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«In effect. He assigned me another task to occupy my time. Should I succeed, the archmage will forgive me my transgressions. Should I fail. . well, I'll hope for a nice beheading or garroting, but I'm not so unrealistic as to expect anything that quick.» «What task?» «A number of males have eloped from their families, and not to a merchant clan or Bregan D'aerthe either but to an unknown destination. I'm supposed to find them.» Pharaun took another sip, then offered the flask again. «What did they steal?» asked Ryld, waving off the drink. Pharaun smiled and said, «That's a good guess, but you're wrong. As far as I know, no one walked off with anything important. You see, it isn't just a few fellows from one particular House. It's a bunch of them from any number of homes, noble and common alike.» «All right, but so what? Why does the Archmage of Menzoberranzan care?» «I don't know. He offered some vague excuse of an explanation, but there's something—several somethings, belike—that he's not telling me.» «That's not going to make your job any easier.» «How true. The old tyrant did condescend to say that he isn't the only one interested in the fugitives' whereabouts. The priestesses are equally concerned, but that emphatically did not make them want to join forces with Gromph. Matron Mother Baenre herself ordered him to drop the matter.» «Matron Baenre,» said Ryld. «I like this less with every word you speak.» «Oh, I don't know. Just because Triel Baenre rules all Menzoberranzan, and I'm about to flout her express wishes. . Anyway, the archmage says he can no longer investigate the disappearances himself. Seems the ladies have their eyes on him, but, lucky me, I am not so burdened.» «That doesn't mean you're going to find the missing males. If they fled the city, they could be anywhere in the Underdark by now.» «Please,» said Pharaun with a grin, «you don't have to try to cheer me up.

Actually, I'm going to start looking in Eastmyr and the Braeryn. Apparently some of the runaways were last sighted in those declasse vicinities, and perhaps they linger there still. Even if they do intend to depart Menzoberranzan, they may still be making preparations for the journey.»

«If they've already decamped,» Ryld said, «you might at least find a witness who can at tell you what tu

«Quite, and by a happy coincidence you have the look of a drow in need of a break from his daily routine. You know you're bored to death. It's painful to watch you grouch your way through the day.» Ryld pondered for a moment, then said, «All right. Maybe we'll find out something we can turn to our advantage.» «Thank you, my friend. I owe you.» Pharaun took a drink and held out the flask again. «Have the rest. There's only a swallow left. We seem to have guzzled the whole pint in just a few minutes, though that scarcely seems possible, refined, genteel fellows that we—»

Something crackled and sizzled above their heads. Waves of pressure beat down on them. Ryld looked up, cursed, scrambled to his feet, and drew a dagger, meanwhile wishing he'd strapped on his weapons before stepping outside Melee-Magthere.

Pharaun rose in a more leisurely fashion. Well,» he said, «this is interesting.»