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–Zarri.Huona, who had been standing at a little distance, watching her sister's thoughtful face with a smile, suddenly said.– Why is it so gray?"

" Huon!Zarri exclaimed happily, turning to her older sister.– I thought you weren't coming." Today is a special day…

– That's why I was released early. I see you wanted to do something?"Huona sat down next to her little sister.– So why are you so glum?"

– I really need your help. Can you come up to the Wards with me to fill the phylacteries?"

– Why do you need to fill your phylacteries?The elf asked in surprise as she glanced at the box.

– Need."I've started preparing for the Day of Eire, and for one of the rites I'll need the energy of the wind ward.

" Hmm." Well, at least it's clearer now.– Rising from the stone, Huon answered-Well, if it is necessary, then let's go to the Amulets.

– Hurray!jumping up from the rock, the young elf exclaimed happily.– I knew I could count on you!"

After descending from the lake down the path to the mountain ranges, the girls slowly walked along the wooded part of Temple Peak, and talked about abstract topics. During this month, huge rose trees and averin bushes were begi

– Can I ask around about Dragonborn?Zarri plucked a pair of bright blue sugar berries from a nearby bush.

– Don't call him that. "He has a name," said Huona, slightly offended, " So what do you want to ask about Trion?"

– I have a lot of questions. You're one of the lucky ones who managed to spend a lot of time with him.

– I think you'll have a chance to meet him in person tonight.– calmly and briefly answered the girl.

–Yes, but your relationship is much closer, so I'd like to ask you around before we meet in person."

" Ha…much closer," Huona whispered, smiling.

– The whole monastery is already buzzing about the fact that you are in love with each other.Smiling sarcastically and with interest, Zarri seemed to expect her sister's violent reaction.

– I was actually hoping you wouldn't hear me whisper.Huona continued calmly, ignoring her sister's words.– Yeah, it's hard to hide your love for the Son of a Dragon… but maybe it's just as well.

– You are now the beloved of a local deity.Zarri said dreamily.

" Ha, ha," Huona giggled, and like a modest girl, her cheeks turned a little pink.– In a way, that's true. Okay, stop embarrassing me, I thought you wanted to ask questions.

–yes. I've been wondering for a long time, is he really a dragon child?Ru

" Yes, his father was one of the priests of the Order of the Temple Archmagisters.

– You mean the Order of the Five Talons?"Zarri corrected her sister.

– I see you've delved into the history of the Ancients and the culture of the Dragon Pantheon.Huona said, turning to the girl in surprise.

– You have a lot of books on this topic.

– Did you go through my stuff?"Huona asked, sounding even more surprised, interrupting her sister a little angrily.

– No, you just left one of the books on the kitchen table. So I took it to read.

– Damn it, I'm so absent-minded."It's good to be in the house," Huona said. Please don't forget to give it back to me." These are Trion's books.

– I know there's still half a book of his notes near the end. I didn't expect to understand anything from this book, but thanks to his notes, in which he deciphered almost the entire history of the Order, I was able to read the original.

– Have you read the whole book? How long did it take?

– Not for long, two days.– dozhivaya sweet blue berries sugar, answered the elf.

– There's also a thick volume! You've mastered a huge book in a couple of days… you barely had enough time for ten pages before that!

– It's never too late to start improving, especially since the book is very interesting.

– Well, you can't even argue with that.She confirmed Huon's sister's words.

The girls came to the cliff, the bridge over which led further on the way to the Amulets. Old and rotten logs were attached with frayed ancient ropes, which made it scary to step on the bridge even with one foot, let alone cross to the other bank. In the days of the Ancients, there were unprecedented beauties here, but only now only the ruins of unimaginable architecture remind of the greatness of the civilization of the first elves. In the old days, the water in the current cliff lapped like a huge and raging river, passing through the entire Gaela Range and falling in a high waterfall almost at the top of the Temple Peak. The river was crossed by a wide bridge built of dark stone, which the Ancients extracted from the very depths of mountain mines, for the construction of especially beautiful architectural monuments. On this bridge, at one time, caravans and scientific expeditions passed, the path of which ran through most of the lands of Alletria, not even skirting the territory of the Norgs, and all that remains of it now is a few pillars that did not collapse, resting on the bottom of a small river barely visible below, on which mosaics and sculptures based on ancient legends are carved, barely distinguishable and

When Huona had taken a step and made sure that the bridge was still in use, she took her sister's hand and walked cautiously across the river. The tree crumbled with each light step, and Zarri squeezed her eyes shut, clutching her older sister's hand tightly as she walked with her eyes closed, still afraid to open them and see the bridge falling with them. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and Huona held her little sister by both hands so that she could safely get off the bridge, and then went on along the wooded path.

– So, what does it look like?Zarri broke the silence."Does he really look like a dragon?" With fangs, animal eyes, and a tail?

– Don't-her-t, what are you.the girl said, laughing.– He's just an elf like everyone else, just more agile and has stronger magical abilities.

– What about the scales? Everyone said there were scaly growths on his hands…

– "It has no scales," Huona answered, laughing even louder, and each time surprised by the stories of the young novices.– He has extraordinary drawings on his hands that resemble scales. But I do not know where they come from.

– The books don't say anything about it?Zarri asked, wanting to know more about Trion.

– There is no exact information, except that most of the members of the Order had such drawings, only each one has its own meanings and patterns. I'll ask Trion about it, see if he can tell me anything about such rites in the Order.

– All right, all right. One last question for now. We're getting close to the Wards anyway.

– Indeed, because of the conversation, I didn't even notice that we had come a long way through the forest, " Huona added quietly, pleasantly surprised by the circumstances.

– How does he kiss?Zarri asked with a wide smile, her eyes darting to her older sister's face as quickly as possible.

" Zarri!Huona drawled, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.– What kind of questions?"

" Hee-hee –" the young prankster laughed loudly, straightening her curls in the wind."La-aa-bottom, I was joking. You don't have to answer, but tell me about his magical abilities, since they are so powerful.

– No one else has such magic, not the mountain elves, not the sun elves that Trion belongs to, or the Norg shamans. It has something to do with his father and being a member of the Order of the Five Talons. He has incredible fire and wind magic, which he can effortlessly combine to form even more powerful spells, and he can also talk to various draconids-wyverns, hydra, and, of course, dragons. He can also make contact with other monsters, I've already heard a couple of stories.