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In Hinduism there are three gods responsible for the order in Universe – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This is trimurti – three gods who created the Universe, protect it and destroy it. Brahma is the great creator of everything and further his role in myths is not big, and he is not mentioned much in legends. This is the level where all laws are created (physics, chemistry etc) which exist by their own (and everybody complains about his destiny to God, but why there are no complaints about gravity?). you can find the Creator in all cosmogonic myths whose role was only to create the world and go rest. Interesting that the Creator is always very indifferent to what he made, he (she?) is cool-blooded, curious and calm and certainly not an emotional being. Even in Bible since the begi
Gaea, Chaos, the gods of Ancient Greece who created the world, are not the part of further strives. They are not represented in anthropomorphic state – they are pure energy and their nature is different. Gaea is not Athena. Gaea is much bigger, she is powerful and strong, it’s the kind of power with no place to sense, logic, any limitations, this is pure element and force of nature. There are a lot of creator gods in different mythologies – Egyptian Ptah, Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda, Wiracocha of Inks, Brahma. In some traditions the worlds were created by animals, in orders the world is a result of confrontation of energies (probably, it’s esoteric and spiritual interpretation of the Bing bang theory).
After creating the world, it is important to keep the balance. This is what Vishnu is responsible for. Every culture has its gods responsible for love, health, law and other sectors. These gods are worshiped and asked for protection since the Creator will not waste his time for these small things. That’s why we have saints in Christianity and the smaller gods in every tradition. It is much easier to work with concentrated energy. If you need love – focus your energy on the energy of love which located in symbol and visualization of god – and go ask Aphrodite for help. You need protection in your journey – turn to St.Nicholas. At some point you turn to the archetypes, in fact they are gods anyway. If you need bread, you go to the bakery not to the clothing store. When you localize the energy, it’s much easier to concentrate on it.
Where there is creation, there is a destruction energy, too. It’s Shiva and his spouse Kali in her aspect of anger.
It is what every human being has, it’s what inside every process initially – lust for life and lust for death from any seed of sunflower to the greatest Supernova.
We don’t talk about destruction for the sake of destruction – we mean that the destruction is mandatory part of life circle. A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather. A time to start your journey and time to make a stop. A time for begi
Death is an integral part of our being. Death is more that passing away of certain person from your life. Death is a part of life as season change, as light and darkness, as hot and cold, yin and yan, law of global world balance. Sometimes it’s very literally, for example, the birth of grandchild happens only after the death of the older member of the family, but in practice there are a lot of deep energies. We all come into this world for a very short period of time, and it is so important to appreciate life, care about each other, show more love and compassion, develop ourselves spiritually and live with a very simple idea that we are all the links of one chain, where all souls woven in the Universe.
How I see the death? It’s just knowledge. Usually people ask, whether the person will die from the illness or will be healed, if the diagnosis is clear, the answer is also clear if the person suffers from lethal disease. Death energy is a death energy, you ca
~ Case from my practice ~
I have been told about lethal disease of the boy I know, Slava. My friend showed his photo and all became clear immediately. Six months maximum. During next few months friends did the best collecting money for treatment, they made impossible – 8 mln roubles (almost 100 000 dollars) for treatment in Turkey with one of the best doctors in the world, and there were chances as the doctor told, the guy with the same diagnosis cured completely. Everybody supported Slava, including me, we lived with hope, including me. But I knew, what will happen and when. Knowledge vs hope. When I first came to scan him spiritually, from professional point of view it was interesting to talk to the Spirit of disease, how it looks like with the person who is going to die in a short time. As a human I was devastated, of course. The Spirit was very angry, saying: ”Well, well, come one, try to do something, this is fun while I’m waiting”. Completely useless. In a few weeks my friend passed away.
Not all the Spirits of disease lead to the death. But cancer of 4th stage looks very aggressive. Neither chemotherapy helped, nor special treatments, nor magic – nothing, unfortunately. It’s all about time, if you miss the right moment, nothing helps cause it’s too late.
Why we die? Why this young man with perfect health, perfect family and career just burnt out in a few months? He didn’t have cancer in his genus, what was that – karma? Past lives?
The most frequently asked question is why? Why we die?
Short answer is because it is what intended by Universe and global order. The time is coming – the human is leaving the scene. By the way, this “departure” not always is fast and good – otherwise there wouldn’t be a lot of restless souls in the space around us. Anyway, in most cases death is predestined by many factors – but it’s not applicable to everybody. If you live your life mindfully then there is a hope your life will be long and you will not die accidentally.
What are the factors which could predestine the death?