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Darla Cook, for being a sounding board, watcher at the gates, nag (her word not mine), and kindred spirit. Karen Wilbur, who got to read this book early. One of these years I'll be between books on your birthday and I'll actually have to buy you a present. To Shawn Holsapple and his Cathy, kindred spirits all. Sharon Shi

, who gave her expert feedback as the wonderful writer she is. Deborah Milletello, who I don't get to talk to nearly enough. Mark and Sarah Sumner, who I don't get to see enough of either. Never enough time to be with friends. Rhett MacPhearson, who is still writing delightful mysteries. Lauretta, I hope we get our families together for a trip sometime. Marella Sands, fine writer, and Tom Dre

an, where's that book?