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– Have you ever heard of the Dead Man's Axe?

– What an interesting name… No, it's the first time I've heard it.

– Of course you haven't. It's such an ancient weapon that the knowledge of how to forge it has long been lost. It seems there are only three copies left in all of Vakkerland… Or even two. – The healer's eyes lit up with excitement and admiration.

– But are you sure we'll be able to buy it? If this axe is as rare as you say, it's unlikely that we'll be able to find it in such a short period of time, and if we do, my gold won't be enough…" Sylvia said with excitement in her chest.

– I know where he is. Don't worry about it," Evans interrupted, smiling. – I may only be a miserable court healer and a hermit before that, but I have useful co

– Evans Vallas, you're a dangerous mage! – Sylvia shook her head jokingly. This man was opening up to her more and more, and what she was learning about him pleased her. He was so cozy, so easy to be with. He understood her half a word.

"And Derek only thinks about himself, his children and Katarina. He said he let her go, but something tells me he's just using my love for him to save himself," the demoness's mind suddenly raced. This insistent whisper of her own mind made Sylvia cold at the thought that she had volunteered to risk her life to save the one who had been so cruel to her, who had almost exterminated her people and who only wanted an heir from her. But is he even needed now? – If I died at the hands of one of the monsters, it would be so convenient for Derek to declare mourning for the "suddenly deceased queen" and marry another girl. Or maybe he'll marry Andrade then? This magician hides her feelings for him from everyone, but she couldn't deceive me… What if this journey is their insidious plan to take my life, to eliminate me without getting my hands dirty? After all, Andrada is so strong that she can't handle finding these herbs on her own. She can easily kill any monster… She said she doesn't know what the right herbs look like, but that fox might have lied…"

– The city is hidden behind that hill over there. We need to put on cloaks and hide our faces under hoods. – Evans' voice snapped Sylvia out of the cruel captivity of her painful musings. The girl glanced absent-mindedly ahead and saw tall, sharp spires rising proudly above yet another green valley. But she wasted no time and did what the healer had asked her to do.

Evans himself threw a cloak not only over himself, but also carefully wrapped Astrid in his spare, thi

– We must keep a low profile. We can't be seen," Evans whispered to the girls as they entered the city gates, which glowed with a green magical glow.

Instead of answering, Sylvia and Astrid pulled their hoods even lower over their faces, and the group made their way to the food market without adventure.

The day was in full swing: the small but densely populated city, which also received thousands of visitors every day, was buzzing like an enormous swarm of bees in a too small hive. The tall stone houses resembled miniature palaces with their beautiful stucco and pointed tower spires, on which large bright green flags with the image of a golden, wide-mouthed lion flapped proudly in the wind.

As he looked up at one of the flags, Evans gri

"Well, he must have his reasons. This is not the time or place to try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him," Sylvia remarked to herself.

– Fish! Fresh fish! Just caught it today! – suddenly sounded right above the girl's ear, and she flinched slightly in surprise. Fortunately, the hood remained in place.

– Beauty! Take the fish! I'll bet my mustache it's the tastiest you'll find in all of Emmerlend! – The fat merchant, dressed in a yellow long dress and a black apron, grabbed one of the large fish with blue scales and shoved it right under the demoness's nose.

A sour, urine-like odor touched Sylvia's nostrils, and she turned away in disgust.

– I know, I know, it smells awful, but it tastes just mmm! – laughed good-naturedly at the merchant.

– We don't want your fish! – Astrid intervened in a disgruntled tone. – It stinks all over the street!

– And it's good that it stinks! More stink – more customers! – winked at her with a quick wink at the fat man.

– Let them buy! Leave us alone, you old fool…" but Astrid did not finish: Sylvia grabbed her by the elbow and gave her a good shake.

– Remember, we mustn't draw attention to ourselves! – hissed the queen in the ear of her raging companion.

– Silence! – Astrid whispered guiltily.

The company quickened their steps.

It was not easy to get through the crowd, and the companions held their hoods tightly so that they would not inadvertently fall off and give them away.

Evans steadily led his friends into the heart of the city, when suddenly he grabbed them both by the waists and pulled them sharply against him, causing Sylvia's breath to hitch, and Astrid to let out a short, nervous laugh.

– Shh… Don't move! – whispered the healer imperiously. – The city is full of royal soldiers, and they know my face quite well....

The queen automatically glanced to the side and saw four warriors dressed in impressive armor. Each of them carried a naked sword in his hand, and the crowd parted before them as easily as a pack of small lizards gives way to a huge fire varan.

– What have you done that everyone knows you? – Astrid chuckled in the healer's ear.

– I'll tell you later! – Evans shushed her.

Sylvia was no less surprised than her companion, but she kept her amazement to herself. She was determined, however, to find out all his secrets, for, as it turned out, he had many of them.

– Gone…" Astrid looked around cautiously, and, suddenly pushing Evans away from her, said briefly: "I need to buy something! I'll find you myself!" and headed away, leaving her friend and his queen, still pressed tightly together, alone.

– Astrid! We can't be separated! – Evans shouted softly.

Astrid turned to her friend, made a face, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Chapter 3

POV Sylvia

– You can let me go," I reminded myself quietly, still pressed against the young mage's body.

– I apologize, it was an involuntary measure," Evans said in an apologetic tone, releasing me from the embrace.

"He has strong arms, he must be practicing in his spare time. I never would have thought those hands were familiar with weapons. But the fact that he knows how to handle weapons besides magic and potions is useful… After all, he mentioned that he has a claw… I guess he's obviously not lacking in female attention," my mind raced, but I hurried to chase those bad thoughts away.

– Next time, please warn me… I can hit you. – I gave the healer a disapproving glance, which made him smile.

– Oh, Sylvia, if only you'd known that anger was good for you! – Evans muttered under his breath, but I heard his words without even listening, and my cheeks flushed.