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«How many days ago?» asked Gu

But the man did not know. He sniveled that sunshine had been removed from his life.

«That is too bad,» said Lhasa, who fought the urge to retch at this pathetic creature.

On the second day, Lhasa found fresh tracks.

The idiot bearers suggested it was a good place to dumb a tree and wait for the panther.

«This is where he has been, not where he is going,» said Lhasa.

«But panthers often return on their tracks,» the bearers said.

«This is not where he is going. I know where he is going. He is becoming a

They pushed on and almost within three minutes, one shouted out, pointing in astonishment to a wet track. Water was still oozing up into the paw print.

The bearers refused to proceed.

«Then this is the place you wish to stay?»

They both nodded.

«Then I shall go on alone.» They followed as he knew they would. They who followed were being followed, he knew from that special almost-silence behind them that comes when a predator stalks. Birds sing differently and ground animals disappear.

«Would you like to climb your tree now?» asked Lhasa. The bearers, who had been stumbling over one another, couldn't agree fast enough. Lhasa told them to give him the guns and the long brush-cutting knives so they could climb better.

The first gripped the trunk with his legs and shi

Thwack and Lhasa Nilsson got another man, another kneecap.

The first tried to crawl away, but Nilsson got the other kneecap and stomped the left wrist into shattered bone. The second lay on the ground, face forward, unable to move, his breath knocked out of him. With a savage kick, Lhasa shattered the man's left shoulder.

Naturally, if the men were found in this condition, it would be obvious that they had been beaten. But Lhasa knew he had an accomplice. The man with the broken wrist cried and begged Lhasa to spare his life.

«I will not take it,» said Lhasa, «even if you beg me, and you will, you smelly little monkey.»

Lhasa lit a cigarette, a gross foul-smelling local brand, and walked off into the jungle about thirty yards. The panther emitted his characteristic hiss and growl, and Lhasa heard the man scream, begging for quick release.

Well, he had promised he would not kill him, and he would not break his word. He heard the shrieks of terror, the growls, and then the chomping of bones. He wondered idly why chicken bones were dangerous for house cats but human bones didn't seem dangerous for the larger cats. Lhasa Nilsson finished the cigarette. He did not want to disturb the panther before the job was done. That wouldn't do. He checked the rifle again, quietly moving back the bolt. A copper-tipped beauty rested in the chamber.

Quietly, step by silent step, he made his way back toward the tree. With a sudden roar, the black panther, its open mouth still dripping blood, was launched in its leap at Nilsson. In the split second before he fired, Nilsson marvelled at the size and power of the beast. Surely the biggest panther he had ever seen. Then crack, thud, and the copper-tipped beauty went through the roof of the panther's mouth into the brain. Its charging body hurled Lhasa backward into a tangled vine, but he managed to block the claws with the stock of his rifle.

All in all, he was very relaxed, which was the only way to come out of one of these things alive.

He rolled out from beneath the leopard's heavy, twitching body. Its breath smelled like a sewer. He felt a numbing pain at his left shoulder. Why, the bugger had scored. His finger searched out the gash. Nothing too bad and it would look good for Gu

At the tree base, Lhasa saw the remnants of his bearers. Excellent. There would be no trace of a beating after that mauling. The bugger had been hungry indeed. Good thing. Sometimes, panthers wouldn't attack. Not like the beautiful water buffalo.

By the time Lhasa reached the hospital at what maps indicated as a town, the story had preceded him. It was just as he had told it at the village, just as the villagers had discovered the remains.

The village informed him that they would send the panther skin and two live pigs in thanks. Such was the generosity of Lhasa Nilsson that he a

He kept the pigs for himself. He liked fresh pork.

Dr. Gu

«I'm busy. Come back in a few minutes, please,» said Gu

«I'm wounded,» said Lhasa. «Even if I am your brother, I am wounded.»

«Oh, I'm sorry. I'll look at it now.» Gu

Dr. Nilsson cauterized the wound because there was no antiseptic in the hospital powerful enough to cleanse it. He used a knife heated over coals. Lhasa made no sound, but when he was sure the smell of his burning flesh was in his brother's nostrils, he said:

«I understand now how difficult it must be for you to know that if you had the proper medicines, you could cure people instead of just watching them go off to die.»

«What we do here, Lhasa, is better than nothing.»

«It seems an injustice though, to offer less than we can. It seems an injustice that because of money people must die.»

«What brings about this sudden sense of charity in you, Lhasa?» asked Gu

«Perhaps it is not charity, brother. Perhaps it is pride, I know what you can do, and to see a Nilsson fail day after day just for lack of money offends me.»

«If you are suggesting that we revert to our traditional family work, find another suggestion, at least one that wasn't decided finally twentyfive years ago. How does the wound feel?»

«As well as sixteenth century medicine can make it.»

«I am surprised the panther got that close to you. You never had that trouble before.»

«I am getting old.»

«You should have no trouble like this until you are in your seventies, considering what you know and what I have taught you.»

«You saw the wound. You see all the wounds. All the infections, tumors, viruses, broken legs, and all the things you ca

«For all that much money, Lhasa, oh, the lives we could save. Drugs, doctors, medical technicians. I could make a million dollars into a hundred million dollars worth of healing.» Dr. Nilsson returned the knife to the flames to cleanse it, because fire was the best antiseptic available in the primitive circumstances.