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When the guards finished, Solausein said, "Leave us, there's nothing here to guard."

The drow guards nodded and took full advantage of their opportunity to stop standing around eyeing a bunch of giant dragon eggs by practically falling over each other to leave.

It was all Abdel could do not to follow them. Outside was Solausein's cart, hitched to a lizard three times longer than a horse. The lizard seemed to make a good enough pack animal. It was surefooted in the cavern terrain and strong enough to pull heavy loads. Abdel judged it to be as strong as a team of three, maybe four horses.

"We should be going, mistress," Abdel prodded.

Jaheira turned and said, "Indeed, we need to—"

"They're being moved?" an all-too-familiar voice sounded in the empty room. Abdel, Jaheira, and Solausein turned simultaneously, and Abdel's head spun at the sight of Yoshimo, flanked by two unhappy-looking drow guards, strolling casually into the room. "I was hoping to see these great dragon eggs for myself."

Jaheira said, "Uh—" and turned away.

Abdel tried to do the same thing without being obvious.

"What is this … thing doing here?" Solausein asked the guards.

"It's a human, sir," one of the guards reported flatly. "It's a guest of the mistress's."

Abdel caught the look on Yoshimo's face and realized the Kozakuran didn't understand what was being said.

Abdel's mind reeled. What could Yoshimo possibly be doing here?

He was in league with Irenicus, then … it was all starting to make sense. Abdel realized that it really was important to make sure Yoshimo didn't recognize him or Jaheira. So far, it appeared he didn't.

"This man is known to us," Jaheira said to Solausein, and Abdel felt a short wave of panic wash over him. Jaheira had met Yoshimo in Irenicus's prison but didn't know the rest of it. She didn't know what Abdel knew. "He's of use to me," Jaheira continued. "Dismiss the guards."

She turned her back on Yoshimo, and Solausein, without hesitation, said, "You heard the mistress. We'll take it from here."

These guards were a little more reluctant to be relieved of their duty, but they still bowed to Solausein and left the room. Yoshimo plastered an inane grin on his face. He was surprised by this turn of events and even without looking too directly at him, Abdel could tell he was nervous.

"I did not mean to intrude," Yoshimo said.

Abdel didn't want to look at him—didn't want to show any sign that he understood what the Kozakuran was saying.

"I don't understand this human," Solausein said.

"I must beg your pardon, my black-ski

Abdel felt a tingling feeling shudder through his whole body and was surprised—even a little disappointed—by his nervousness.

"Abdel?" Yoshimo asked, quietly, tentatively.

Solausein said something Abdel didn't understand, and Abdel suddenly realized the feeling wasn't nerves. He wasn't a dark elf any more.

Imoen quivered lightly from fatigue and nervousness as she tiptoed lightly, barefooted, across the cold marble tiles of Phaere's dark bedchamber.

The tub was drained now, and her tattered clothes had been taken away. She wore a luxurious spidersilk robe borrowed from Phaere's extensive closet, and scared as she was, she felt better than she had in—how long? Days? Tendays even? She was clean; they had eaten, relaxed, and grown intimate in a way Imoen was never afforded in the monastery-fortress of Candlekeep. Her mind was a blur of conflicting emotions, but she was realistic enough to know what she had to do. She couldn't stay a dark elf forever, as tempting as that might be.

She found the wand easily enough where Phaere had left it, and slid it into a fold of her robe. She turned halfway around, but stopped when Phaere spoke.

"Another bath?" The drow's voice echoed in the otherwise silent, empty marble-lined room.

Imoen drew in a breath and said, "You startled me."

"Shall I have the boys draw you another bath?" Phaere persisted.

"No," Imoen replied, "no, thank you. I was just. . just. ." she made a hopeless gesture with one hand while keeping the robe closed, and the wand secure, with the other.

"Well," Phaere said, apparently understanding what Imoen was trying to say. "I'll leave you to it."

Imoen nodded, and the dark elf paused briefly, maintaining a long, comfortable eye contact Imoen didn't want to release. Phaere finally turned and slipped back into the darkness of the bedchamber.

Imoen's skin crawled, and she was surprised and ashamed of the sensation … until she realized that her beautiful black skin was no more.

Abdel punched Solausein in the face so hard the drow's nose shattered in a spray of blood. He went down fast and hard.

"It is you!" Yoshimo exclaimed. He seemed legitimately happy to see Abdel and Jaheira. "My friends, am I happy to have found you!"

"Save it, Yoshimo," Jaheira said, surprising Abdel, who was rubbing bruised knuckles. Solausein didn't stir. "What are you doing here of all places?"

"Why, looking for you, of course," the Kozakuran replied.

Abdel had his sword out and at Yoshimo's throat before he could say anything else. "What in the Nine Hells is all this?"

"I can explain all," Yoshimo said, eyeing Abdel's blade with a mixture of fear and haughty offense. "I think we should be leaving this city of drow elves first, though, yes?"

"Easier said than done," Abdel growled. He turned to Jaheira and said, "We wasted too much time."

"I know a way out," Yoshimo said, "but it will take a while to get there from here."

"We have a cart," Jaheira said. She noticed Abdel's perturbed look and told him, "We need to get out of here. If he can get us to the dragon, I honestly don't care why he's doing it."

"He's working for Irenicus," Abdel said. "I should gut him now."

"Oh, my good friend, I have no idea what you're talking about," Yoshimo said weakly. "I have come to help—that is my one desire."

Solausein grumbled, still unconscious, and rolled slightly to one side.

"He's waking up," Jaheira warned. "We need to get out of here."

"I can get you straight to the surface through a most impressive magical gate."

"We're not going to the surface," Abdel said, glancing at Jaheira with a look of resignation.

"We have to give a dragon back its eggs first," Jaheira said.

"After we find Imoen," Abdel corrected.

"Imoen?" Yoshimo asked.

"We came with another woman—a human disguised as a dark elf," said Abdel.

"Ah.. "Yoshimo said. "She's with Phaere."

"Still?" Jaheira asked, though she didn't expect an answer.

"And the gate will take you to the dragon," the Kozakuran proffered.

"How's that?" asked Abdel, already pushing Yoshimo to the door.

"It was explained to me that you but think of the destination in your mind, and away you go."

"I can't think of anything better, Abdel," Jaheira said quickly, "and we need to get out of here right now."

Abdel smiled, looked at Yoshimo, and said, "Lead the way."