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"You expect a riot, trouble of any sort? Perhaps you even pla

"Are you mad? Why would I want to do that?"

"Well, then, you wouldn't mind if we released the Ancient?"

"You ca

But the blaster was in Lieutenant Claudy's hand. "Oh, can't we? Look here, now. I've gotten a little of my own back. I've slapped you and made you crawl before your Earthie pals. I've made you sit here while I told you to your face what a low worm you are. And now I would love an excuse to blast your arm off in exchange for what you did to mine. Now make another move."

Arvardan froze.

Lieutenant Claudy laughed and put his blaster away. "It's too bad I have to save you for the colonel He's to see you at five-fifteen."

"You knew that-you knew that all the time." Frustration tore his throat into hoarse sandpaper.


"If the time we have lost, Lieutenant Claudy, means that the issue is lost, then neither of us will have much time to live." He spoke with an iciness that distorted his voice into something horrible. "But you will die first, because I shall spend my last minutes smashing your face into splintered bone and mashed brain."

"I'll be waiting for you, Earthie-lover. Any time!"

The commanding officer of Fort Dibburn had grown stiff in the service of the Empire. In the profound peace of the last generations there was little in the way of "glory" that any army officer could earn, and the colonel, in common with others, earned none. But in the long, slow rise from military cadet he had seen service in every part of the Galaxy-so that even a garrison on the neurotic world of Earth was to him but an additional chore. He wanted only the peaceful routine of normal occupation. He asked nothing beyond this, and for it was willing to humble himself-even, when it was necessary, to apologize to an Earthgirl.

He seemed tired when Arvardan entered. His shirt collar was open and his tunic, with its blazing yellow "Spaceship and Sun" of Empire, hung loosely over the back of his chair. He cracked the knuckles of his right hand with an abstracted air as he stared solemnly at Arvardan.

"A very confusing story, all this," he said, "very. I recall you well, young man. You are Bel Arvardan of Baro

"It is not only myself that is in trouble, Colonel, but all the rest of the Galaxy as well."

"Yes, I know," somewhat impatiently. "Or at least I know that that is what you claim. I am told that you no longer have papers of identification."

"They were taken from me, but I am known at Everest. The Procurator himself can identify me, and will, I hope, before evening falls."

"We'll see about that." The colonel crossed his arms and teetered backward on his chair. "Suppose you give me your side of the story."

"I have been made aware of a dangerous conspiracy on the part of a small group of Earthmen to overthrow the Imperial Government by force, which, if not made known at once to the proper authorities, may well succeed in destroying both the Government and much of the Empire itself."

"You go too far, young man, in this very rash and farfetched statement. That the men of Earth could stage a

"Unfortunately, the seriousness of the matter is such that I feel it vital that the details be told to the Procurator himself in person. I request, therefore, to be put into communication with him now, if you don't mind."

"Umm…Let us not act too hurriedly. Are you aware that the man you have brought in is Secretary to the High Minister of Earth, one of their Ancients and a very important man to them?"


"And yet you say that he is a prime mover in this conspiracy you mention."

"He is."

"Your evidence?"

"You will understand me, I am sure, when I say that I ca

The colonel frowned and regarded his fingernails. "Do you doubt my competency in the case?"

"Not at all, sir. It is simply that only the Procurator has the authority to take the decisive action required in this case."

"What decisive action do you refer to?"

"A certain building on Earth must be bombed and totally destroyed within thirty hours, or the lives of most, or all, of the inhabitants of the Empire will be lost."

"What building?" asked the colonel wearily. Arvardan snapped back. "May I be co

There was a pause of deadlock. The colonel said stiffly, "You realize that in forcibly kidnaping an Earthman you have rendered yourself liable to trial and punishment by the Terrestrial authorities? Ordinarily the government will protect its citizens as a matter of principle and insist upon a Galactic trial. However, affairs on Earth are delicate and I have strict instructions to risk no avoidable clash. Therefore. unless you answer my questions fully, I will be forced to turn you and your companions over to the local police."

"But that would be a death sentence. For yourself tool… Colonel, I am a citizen of the Empire, and I demand an audience with the Pro-"

A buzzer on the colonel's desk interrupted him. The colonel turned to it, closing a contact. "Yes?"

"Sir," came the clear voice, "a body of natives have encircled the fort. It is believed they are armed."

"Has there been any violence?"

"No, sir."

There was no sign of emotion on the colonel's face. This, at least, was what he was trained for. "Artillery and aircraft are to be made ready-all men to battle stations. Withhold all fire except in self-defense. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. An Earthman under flag of truce wishes audience."

"Send him in. Also send the High Minister's Secretary here again."

And now the colonel glared coldly at the archaeologist. "I trust you are aware of the appalling nature of what you have caused."

"I demand to be present at the interview," cried Arvardan, nearly incoherent with fury, "and I further demand the reason for your allowing me to rot under guard here for hours while you closet yourself with a native traitor. I tell you that I am not ignorant that you interviewed him before speaking with me."

"Are you making any accusations, sir?" demanded the colonel, his own voice ascending the scale. "If so, make them plainly."

"I make no accusations. But I will remind you that you will be accountable for your actions hereafter, and that you may well be known in the future, if you have a future, as the destroyer, by your stubbor

"Silence! I am not accountable to you, at any rate. We will conduct affairs, henceforward, as I choose. Do you understand?"