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“There is virtually no qualitative research on this topic in the media production market today; only quantitative studies are available. The assessment market is still in its infancy. The key players in this area are the Positive Changes Factory, the Higher School of Economics, and the National Media Group,” says Maria Mokina.

The state has created an extensive system of grant, financial, and infrastructural support for the film industry; but when the experts are deciding on whether to provide this support, they are focused on the traditional set of criteria such as increasing audience coverage or popularizing a certain issue. The introduction of an end-to-end assessment system at all stages of the creation and production of an audiovisual work will make it possible to multiply its qualitative impact, to see how effectively the money was invested, not only through the emotional impact, but by expanding the impact from Call-to-Action[21], which is mainly used in advertising today, to the introduction of social decision and behavior models that contribute to the sustainable development of society.

As part of the activities of the Coordinating Council on Social Advertising and Social Communications at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, social advertising currently undergoes assessment based on the criteria described in the “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Advertising” methodological manual from 2018, the only scientific publication to date that takes into account anything other than the economic result (Gladkikh & Vainer, 2018). Regular expert examination and evaluation also takes place within the framework of IDI and Yandex competitions on social advertising for NGOs[22].

“I can highlight several cases in the domestic industry. First of all, it is the #thisca

Ksenia Leontieva, associate professor of production management at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television (SPbGIKiT), believes that impact assessment must be closely linked closely tied to the authors and investors’ goals. Because goals can be very individual, evaluation criteria ca

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“Call-to-Action” includes all the elements that call to take a targeted action – for example, buy a product, order a service, or subscribe to a newsletter.


Internet Development Institute. (2023). Documentation of competitive selection for support of projects for creation (production) and (or) placement (distribution) of public content aimed at strengthening civic identity and spiritual and moral values, in the Internet information and telecommunications network, including those aimed at young people. Retrieved from: https://ири.рф/upload/iblock/b1e/z4qndtqejzzfqa3vzfkpnv667by8iuy3/Документация%20конкурсного%20отбора.pdf. (accessed: 17.05.2023).


You can read more about this advertising campaign on pages 54–59 in this issue of the magazine.