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"What the hell are you talking about?" Qui

"This is a phone conversation I had fifteen minutes ago." Galway tapped the switch, and his own voice abruptly came over the speaker.

Galway: "Galway here. What is it, Postern?"

Postern: "Look, I've only got a few minutes—this is the first chance I've had to get to a phone without any of the others around. Lathe and the other blackcollars are pla

Galway: "Speaking of Lathe, why didn't you tell me before you left Plinry that he was coming along?"

Postern: "Because I didn't know about it, that's why. Will you shut up and listen?

Lathe's pla

Groping blindly with one hand, Qui

Galway: "That's ridiculous. Athena's far too well guarded for them to even get into the city, let alone into the Security building."

Postern: "Maybe. But Lathe's going to try it—and if I were you, I wouldn't be too sure he can't pull it off. I only know a little of his plan, but I can tell you he sure as hell is confident he can do it."

Galway: "All right, settle down. What exactly do you know?"

Postern: "Only that he's preparing a couple of vans with laser protection and armor reinforcing and he's been talking to me about how to do high-speed sideways crabbing moves without turning them over. I think he's pla

"He's wrong on that one," Qui

Galway: "Even if that gets him into Athena—"

Postern: "Look, Galway, don't argue with me—it's not my plan. If you want to assume he can't do it, fine—sit back and watch."

Galway: "All right, just relax. Can you tell me where you're staying?"

Postern: "Ah—not really. I rode there in a closed van, and I'm not really sure of the location or address. Besides, you raid the place and I'm likely to get killed, too."

Galway: "Take it easy—we're not that stupid, you know. Can you tell me anything about the route Lathe plans to take to Athena?"

Postern: "Not really, but I know the final approach to the fence will be along New Hampden Avenue. Look, I've got to go."

Galway: "First tell me what numbers we're talking about. How many blackcollars does Lathe have with him?"

Postern: "I've only seen four: Skyler, Mordecai, Hawking, and Jensen. But hell, he could have a whole combat force lurking around somewhere for all I know."

Galway: "Yeah, well, I doubt that—he only had a pair of drop pods to work with. You said two vans?"

Postern: "Right—one's red and brown, the other's dark yellow. And for God's sake take it easy if you try anything—I'll be driving one of the damn things."

Galway: "Don't worry, we'll be trying to take all of you alive. One last thing—any idea yet of what your actual mission is?"

Postern: "Caine's been hinting that it involves getting into Aegis Mountain, but I don't know whether to believe him. Jensen's just come out of the store—I gotta go."

The tape ended. Qui

Galway nodded. "A quick one—the lab's ru

Jensen would've spotted them for sure, and I don't think taking him alone would've been worth losing Postern's ear into the rest of the group."


"He's worried and nervous—that much is obvious even without the analysis. He also lied about not knowing where they were holed up. Aside from that, everything else seems to be true."

"Or at least he thinks it is." Qui

"He got out of the Rialto Street trap," Galway reminded him softly, aware of the thin line he was treading. If he pushed Qui

"All right, you don't need to hammer it to death," Qui

"As a matter of fact," Galway said, ignoring the other's sarcastic tone, "the Ryqril have already sent authorization for us to try and capture them. I think they must have a tap into your communications systems."


Security work was difficult enough without the alien overlords continually watching over your shoulder. "Well, good," the general growled. "At last they're giving up on this stupid Postern game.

I'll get some units in position along New Hampden right away, set up a pincer and see if the idiots can hang on to them this time. Come on—you might as well be there, too. Just in case we need a quick identification."

And in case you need someone else there to share the blame? Galway wondered as they headed back down the hallway toward the elevators. But it didn't really matter. This time the element of surprise would be on Security's side... and this time Lathe was going to lose.


"Well?" Lathe asked Skyler as the latter entered the room and closed the door quietly behind him.

"He's got one, all right," the other said. "A beautiful high-power laser that we can tie a modulator into and that'll punch a bell-clear signal all the way out to the scout ship. Assuming it's still at one of its specified positions, of course."

"It will be," Lathe assured him. "Great—that means we won't have to find the one that Security'll have tied into their Athena headquarters. One less item to worry about. I presume we won't have any trouble getting to the laser?"

"Depends entirely on how big a mess you're willing to leave of Reger's men," Skyler told him.

"Considering that the man's still our ally, I'm not sure we really want to antagonize him at this point."

"In other words, you think I should ask permission to use his laser," Lathe said dryly. "I suppose you're right. But it'll probably cost us."

"Why? Reger's not using the laser himself—oh. Right. If Security manages to track the pulses he risks losing it entirely to them."

"Not certain, but possible enough to make him queasy. Well, I'll go talk to him. I think I know how to swing the deal."

"And you don't want to talk about it, of course."

"Not right now. Bug stompers all over this house, but you know how I am."

"Don't I ever." Skyler hesitated. "Lathe... if we can use his laser, one of the major reasons for this Athena thing is suddenly gone. You sure you really want to go through with it? There are a hell of a lot of ways it can go wrong, you know, and I'm not sure the potential gain is worth it anymore."

"If you mean A

"And if he really can't get us in?"