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The nightmare was rushing in to finish him off. He swung Splitter, and this time the demon was too committed to the attack to halt its forward momentum. The greatsword slashed through its neck, nearly severing the head with its luminous scarlet eyes. The steed toppled sideways and rolled, leaving a trail of embers. The rider tried to jump free, but he was too slow. The nightmare crushed him on its way to the ground. Ryld tore open the dead male's purse, then floated down to the demon horse and checked the saddlebags. There were no potions or any other means of mending a wound. Why, he wondered, should he expect to find such a thing among the noble's effects? The noble had come to the Braeryn for some lighthearted sport. He hadn't believed the goblins couldn't hurt him or that he was in any other danger, so why bring a remedy for grievous harm to the festivities, even if he was lucky enough to possess one? There were only five hunters who'd come there with a deadly serious purpose, prepared to cross swords with formidable foes: Greya

The gap between this house and the next was five yards across. He took a ru

«Do you have any healing magic?» Ryld asked. «If so, give it to me, and I'll let you go.»

The other warrior smiled unpleasantly and said, «My comrades will start arriving any second. Surrender now, tell me where Pharaun is, and perhaps Princess Greya

Ryld looked at the twin with the sword cut in his flank. The male appeared to be unconscious, which would facilitate searching him. Ryld hobbled over to him to rifle his pockets and the leather satchel he wore on his belt. Blessedly, he found four silver vials, each marked with the rune for healing. Greya

He watched the mass of darkness he'd created tumble and zigzag drunkenly through the air. Stung, suddenly and inexplicably sightless, the winged mount inside had panicked, and Greya