. Rising up on my elbows, I looked around the room carefully, but saw no one. I didn't notice any suspicious objects or any changes either. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I rubbed my temples with my fingers, glanced out the window, and was unpleasantly surprised to find that it was already dark. I'd never fallen asleep during the day before; the poison spreading through my body must be stealing a lot of my strength and vitality. Something must be done about it, because if this continues, everyone will notice that the king is sick. That's when all coups usually happen. I'd hate to be slaughtered in my sleep in my own bed.

There was a knock at the door, and I quickly grabbed a book on battle tactics from the bedside table to pretend I was engrossed in its contents. I couldn't let rumors of my illness spread throughout the palace.

– Come in! – I commanded.

Andrada appeared at the door a few seconds later, and I felt relieved. She was holding a tray with a small jar of some unknown liquid and a tiny silver casket. She must have found a way to slow the effects of the poison, as promised. Andrada came over to me and sat down on the edge of the bed, placing the tray on her lap.

– My king, I have prepared some herbal pills that will keep you on your feet for as long as possible during the day, and this decoction of snake skin will slow the effects of the poison. Perhaps we'll gain a week or more," she said in an even tone, but I noticed that her eyes were full of sadness and glistened brightly, as if she had recently shed a few tears.

– Thank you, I am indebted to you. – Before, I had always seen a "stone" lady, but now in front of me sat a completely different Andrada, and this circumstance extremely surprised me. – Has something happened? Did someone hurt you?

– It's fine, Your Majesty, don't worry. – Noticing my gaze, Andrada smiled indulgently as if trying to deceive my suspicions. – It was just a flake in my eye while I was preparing the potion.

– If you say so. You don't have to explain yourself to me," I mumbled, and looked away so as not to make her uncomfortable.

– Allow me. – Wrapping her fingers around my chin, Andrada lifted my face and took one of the pills with her other hand and pushed it gently into my mouth, barely touching my lips with her fingers.

– I can take my own medicine, Andrada," I said calmly, but I felt discontent in my heart: she was shoving the pill into me as if I were a cripple with no strength to lift my arms.

– I know. I am only looking out for you, my king," Andrada replied in the same calm tone.

We stared at each other, and I could have sworn she was embarrassed for a moment. A few months ago I would have possessed this girl without a second thought, but now other women were indifferent to me. I saw no one but my spouse. Her skin. Her hair. She was my opium that I had not desired but had been forced to take and now I could no longer refuse. I'm drawn to Sylvia, and only to her.