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“Isabella!” exclaimed the duchess. “You will not be alone. By stating his i

“Oh, Isabella,” said Afonso.

His voice had pathos in it.

“You don't have to worry about your safety. You have nothing to fear. I am perfectly capable of handling a weapon. Please, uncle, let me take with me not an instructional sword but a real one so I can protect the infanta from ill-wishers.”

“Of course, Afonso,” Pedro answered assuringly. “It is always prudent to take the best weapons on long journeys. You can choose any weapon from the king's arsenal.

“And, for you, my Isabella,” Pedro continued, “I will also be reassured. I will remember that next to you is the son of a hero of Portugal, my brother, King Edward I, who showed himself as an incomparable navigator and an unsurpassed hero in the African wars. Afonso’s son is his blood, so he sees what is destined to happen to him even in his dreams.”

The duchess joined the conversation. “Your cousin, my dear Isabella, is as noble and brave as his father. We would not send you if we were not sure that you would be in safe hands.”

“Thank you, uncle and aunt, for your kind, faithful words about my father and me,” said Afonso proudly, with a twinkle in his eye.

After breakfast, Fernando, overjoyed to hear of Afonso's departure from the palace, went to his room in high spirits. He loved and respected his brother and had always trusted him, but deep down, he still feared that Afonso might become his potential love rival.

“Now, no one can stop me from wi

He carefully took the poems he had written the night before and reread them, kissing the place where the name “Isabel”’ was written. He took a quill and wrote on the back, “From your admirer.” Then he carefully rolled up the parchment with the verses, tied it with a scarlet string, and lightly applied floral oil to the edges of the parchment. He then headed to the part of the palace where Isabel's room was.

As he walked down the corridor that led to her room, Fernando slowed his pace. His heart was pounding. When he was sure the corridor was empty, he walked to Isabel’s door, tied the parchment to the doorknob, knocked on the door, and ran back down the corridor. He hid behind a column and listened. Soon, he heard the door open. Now Fernando could not only hear his heart beating, but he could feel an intense throbbing in his temples. Fernando heard the sound of the door closing, and he breathed a sigh of relief, satisfied with the thought that everything had gone as pla

“Will she understand that the poems are from me?” Fernando thought as he went back to his room. “She couldn't help feeling that I was madly in love with her, although I tried not to show it outwardly,” he reasoned. “And how would she feel about that if she understood that?”

He entered his room, approached the mirror, imagined her in front of him, and said, “Isabel, may I reveal my feelings for you? When I saw you for the first time, my heart immediately told me that destiny had sent you to me. I fell in love with you at first sight. I dream of you day and night.

“So let me offer you my hand and heart,” he continued. “Let me become your suitor. If you are unsure of your feelings, I beg you not to refuse my request. Let me prove how strong my love is. I am sure you will experience the same feelings for me as I have for you in time.”

As he walked over to the bed, he lay down and imagined Isabel untying the parchment string and reading his poems. Then his head began to fill with other things, and his thoughts sweetly stirred until he dozed off, nestled against the pillow.

The ship on which Prince Afonso and infanta Isabella were to set out on their first sea voyage was outfitted in a matter of days.

In the palace, everything went on as usual. The duke and duchess began to feel anxious two weeks later, waiting to hear from their daughter, and dreaming and praying that their plans would come true.

Finally, the duchess received the long-awaited letter from Isabel, which said the following:

Hello, Momma.

For several days now, we have been sailing, admiring the vastness of the sea, the sea creatures and fish, the sea birds, and the beauties of the lands we observe as we sail along the coasts of many countries.

I am very grateful to you, Momma, for your instructions, and I always try to follow them when I have the opportunity. Afonso, unfortunately, is not affected by my passion. He spends more time on deck than in the cabin with me, admiring nature and talking at length with the ship's captain, listening to his tales of military adventures in which he once participated. He also engages tirelessly in sword fighting with the attendant you sent with us.

While trying to set his heart on fire, I suddenly discovered that I had fallen madly in love with him, and I no longer feel the same way about him as I had. I saw him as a real gentleman, and I couldn't think of anything or anyone but him. And this feeling has become painful because he does not see me as a senhorita.

The ship's captain said we would be docking at our destination tomorrow morning. As you instructed, I will give this letter to our escort. My only hope now is in my Aunt Isabella of Burgundy, whom you asked for help with our plans. I pray to the Almighty for help for our whole family and me.

Your devoted daughter,

Infanta Isabella.

Two months later, a second message was delivered to the palace. The Duchess of Burgundy sent her trusted man on a merchant ship to Portugal. As was commanded, he handed the letter to Duke Pedro and told him: “Your Highness! I am sailing back to the Duchy of Burgundy on one of the merchant ships in three days. If your Highness wishes to send Her Serene Highness a message, you may do so through me.” Pedro thanked the messenger and said he would give him a letter on the day he sailed.

After the messenger left, Pedro immediately sent a servant to fetch Duchess Isabella.

As soon as Isabella entered the duke's study, she immediately guessed from her husband's enthusiastic face that news had come from Burgundy.

She hurriedly approached his desk, and as she sat down, she noticed a rolled-up parchment with a wax seal in Pedro's hands.

“Oh, my darling! Oh, my Pedro! Oh, what I see!” Isabella began to exclaim in ecstatic laughter. “How kind of you not to have torn the wax and instead waited for me so we could hear the long-awaited news together. The letter, of course, was not sent by our daughter,” the duchess concluded with a sad note in her voice. “I see the seal of Burgundy stamped on the wax seal.”

“You are very observant, my keen Isabella,” Pedro remarked, tearing the sealing wax carefully from the parchment.

Unrolling the parchment, he began to read:

My dear brother, Pedro,

Forgive me for taking so long to send word. I did not want to disturb you until the ice between Afonso and Isabella broke.

As you asked me to, I created the most favorable conditions for my dear nephew and niece. They traveled together to the most romantic parts of Burgundy, riding through our forests and taking part in forest hunts. One day, at my instruction, the guards on the hunt fell behind the prince and infanta by staging a wild boar chase. This took place by the lake, where a chic, well-protected hut had been set up beforehand. As pla