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"Jackson's dead," Crockett said with a certain satisfaction. "Tried to stop the rout, started hitting out with that God-damned sword of his, and somebody shot him right out of his saddle."

I said, "They say the Emperor has disappeared."

"He commandeered the St. Louis steamboat," Houston told me. "Guess that's where he's bound."

"Will you be joining him?" I asked. "If you can escape from the city?"

"No." Crockett spat. "Had enough of soljering. Me and Sam figure to head out west. Trap furs or something."

"Want to come along?" Houston gri

"Thank you," I said, "but I think not. I believe I know where I can find employment. Once order has been restored, Madame Letitia's establishment should find itself doing a great deal of business. I'm sure she will need a good pianoforte player."

"Then so long." Crockett slapped me on the back. "And good luck."

"To you as well," I said, meaning it; though I had full faith in their ability to survive and escape, if any men alive could do it. "Bo

"Yeah," Houston's voice drifted back through the darkness; and then, with a sardonic chuckle: "Vive l'Empereur…"


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