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To reduce calories. If you need to reduce your fat intake, remove butter, cream, cheese or cream cheese from the plan. Similarly, if you need to reduce your protein intake in the plan, remove some lean meat added to the recipes.

2. Prepare ahead of time.

Be prepared, make sure you eat what you need to be full, and make sure you are satisfied with what you eat. If you have to force yourself to eat something, it won't work out in the end. This is just a guide on how you can eat on a ketogenic diet, so you can change what you eat!

Set a start date. Be realistic with yourself and set a date when you want to start. Be sure to have your shopping ready to start so there are no missed ingredients or surprises. Promise yourself to follow the plan completely and stick to the start date you set.

Get your refrigerator and pantry in order. When temptation comes up every time you open the cupboard, you may find it difficult to stick to your newfound dietary preferences. Ketosis is a process that happens in your body. You can't just break your diet. If you do, it can stall progress for up to a week before your body goes back into ketosis and starts burning fat again.

If possible, remove all high-carbohydrate foods and tempting meals from your kitchen to stay on track. You will likely need to buy some new keto ingredients for the plan, so be sure to read ahead and stock your refrigerator as needed.

3. Understanding Keto Flu.

Keto flu is a combination of symptoms that occur when you first switch to a low-carb diet. You may experience dizziness, headaches, fatigue, cramps, nausea, or fatigue for a few days after starting a keto diet. Don't worry, this is normal and can be dealt with.

The keto diet is also diuretic and can cause dehydration. With extra urination, you will deplete both the water in your body and your electrolytes faster. Your T3 (thyroid hormone) will decrease slightly and your cortisol levels will increase. Although keto flu affects everyone differently, you may feel some of these symptoms, but you can do something to reduce the symptoms or stop them completely.

Simply increase your water intake (or drink other keto-friendly drinks) and increase your electrolytes. You can use electrolyte supplements or take multivitamins that include potassium and magnesium. Also, add salt to your food or water to help.

4. Stop mindlessly snacking

Snacking not only increases the number of calories you consume per day, but it also causes insulin spikes every time you eat small meals. It's really best to eliminate all snacks when you're on the keto diet to see the best results. Keeping snacking to a minimum will allow your body to use fat stores as energy and allow you to succeed.

Last but not least, just do it. Reading, researching and pla

Week 1 of the keto diet meal plan

Our main goal here is to stay fairly simple at first. At first glance, simplicity is key for those just starting out on a low-carb diet. You don't want it to be a difficult transition (in terms of cuisine) because at first it will be hard to just get rid of your cravings. You don't want to spend too much time cooking and diligently preparing meals.

Leftovers will be another thing you take into consideration. Not only will it be easier for you, but why bother cooking the same meal more than once? Breakfast is something that is usually made from leftovers when you don't have to worry about it in the morning. Take the food out of the refrigerator, cooked for yourself, and walk out the door. It doesn't get much easier, does it?


For breakfast, you want to make something pretty quick and tasty, and of course, leftovers. It's better to start the first day on the weekend. That way, you can make something that will last you all week (or so). The first week is all about simplicity with flavor. No one wants to make breakfast before work, and you don't have to! Focus on making flavorful breakfasts that you can make as a last resort or save for the week.

There are plenty of low-carb options so you can get an idea of the overall week on the ketogenic diet. If you want to add more variety, feel free to browse our breakfast recipes for more ideas. You can substitute any of the breakfasts in the plan with recipes for similar meals.


You can basically rely on salads you can make the night before, if necessary. You can divide the salad and dressing into components separately and take them with you in the morning beforehand.

Salads will be mostly protein with leafy greens. This helps with micronutrient intake and is extremely helpful with fat intake while keeping carbs low. You can also add spices and seasonings to the salad to your liking. Just be careful with onions and garlic powder, but most other spices are low in carbs in small amounts.



Garnishes and snacks.

As a general rule, it's best to keep snacks to a minimum to minimize insulin releases.

No dessert the first week. Studies show that cravings for sweets are significantly reduced if you give up sweets for a while.

Foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet:

Fish and seafood

Low-carb vegetables





Nuts, seeds, and healthy oils

Plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese


Unsweetened coffee and tea

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in B vitamins, potassium and selenium; it is also rich in protein and contains no carbohydrates. Salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna and other oily fish boast high levels of omega-3 fats, which have been found to improve hemoglobin levels. Studies have shown that frequent fish consumption is associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease as well as improved mental health. Try to consume at least two servings of 85 grams of oily fish per week.

Low-carb vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are low in calories and carbs, but high in nutrients, including vitamin C and several minerals. They also contain antioxidants that help protect cells from free radicals. Aim for non-starchy vegetables with less than 8 grams of net carbs per cup. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, bell peppers, zucchini and spinach meet all requirements.


Cheese has no carbs and lots of fat, making it ideal for the ketogenic diet. It is also rich in protein and calcium. Note that a 28-gram slice of cheddar cheese contains about 6 grams of saturated fat, which the Heart Association recommends limiting to reduce the risk of heart disease.