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56. Artificial oxygen carries

Artificial oxygen (O2 ) carries aim at improving O2 delivery Artificial O2 carries thus may be used as alternative to allogeneic blood transfusions or to improve tissue oxygenation and function of organs with marginal O2 supply. Artificial O2 carries can be grouped into modified hemoglobin (Hb) solutions and perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsions. The native human Hg molecule needs to be modified in order to decrease O2 affinity and to prevent rapid dissociation of the native tetramer into dimers. The O2 transport characteristics of modified Hb solutions and PFC emulsions are fundamentally different. The Hb solutions exhibit a sigmoidal O2 dissociation curve similar to blood. In contrast, the PFC emulsions are characterised by a linear relationship between O2 partial pressure and O2 content. Hb solutions thus provide O2 transport and unloading capacity similar to blood. This means that already at a relatively low arterial O2 partial pressure substantial amounts of O2 are being transported. In contrast, relatively high arterial O2 partial pressures are necessary to maximize the O2 transport capacity of PFC emulsions. Modified Hb solutions are very promising in improving O2 transport and tissure oxygenation to a physiologically relevant degree. Because cross-matching is u

PFC are carbonfluorine compounds characterised by a high gas-dissolving capacity, low viscosity, and chemical and biological inertness. Manufacturing an emulsion with very specific characteristics is a great technologic challenge. After intravenous application, the droplets of the emulsion are being taken up by the reticular-endothelial system, droplets are slowly broken down, the PFC molecules are being taken up in the blood again and transported to the lungs, where the unaltered PFC molecules are finally excreted via exhalation. The ability of PFC emulsions to transport and efficiently unload O2 is undisputed. With the application of perflubron emulsion, cardiac output tender to increase.

saturation – насыщение гемоглобина кислородом

emulsion – эмульсия

oxygen – кислород

solution – раствор

O2 transport – транспорт кислорода

tissure oxygenation – оксигенация тканей

physiological – физиологический

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