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58. Inverness with The adjacent Country, including to Nairn upon the East (with the Field of Battle near Culloden, Aprile 16, 1746) and the Kings Road to Fort-William upon the Southwest [1746] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top. 48.60.a-b

59. A map of the Kings Roads, Made by his Excellency General Wade in the Highlands of Scotland… [1746] / Willdey, Thomas; Cooper, Richard // NLS. Newman 1152(1)

60. March of the Royal Army in Scotland with an Exact Plan of their Different Encampments and the Country from Cullen to the Isle of Skie [Skye] [1746] / Paterson, D[aniel] (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/491

61. A Map of the Roads of Communication through the Highlands; With the Rivers, Bridges, and adjacent Villages [1746] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.48.56

62. A New Map of North Britain done by order of the Right Honourable the Earl of Albemarle, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in Scotland [1746] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.22

63. A Map of Taynish, Duntaynish, Scotnish, Ardnafadbeg, Barbay, Ardnakog, Turbuskel, Upper Fernogh, Barna-shalog, Barbrack, Barbay in Ross, Ardbeg, Barcormick, and Kilmurrey, all contiguous, situate in the Shire of Argyle and kingdom of Scotland, belonging to Roger MacNeil, of Taynish, Esq. [1747] / MacDougal, Stephen (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.49.28

64. [The Military Survey of Scotland: the original protraction of northern Scotland, north of Edinburgh and Glasgow, with parts of the Lothians, Peebleshire, and Lanarkshire, 1747] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.25.1a [lb.c, Id, If]

65. [The Military Survey of Scotland: another reduction from Maps K.Top.48.25.1b, c, 1747] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps 175.t.3

66. Plan of the Grounds adjacent to Fort William [1748] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.37.1.a [Acc.3572]

67. Sketch of the ground about Braemarr Castle [1748] / Watson, David (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/32c

68. Sketch of the Ground about Corgarff [1748] / Watson, David (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/35a-b

69. A Survey of the Road made by the Detachmt. Of Genl. Guise’s Regt. In Brae Marr; begi

70. Explanation [of «А Description of Part of the Highlands of Scotland», showing clans which rebelled in 1715] [1749] / Manson, John (DM) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/41b

71. [Survey of Ardeseer [Ardersier] Point Copied from an Original Plan of Campbell of Calder Place dated 1749] / [Campbell] //TNA. MPHH 1/288

72. A Plan of the Point of Arderseer and two miles of Ground round it with the Number of Acres contain’d therein Expressing the soils and persons Possessions [1749] / Ski

73. View of Culloden Moor taken in 1749 by General William] Ski

74. A Survey of the King’s Roads between Blair Gowrie [i.e. Blairgowrie] and Spittle of Glen Shie [Spittal of Glen-shee] shewing in Yellow what is wanting to compleat the same [1949] / Bramham, James (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/497 [TNA. WO 78/1876]

75. View near Loch Ra

76. A Description of Part of the Highlands of Scotland [showing clans which rebelled in 1715,1749] / Manson, John (DM) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/41a-b

77. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [1749] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

78. Survey of Part of the Road from Sterling to Fort William; Made by the Party of Genl. Pultneys Regiment in 1749 / Morrison, George (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/39a-c

79. Survey (No. 4) from the Bridge of Dalcie to Nairn; from thence to the Ferry of Findorn, near Forres, measuring 18 1/2 miles [1750] /Campbell, George (Eng.) //BL.MapsK.Top.48.71

80. Survey (No. 2) [of the Road] from the Water Findorn to the Water Aveun, Measuring thirtyfive miles [1750] / Campbell, George // BL. Maps K.Top.48.69

81. Survey (No. 3) of the Water Findorn from the ferry near Forres to the Bridge of Dalcie, measuring 14 1/2 miles [1750] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.70

82. Survey of the different Parts of the Road joyned betwixt Blair Gowrie and Braemar; Made by a Detachment of one Hundred Men of Lord Viscount Bury’s Regt. in the Year 1750 / Morrison, G[eorge] (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.67

83. Survey (No. 1) [of the Road] from the Water Aveun to Braemar Castle, Measuring twentyseven miles [1750] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.68

84. Inverness to Fort William [1750] // BL.MapsK.Top.48.61

85. A Survey of the Road made by the Detatchments of Col. Battereau’s, Genl. Guise’s, and Col. Rich’s Regiments between Fort William & King-Loch Levan, 1748 and 1750 / Archer, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.66

86. A Survey of the Road made by the Detatchments Colin. Rich’s & Genl. Guise’s Regts. between Fort William & the head of King-loch Leven 1750 / Archer, John (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/40a

87. Stirling to Amulree [1750] / [Roy, William (Eng.)? Or Sandby?] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.64

88. Survey of the different Parts of the Road joined betwixt Blair Gowrie and Braemar, made by a detachment of one hundred men of Lord Viscount Bury’s regiment of foot, in the year [1750] / Morrison, George (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/38a

89. [Contents page for a book of «Forts in North Britain» 3rd Division, including Edinburgh, Sterling, Dumbarton, Blackness, Braemar, Barracks of I

90. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [1750] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

91. A Survey of Part of the Murray Firth Shewing the Situation of the New Fort at Arderseer [1750] // BL. Maps K.Top.50.22

92. A Plan of Fort Augustus with the adjacent Lands 1750 / Daubant, Abraham (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1647 Z.02/67a-c [TNA. MPH 1/239]

93. Survey from the Castle of Cargaff to the Castle of Braemarr three different roads [1751] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.73

94. Survey from Fort George at Arderseer to Bellamoor in Strath Spey, measuring thirty miles and a half; Also showing the Angles of the Surveys made in that Country last year [1751] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.72

95. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [copy of item (5), 1751] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

96. A Survey of the Points of Arderseer and Cha

97. A Survey of the Lakes between Inverness & Fort Will[ia]m, with the Roads of Communication from one Garrison to another [1753] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.61

98. Plan of Part of the Road from Perth to Fort George between Braemarr and Corgarff Barracks, made by 4 Companys of Col. Holmes’s, 2 of Lord George Beauclerk's, and 1 of Lieut.-Gen. Skelton’s Regiments of Foot, in Summer of 1753 / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.74

99. A Plan of a Part of the New Road from Perth to Fort George, done by five Companies of Lord Charles Hay’s Regiment, in Summer of 1754 / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.75

100. Survey from Fort George at Arderseer [Ardersier] to Bellamoor [near Nethybridge] in Strath Spey, Measuring thirty miles and a half [1755] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // TNA. MPHH 1/36 [TNA. WO 78/1821]

101. Plan of the Roman Camps and Posts near Ardoch in Strathallan [With details on a larger scale. Shows «His Majesty’s Military Road from Crieff to Stirling», 1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.79.2.a-b

102. The Military Survey of Scotland [1747–1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) [Sandby, Paul (DM), Chamberlain, Thomas (DM)] // BL. Maps 175.t.3.K.Top.48.25.1e [48.25.1a; 48.25. lb.c; 48.25.ld; 48.25.1f]