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Fig. 1.15.1 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A passenger on a bus or taxi.143


Fig. 1.15.2 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. Surfing, kiting, hang-gliding, rafting.144


Fig. 1.15.3 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A hot air balloon. An airship.145


Fig. 1.15.4 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A glider, a hang-glider, a para-glider, a wing-suit.146


Fig. 1.15.5 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. An arrow.147


Fig. 1.15.6 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A bullet.148


Fig. 1.15.7 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A soaring eagle.149


Fig. 1.15.8 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter or Finance. A stockbroker. A fund manager. The nature of his work necessitates that he always be in the state of the Knight of Disks.150


The defining feature of the Knight of Disks – remaining motionless and still in the flow of Matter (or Finance).


Section 2 – Cups or Hearts


The Cups or Goblets suit in Tarot. Hearts in a modern playing card deck.


The Cups suit is associated with a shift into the past, in accordance with the Water element. The energy of processes and events at the Svadhistana151 Chakra level.

Therefore, the Cups suit is responsible for emotions, feelings, and memories.


Zero of Cups


The cat came in from the room and, in passing, informed me that the Christmas tree had lost all its holiday lights, half its toys, consciousness, and had completely collapsed a bit.


Zero, according to the Kabbalah, is hidden, dormant potential, or something small and insignificant.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Zero Cups is the dormant potential of feelings, emotions, and memories. Or some insignificant memory or emotion.

For example, it may symbolize any sleeping living creature.


Fig. 2.0.1 Zero of Cups – the dormant potential of feelings, emotions. A tired and dozing bear.152


Fig. 2.0.2 Zero of Cups. A sleeping dog.153


Fig. 2.0.3 Zero of Cups. A sleeping tiger.154


Fig. 2.0.4 Zero of Cups. A napping parrot.155


Fig. 2.0.5 Zero of Cups. A sleeping fox.156


Fig. 2.0.6 Zero of Cups. A sleeping python.157


Fig. 2.0.7 Zero of Cups. A sleeping person.158


Fig. 2.0.8 Zero of Cups. A sleeping lion.159


A patient under anesthesia, someone stu


The defining feature of the Zero of Cups – an absence of emotions, memories due to some kind of "numbness".


One of Cups


To see Paris – and die!


"Ones", according to the Kabbalah, represent an impulse, a push, or a blow.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the One of Cups is some kind of impulsive emotion, a sudden memory, a movement of the soul.

For example, it may symbolize an impulsive kiss, a shout, a dog barking, a leap of joy.


Fig. 2.1.1 One of Cups – an impulsive emotion, a movement of the soul. Throwing one's hands up in joy.160


Fig. 2.1.2 One of Cups – throwing one's hands up in a flood of emotions.161


Fig. 2.1.3 One of Cups – some sort of impulsive emotion, a movement of the soul. A kiss of love.162


Fig. 2.1.4 One of Cups – a smile, laughter.163


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