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Famulus Christi: Essays in Commemoration of the Thirteenth Centenary of the Birth of the Venerable Bede / Ed. G. Bo


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Fell C.E. Hild, Abbess of Streanaeshlach // Hagiography and Medieval Literature: a Symposium / Ed. H. Bekker-Olsen et al. Odense, 1981. Pp. 76–99.

Fletcher E. Benedict Biscop. Jarrow Lecture, 1981.

Foley W.T. Suffering and Sanctity in Bede’s Prose Life of St Cuthbert // Journal of Theological Studies, 50. 1999. Pp. 102–116.

Folz R. Saint Oswald roi de Northumbrie, etude d‘hagiographie royale // Analecta Bollandiana, 98. 1980. Pp. 49–74.

Foot S. The Making of Angelcy

Frich Н.I. ‘Even the Sea Served Him...’: the Soldiers of Chirst and the Restauration of Nature in Some Works of the Venerable Bede // In Quest of the Kingdom / Ed. Alf Hardelin. Stockholm, 1991. Pp. 65–77.

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Harris S.J. Bede, Social Practice, and the Problem with Foreigners // Essays in Medieval Studies, 13. Pp. 97–109.

Hart-Hasler J.N. Bede’s Use of Patristic Sources: The Transfiguration // Studia Patristica, 28. 1993. Pp. 197–204.

Heffernan Th.J. Sacred Biography. Saints and their Biographers in the Middle Ages. N.Y., Oxf., 1988.

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Holder A.G. Bede and the tradition of patristic exegesis // Anglican Theological Review, 72. 1990. Pp. 399–411.

Holder A.G. New Treasures for Old in Bede’s De Tabernaculo and De Templo // Revue Bénédictine, 99. 1989. Pp. 237–49.

Holder A.G. The Venerable Bede on the Mysteries of Our Salvation // American Benedictine Review, 42. 1991. Pp. 140–62.

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Hunter Blair P. Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation and its importance today Jarrow Lecture, 1951.

Hunter Blair P. From Bede to Alcuin // Famulus Christi: Essays in Commemoration of the Thirteenth Centenary of the Birth of the Venerable Bede / Ed. G. Bo

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Jones C.W. Bede and Vegetius //The Classical Review, 46. 1932. Pp. 248–49.

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Jones C. W. Bede, the Schools, and the ‘Computus’ / Ed. W.M. Stevens. Collected Studies, 436. Brookfield, 1994.

Jones C.W. Bede’s Place in the Medieval Schools // Famulus Christi: Essays in Commemoration of the Thirteenth Centenary of the Birth of the Venerable Bede / Ed. G. Bo

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Kelly J.F. Bede’s Exegesis of Luke’s Infancy Narrative // Mediaevalia, 15. 1993. Pp. 59–70.

Kendall C. Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica: The Rhetoric of Faith // Medieval Eloquence: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Medieval Rhetoric / Ed. J.J. Murphy. Berkeley, L. A., 1978. Pp. 145–72.

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