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– What… What happened? – I groaned, my right arm aching, the one I'd landed on when I'd hit the bare wooden floor.

– I don't know, Sylvia, but you said things in such a frightening voice that I had to act," Evans told me in a hard tone, still clutching his gun. – You said you were going to destroy Derek and all the people… About rivers of blood and corpses flooding the streets of Kaldwind…" He squinted his eyes and asked in a calmer tone, "What was that? What was that madness that seized you?

– It wasn't madness, it was what's hidden in the Dead Man's Hammer," I explained hastily, rising to my feet. Once again, I approached the cupboard, but not daring to touch it or the sword, I said quietly: – Here it is. This is the weapon we were looking for....

– It's a sword, not an axe," Evans gri

– Believe me, my friend, I know what I'm talking about," I said with pressure, and stepped away from the cabinet as the grave cold began to envelop me again. – It's him! Are you saying I've been telling horrible things? It was that damned sword that made me see and want it all! When I touched it, it was like I turned into something… Something hungry for blood and death!

– I told you a demoness shouldn't get her hands on that weapon! If you hadn't stopped their dark bond in time, your girlfriend would have destroyed us all and then done everything she said she would! – Alviss's indignant voice came from behind the counter, and then he appeared before us, his eyes burning with hatred, his hands clenched into small fists, and despite his small stature, he looked menacing.

– I don't know why I suddenly wanted all this! I'm not bloodthirsty at all and I love my husband! And his daughters are like family to me! – I exclaimed, trying to defend myself against the old mage's accusations. – This sword must make those who touch it insane!

– This sword… "Dead Man's Axe" does not make anyone insane, but it gives the hatred and darkness of its wielder incredible dimensions, destroying him from within! You, Sylvia Rossi, are a demoness, and Darkness is your essence! Your hatred for Derek Murkswerd and his people fills you, even if you think it doesn't! – Alviss gritted his teeth. – Deep in your soul you wish for death and cherish your revenge! That is why in ancient times the Axe was split in two and forged into swords, so that men like you could not find it and use it for evil!

– If this weapon is so fierce and dangerous, what is it doing here in this display case?" Evans frowned, turning to the mage. – You've done an excellent job of hiding it from eager eyes! Come and get it!

– That's the idea! Who would think that the Dead Man's Axe is a sword, and that it's kept in this closet, in full view of everyone? – Alviss said, and, glaring menacingly at Evans, jabbed his index finger at me. – And you're messing around with this creature of the Dark? You want it to take over Axe's power? You're not deaf and you heard what's going on in her black soul!

– She won't touch it from now on," Evans said in a firm tone and turned to me. – I hope you realize this is the right thing to do.

– Of course I do! Keep him away from me! – I exhaled with emotion.

– We'll make sure that Sylvia and that sword don't reco

He'd already put his claws away, and he looked like the man I'd known. And yet his formidable appearance, his ability to act and defend, struck me deeply. After all, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me to protect people from my vengeance… It was very… Intriguing. Attractive.

"And what am I thinking? – I realized. – I'm married to the man I love, and I'm admiring Evans like some enthusiastic young girl!"

– Do you have something to hide the Axe in?" – Evans asked Alvissa.

– Perhaps! But you're not getting either one! – The old mage frowned. He walked over to the cabinet and slammed the door open, making the glass shake pitifully.

– Alviss, we need these weapons to save King Kaldwind," Evans said softly to the old man.

– That weapon stays here! Now get out of here! And don't come back! – Alviss spat it out with such force that drool spurted from his mouth.

– Take everything we have! – I untied a pouch of gold from my belt and threw it at the old mage's feet, but he laughed loudly and kicked it away from him.

– Either you leave voluntarily, or I will throw you out by force," Alviss said in a dark voice.

I felt a slight vibration in my fingers and glanced at the ring Derek had given me, the emerald glowing brightly.

– Evans…" I said quietly, so as not to provoke Alviss. – I don't think your friend is kidding… We're in danger!

– Oh, well! I didn't think it would come to this! – The healer cursed under his breath.

– Get out of my shop! – Alviss shouted fiercely and raised his hands sharply in the air.

A moment later, the stabbing and slashing weapons in the cabinet flew at Evans and me, leaving behind a hazy red smoke, but suddenly a translucent sphere surrounded us, and the knives and swords fell to the floor at our feet with a loud clang.

– Hide! Now! – Evans ordered me, pushing me to the wall, where there was a row of full-length metal armor, and I obediently hid behind one of them.

The room was filled with bright flashes, the clang of metal, and Alviss's loud cursing. But I didn't want Evans to have all the work, so I ducked out of my hiding place and headed toward the mad old mage. On the way I came across a heavy glass ball, probably for divination, and taking it and creeping stealthily to Alviss's side, I struck the old man's head with it, and Alviss fell to the floor.

– Sylvia! You killed him! – Evans exclaimed angrily, ru

– I'm sorry! – It was all I could say in response, and I hurriedly threw the orb to the floor as if it were burning my palms.

– Alviss… No, not again! – Evans moaned and leaned in close to the old man's face. – Alive! – he reported with relief. Then, rising to his feet, he quickly pulled the Dead Man's Axe from the shelf and hid it under his cloak.

– What now? – I asked, staring dumbfounded at the old mage's body on the floor.

– Now we disappear! – Evans covered my head with his hood, put his own over his dark-haired head, grabbed my hand, and we slipped out into the street and disappeared into the crowd, remembering to lock up Alviss's shop.

– This concludes our visit to this city," my friend whispered to me as we once again made our way among the thousands of people crowded into the marketplace.

– It's beautiful! I think it's time to get out of here," I agreed, but I couldn't help but ask the question that had been bugging me: "But doesn't that sword affect you?

– Later. We need to find Astrid," Evans said instead.

But we didn't have to find Astrid; she came ru

– We did. It took a little sweat," Evans said. – And before our seller wakes up and calls the guards, we'd better get out of this town.

– Well, then, go on without me. I have a couple of other things to do that are important, and I can't and won't cancel them," Astrid said.

– Are you sure? You'll be all alone in this snake's den. I don't want you to get into trouble," Evans said warmly, and I wondered for the umpteenth time what had happened between them.

– Don't worry, I can take care of myself… But don't just stand there, take Sylvia and run to the valley! – Astrid said with pressure. – I'll be back as soon as I've finished my business! I'll try to do it before sunset. – The girl hurried away from us, as if she didn't want to waste any more time with us.

– Well, let's go without her. – Evans held out his palm to me. – Give me your hand. I don't want to lose you, too.