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Владислав Казанцев

Dangerous wars

Entertaining adventures and exciting chases, many shootings and terrible intrigues, lure the reader, already from the first chapters of Dangerous Wars, and accompany the whole story, especially when the moment comes to unleash its plot.


Emptiness and eternity, the depth of matter, the body without gender, the particles of the feminine and masculine principle.

You, the first parent of everything, mother and father in one person, in your womb, there are galaxies, stars, comets and everything that exists. Wandering wanderers, white and red, black and blue, giants and dwarfs, icy and molten, with various inhabitants.

The universe exists and when the universe disappears, fades and a new infinite darkness appears, the mysterious cosmos will be reborn.

Life can be found in its various corners, where the rule of the universal double division applies, that is, light and dark, top and bottom. Initially, one constellation was divided into two and so on, which led to the separation of the types of existence. Distances are constantly increasing, this has become a major problem for adventurers and explorers. The truth is solvable…

Sometimes it happens, great difficulties, like to create, defense structures "Security systems of migration space services". They are part of a polyline, interrupting the ability of flying vessels to make a safe, spatial and temporal jump.

But there is always hope for the good, and we will see this when a full-fledged, cosmic paradise reigns. Relations will improve between the galactic inhabitants, their laws and business. And no one will be afraid of the natives or any robbers in the sky.

The journey establishes contacts, the co

There are, for example, places where people live with the usual working standards. And there is the kingdom of kings, where people go, not to work, but to rest every day, and this is work for them. The tasks are performed by prisoners taken as slaves from other worlds.

Any plane, not only has coordinates on the map, but also heroes and villains, their irreparable troubles and experienced joys.

And now, in the galaxy where the Catamaster islands fly, on the surface of the Ribo

"L. G. G. T.-0X0X", is a model, on-board designation, of a flying truck consisting of metal boxes and blocks, compartments and cabins. Cargo and expedition, with the ability to move through time and space, at close and long distances. Controlled by a central computer system. Developed, good scheme, life support. The technical name, in Ribo

The equipment in question was purchased by the Halliford family of money businessmen. In co

His appearance was not much different from the faces of his peers, tall and thin, with light hair, pale skin, dark eyes, straight nose, slightly thin lips, fashionable unshaven. Tomaka, was the fourteenth capitalist in his line, but the first of them, a space explorer.

His parents, as stated in the medical certificate, were killed because of the inspector checking the cargo that Tomaki's father, Tita, and his mother, Trishna, were carrying. They were transporting food, flowers of the heron, which is quite harmless and has in itself, organic matter, very necessary for the health of people in the galaxy, on the islands of Catamastra.

Common heron, an edible organic plant, but it is sometimes confused with its sister belodo

Its sister is belodo

And, in the galaxy, on the islands of Catamastra, at the "Control check points", for such a plant, the death penalty is provided, as for an attempt at terror. Next, the isolation of the suspicious cargo, with its further destruction. Therefore, they pay a lot of money for the delivery of edible herons, which is associated with a certain risk to life, the possibility of accidentally mixing up these almost identical bushes and making trouble for themselves.

Rumor has it that Tomaki's parents are out of luck. During the inspection, the young controller did not understand, confused the useful grass with the poisonous one and made the decision "guilty" … a guard of order, a quick trial, execution of the sentence…although, in fact, it was …

Then, when more or less understood, the guilty and the judge were punished, by local law…executed, but more on that later.

A few years later, after these events, the business Tomake inherited, imperceptibly merged with his research and theories, he did not yet have a practice. The Flying Ferix had been captured by the Sky bandits, but by chance or not, it had been recaptured and returned to its true owner by the Space Guard. Tomaka Halliford himself has not yet left the confines of his planet.

All his long-distance affairs were performed by hired people, pilots, flight engineer, doctor, etc.