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The countries of socialism and the Soviet Union did not need wars, since the means of production (factories, factories, land) belonged to the people according to the Constitution, on the contrary, it was peaceful development that showed the advantages of the socialist system over capitalism.
The inherent tendencies of imperialism to parasitism or decay are still manifested today. Firstly, when new inventions or improvements could not be used to immediately increase profits or there was a danger of their use by competitors, monopolies in every possible way prevent their use. This slows down technological progress. Secondly, in the imperialist countries, a layer of rentiers has grown – owners of lent capital, leading an idle life at the expense of rent – income on capital, interest on loans, rent. Rentier states appeared, a significant part of whose income was interest from investments abroad. "The world," wrote V. I. Lenin, "has been divided into a handful of usurer states and a gigantic majority of debtor states." Thirdly, V. I. Lenin called the export of capital "parasitism squared" (now it is called "investment"). It hindered the economic development of the metropolises, gave one-sided development to the economy of colonies, semi-colonies and other dependent countries, depleted their resources. Fourth, due to the huge profits from the exploitation of the colonies, the financial oligarchy overpaid the working aristocracy to strengthen its influence on some of the workers. Fifth, parasitism manifested itself in the increase in the costs of armaments and armed forces. Military orders have become an important additional source of profits for the financial oligarchy. The increase in the means of destruction hindered the development of productive forces and threatened their existence. Despite the increasing trend of decay and parasitism, capitalism as a whole developed faster than before. This led to a further deepening and aggravation of his contradictions.
The further development of the productive forces made it increasingly necessary to socialize production, eliminate private property and exploitation of man by man, that is, the transition to socialism. This was the fundamental interest of all exploited. Such a restructuring of society also meant the destruction of national inequality, in which all oppressed peoples are interested. In addition, it led to the elimination of militarism and wars, from which all mankind suffered.
However, there are many serious obstacles on the way to socialism. The financial oligarchy fiercely resists any social progress. The growing aspiration of the advanced part of the working people to socialism is hindered by the entire bourgeoisie. Under the influence of the bourgeoisie, most of the working people remain, "fed up" with high salaries, both those who supported the bourgeois parties and those who stood aside from the struggle. Imperialism still has huge resources not only of the metropolitan countries of the West, but also of dependent countries entangled in various financial and economic ties.
Overcoming such obstacles requires a truly heroic struggle of all the oppressed, the need to attract the majority of the working people to their side, to rally all progressive forces.
Perhaps once there was a developed civilization on Earth, Mars, and other planets, but everything ended at once when the parties began to use nuclear weapons against each other.
The Curiosity rover recently discovered a hardcover book lying on the surface of Mars. According to skeptics, this is just an ordinary stone. At the same time, some of the researchers saw the pages of the object and a completely distinguishable font. The NASA image was taken on the 3800th day of the device's stay on the Red Planet. In order to take a picture, the car had to stop and use a manipulator, at the end of which there is a camera with a customizable lens. The nature of the discovered "book" is not yet fully clear.
Perhaps these ancient drawings depict not alien astronauts, but people from advanced cultures in protective suits-overalls, so as not to infect and not to get infected themselves. From books: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, editor-in-chief S.I. Vavilov, The State Scientific Publishing House "The Great Soviet Encyclopedia", vol. 1, 1949, Hefling G., All the "miracles" in one book, M., "Progress", 1983
Two ancient bronze Japanese figurines. The big one (on the right) is almost 60 centimeters tall. It appears that their heads are wearing helmets with holes for breathing. Some believe that these are intercom devices. The "glasses" of an astronaut or modern epidemiologists are also striking.
A fresco from Sefar (the Sahara region near Tassili). At the top is a figure resembling a diver or a doctor in a special suit. Below is a "Martian" or a man in a protective suit.
On the left: the figure of a priest from Val Camonica (Northern Italy). isn't he a doctor with an ante
A round "spaceship" on a cult object from Mexico. Isn't the moment of the cosmonauts' arrival on Earth depicted here? Among the "technical accessories" animals, flowers, fruits are distinguishable.
This white-bordered light yellow figure measuring 180x140 centimeters seems to be dressed in a tight-fitting special suit with handlebars on the shoulders and ante
"The Great God of the Martians" from Jabbaren, Tassili. Or a man in a special suit?
This fresco from Jabbaren, Tassili, was hidden under a dense layer of slate dust. Is it possible to say that the huge figures depicted on it are dressed in special overalls? Some experts believe that there are drawn arrows from the bow with tufts of feathers on the head.
On the left: drawings of Australian aborigines. On the right: the image of the Japanese "kappa", or "reed man" – 8th century A.D. There are many legends about him. He allegedly could fly through the air at an incredible speed.