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"Boo!" the first voice—Abdel remembered the red hair, the strong touch as this man pulled him away from something.

"Get up, now, get up!" The second voice was Yo-some-thing.

"Yo. . sho … yo …" Abdel murmured, the sound riding around the inside of his head on a little chariot of dull pain.

"Yes, sir, yes it is Yoshimo," the voice said.

It can't be, Abdel thought. They were pulling me away from Jaheira and …

"Imoen," Abdel said aloud and opened his eyes to a comfortable orange glow and the faces of the men who stopped him from saving the lives of two women he cared very deeply for. Abdel sat up, as unpleasant as it was, and started carefully pla

"I am Minsc," the red-haired man said, smiling around blood that was oozing from a ragged cut on his right cheek, "and it is a pleasure to fight alongside you. Boo tells me your name is Abdel."

"Boo?" Abdel asked before he really even thought about it.

Minsc was wearing a simple, tattered tunic, which he held bunched at his chest with his left hand. He smiled and opened a fold in the dirty cloth to reveal a tiny brown and white rodent with eyes like black buttons. A pointed pink nose and whiskers twitched as it sniffed the air in front of Abdel.

"This is Boo," Minsc said with the smile of a pleased toddler. "He protects me with his stern intelligence."

Abdel ran quickly through several possible responses in his head before settling on, "Fine."

The big sellsword looked up for the Kozakuran, but he and Minsc were alone now in the intersection.

"Yoshimo!" he called, but there was no response.

"If you say so, Boo," Minsc whispered, then said to Abdel, "He must have already gone. I mean, Boo thi—says he's already gone."

Abdel sighed and brushed grit and the dust of shattered orange crystals from his body. He was suddenly aware that he was still naked, but he didn't bother to blush in the presence of the madman.

"Boo says this way," Minsc told him, then started off down one of the passages.

"That's the way back?" Abdel asked, determined to find Jaheira and Imoen.

"I'm afraid not, my friend," Yoshimo's voice came from the darkness of a side passage.

"Yoshimo?" Abdel called, his sword at the ready. The Kozakuran emerged from the darkness, smiling contentedly.

"Indeed it is I, sir," Yoshimo replied. "I have found the way out."

"I don't want to get out," Abdel stated flatly. "I need to get back to where we left Jaheira."

"If that were possible, my friend," Yoshimo said, "I would applaud your courage and send you on your way. But alas, that passage collapsed just as we passed through."

"Boo says this way," Minsc repeated.

Yoshimo ignored the madman and looked Abdel up and down. "You are not in a condition that will help you to help her," he said to Abdel. "Perhaps we should get out of here, regroup, and come back for your friend. I knew her for only a short time, but it was my opinion that she will be able to care for herself for at least this nearly as short time, no?"

Abdel clenched his teeth to bite back an angry response. He hated more than anything to admit it, but the Kozakuran was right. Yoshimo nodded and turned back into the dark passageway. Abdel got up and followed him, having no better idea which way to go.

It was possible that the learned men Abdel grew up around in the library-fortress of Candlekeep had a name for this peculiar feeling of recognition, but if they did, Abdel didn't know it.

"There's a dirty picture scratched into the railing at the end of the ramp," Abdel told Minsc and Yoshimo. They both just looked at him quizzically.

They'd come up out of the tu

There was a straight wooden deck outside the door. A low wooden rail wrapped around it and led down the scratch-planked ramp to the hard dry dirt the warehouse was standing on. Around them was the subdued bustle of a city well into the process of settling down at the end of the day.

Minsc, sighing with a shaking fatigue, ambled down the ramp and looked at the spot on the railing Abdel had pointed to.

The red-haired man smiled, showing yellow teeth turning gray, and said, "How'd you know that?"

"I've been here before," Abdel said, looking around and having to squint even in the dim light. "I guarded this place once with a man named Kamon who I later had to kill."

"You know where we are then?" Yoshimo asked him. "Where are we?" Minsc asked the little rodent he was carrying.

Abdel answered for the animal, "Athkatla. We're in the city of Athkatla—in the realm of Amn."

Minsc looked up and chuckled, said, "You're naked." He looked back down at the little animal and said with a laugh. "He's naked, Boo."

Abdel sighed and looked down at his grimy, bruised body. The arrow wounds had not only stopped bleeding but had begun to close and didn't hurt at all anymore. He looked at the two fingernails that had been torn off and saw, with no small surprise, that they had both begun to grow back. Abdel was only now feeling like he had any time to think, and he wondered at the sudden speed with which he seemed to be able to heal.

"We shall have to find some clothes for you, my friend, and maybe find some help," Yoshimo offered.

"Help?" Abdel asked absently, then turned his gaze over a city he remembered as rough and unforgiving but still ruled by law. "Good idea."

Abdel tried a number of different hand postures, various walks, or a combination of both to try to cover the fact that he was walking down the street stark naked, but eventually he just had to resign himself to the fact that, regardless of where he put his hands, he was walking down the street stark naked.

The streets weren't very busy, and as they proceeded, Abdel started to get his bearings. He'd visited the city more than once. They were north of the Alandor River, which cut through the middle of the city to the Sea of Swords, flowing from some mountain source to the east. The warehouse was set against the wide strand in what the locals called—with typical Amnian imagination—the River District. Most of the activity in the city, even this time of day, would be concentrated around the terraced marketplace called Waukeen's Promenade. That was across the river. Abdel wanted to find some clothes before he tried to go there. As he thought back to his days guarding the warehouse, he remembered a local dive not far to the east, on the way to the single bridge that spa

"There is a tavern not far from here," Yoshimo said.

"The Copper something?" Abdel asked.

"The Copper Coronet," the Kozakuran replied. "You know it?"

"I know taverns," Abdel admitted.